

The Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Years of MODIS Image Based on the Results of Surface Temperature Retrieval

【作者】 吴晓会

【导师】 刘劲松;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着科学技术的发展和环境的不断恶化,人们开始越来越多的关注自己周围环境的温度变化,比如:温室效应、城市热岛等。这些例子所涉及的温度都是指气温,而气温的最直接和最主要热源为地球表面,所以,地温的研究也开始成为必要。地表温度综合了地-气相互作用过程中物质和能量交换的结果,精确地测定地表温度,对于全球气候变化的研究、灾害监测及资源管理都有非常重要的意义。对本地接收的MODIS HDF格式原始影像数据,进行去条带、几何校正和大气校正等预处理工作。在ENVI软件支持下采用idl语言编写局地地温劈窗算法,计算每幅影像每个像元的地表温度分布。原始影像为全景影像,为了提高程序运行效率,需要进行裁剪,按照研究区的具体范围边界,给定一个研究区的掩膜,按照该掩膜的尺寸进行数据裁切。将裁剪后的结果转换成点阵图,选择出大于200K的值,其它的值为无效值。采用克里金插值法进行插值,将1km分辨率插值重采样成100m×100m,对于已经裁剪好的栅格数据做统计分析。与NASA网站上公布的同期数据产品进行计算结果的对比分析,取得了比较好的结果。计算出每天的地温数据,将每日的地温影像进行旬、月的合成,结合研究区域分析地温的时空演变规律。根据旬地温分布图,对地温典型区进行分析,探讨城市热岛、冷湖效应、焚风效应以及地温与河流、交通线路等的关系。通过分析地温与其它自然、人文活动的关系,揭示出一些规律,为指导人类的实践活动提供便利条件。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the development of science and technology, and the continuous deterioration of environment, much more people began to concern their ambient temperature changes, such as: greenhouse effect, urban heat island and so on. The temperature involved in these examples is the air temperature, and the most direct and important heat source of the air temperature is the Earth’s surface, so the study of the ground temperature became necessary. Land surface temperature combines the matter and energy exchange results of ground-atomoshere in the interaction.The accurate determination of the land surface temperature has a great importance for the study of global climate changes,disaster monitoring and resource management.For the local received original image data of MODIS HDF format, take the preprocessing of destriping、geometric correction and atmospheric correction. The land surface temperature distribution was calculated for each pixel of image using split window algorithm, which was converted to grid form in ENVI software. In order to improve the running efficiency ,the whole site of original image need to be cut. According to the study area boundary, cut the data according to the size of the study area of the mask. The results were converted into bitmap, then select the value greater than 200K, the other value is invalid. Using Kriging method,resample 1km resolution into 100m×100m for statistical analysis. Compared to the same period of NASA data products published on the website, the results of in this paper achieves good results. Calculate the daily land temperature data, then compose the product of a period of ten days and month, Take the synthesis of the spatial and temporal evolution of land surface temperature combined with the study area.Base on the temperature distribution, take an analysis of the typical area of land temperature,dicuss the urban heat island,cold lake effect,Foehn wind ,and the relation with the river、transportation lines and so on. By analyzing the land temperature with other natural,human activities, reveal some rules, and facilitate the activities of human’s practice as a guide.


