

Study on Special Products and High Quality Goods of Hebei Dao in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 袁丽丽

【导师】 陈丽;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 土贡,就是“任土作贡”,指臣属或者藩属向君主进献土特产、珍宝和财物。关于土贡的记载,最早可追溯到夏代。在汉代以前,贡与赋是合一的。到汉代时,土贡开始从赋税中分离出来,成为一种独立运行的制度。至唐代,土贡制度日臻完善。河北道是唐代重要的地方行政机构,本文力求对唐代河北道的土贡进行较为系统的研究。唐代前期,土贡在国家的财政来源中所占比例较小,实际上土贡的政治意义大于其经济意义。到唐中后期,政府的财政开支逐渐增大,政府需要尽可能地扩大财源。有关土贡的记载也日益增多,这说明土贡逐渐成为国家财政收入的重要途径之一。我们根据《新唐书?地理志》、《唐六典》、《通典》、《元和郡县图志》、《太平寰宇记》等史料,将有关唐代河北道土贡内容归纳整理为六大类:丝织品、日常生活用品、矿物、药材、食品、珍禽异兽。我们从中可以了解唐代河北道的主要经济作物、矿物等,而且对其产地分布、产量状况进行分析和研究,这可以反映出这一地区社会经济的发展水平和地方特色产业。丝织品在唐代河北道土贡中占有重要地位,故丝织业是唐代河北道的重头特色产业。我们还可以深刻了解土贡在河北道经济发展中的地位作用,这有利于我们探索土贡对当地政治、经济、社会生活等方面产生的一些深刻影响,同时对于我们了解当地的社会生活与人民的喜好都有一定的帮助。唐代时期,河北道向唐朝廷上贡或临时进献,这些都体现出地方对唐中央皇权的敬畏和礼仪,而且也反映了皇权的至上和封建等级制度的森严。即使在安史之乱后藩镇割据严重的情况下,各种名目繁多的进贡也成为政府财政的重要来源之一,同时这些贡物也起到维系唐朝廷和河朔藩镇之间关系的作用。

【Abstract】 Special products and high quality goods ,“special products and high quality goods from local”, refers to the liegemen gave the monarch some local and special products, jewelry and belongings. The earliest records about local and special products was Xia Dynasty. Before Hang Dynasty, local and special products were in taxes. In Hang Dynasty, local and special products began to separate from the taxes, and became a independently operating system. In Tang Dynasty, the system of local and special products increased perfect. In Tang Dynasty, Hebei Dao was the important local administrative institutions, we try to make systematic research on local and special products.In earlier stage of Tang Dynasty, the proportion of local and special products was very small in the source of state revenue and expenditure, and political sense exceed economic meaning. In the centre three-quarter, especially Tang Xuanzong, the financial expense of the government was serious, and enlarge the financial orgin. Local and special products was an important way of the financial expense, and the informations on local and special products grew in number or quantity. On the basis of“New tang book geographical ambition”,“Tang six Canon”,“Tong Dian”,“Yuanhe counties volunteers”,“Yuanhe counties district”,“Oneworld mind at peace”, we settle and classify contents of local and special products in Hebei Dao, silk fabrics, daily living equipment, mineral, medicinal materials, food, rarity animals. We may know the major commercial crops, mineral, and analyse and research the origin distribution and production status of the major commercial crops and mineral, and reflect developmental level of local economy and cultural industries with regional features, we may know the status and function of local and special products of Hebei Dao; we make for exploring effects on local polity, economy and social life of local and special products, it is helpful to know the local social life and people’s preferences. In Tang Dynasty, Hebei Dao gave the government of Tang Dynasty some local and special products, it reflected the revere and rite of local, and reported supreme imperial power and heavy feudal system. SiZhiYe was big in local and special products of Hebei Dao, and the crunch industry of Hebei Dao. Hebei Dao stayed in touch with the government of Tang Dynasty by local and special products. Even if under the condition of FanZhen regime after An Lushan Rebellion, all kinds of local and special products was the main source of government finance, in the meantime it held together the government of Tang Dynasty and FanZhen heshuo .

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【下载频次】228

