

An Investigation and Countermeasures for Residents’ Sport Consumption Situation in Jincheng City , Shanxi Province

【作者】 林杨

【导师】 郑金囤;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 体育消费是指消费者通过花费一定的时间、费用、精力享受各种体育劳务或服务产品,获得精神上和肉体上的满足,以达到健身、娱乐、休闲为目的的消费,它是现代生活消费的一个重要组成部分,作为体育产业的重要内容之一,从本质上讲属于满足人们享受和发展需要的消费。对一个地区居民的体育消费情况进行分析,不仅对整个社会消费结构的转变、消费模式的转化有十分重要的影响,而且对于促进商品市场的发展、国民素质的增强及群众体育的发展均具有十分重要的意义。就目前可查阅的资料来看,还没有针对晋城市居民体育消费情况的专门研究。因此,对晋城市居民体育消费状况进行调查研究是一项十分必要和迫切的研究课题,研究晋城市居民的体育消费状况、发现问题、寻求对策,对于晋城市体育产业的发展、体育运动的推广普及、体育产业的市场化发展都有重要的借鉴意义。体育产业的发展壮大也是提高国民素质、改善居民生活方式的重要途径,因此研究晋城市居民的体育消费、不仅弥补了空白,对于整个山西省体育消费的研究也具有重要的参考价值。本文以晋城市城乡居民作为研究对象,采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法多种研究方法,从晋城市城乡居民对体育活动的认识;居民参加体育活动的目的;居民参加体育活动的情况居民体育消费行为分析;居民未来体育消费投入态度和消费类型调查五个方面,对晋城市城乡居民体育消费的现状进行了研究。在其中分析了影响居民体育消费的各个因素,及不同分类人群的体育消费情况。得出结论如下:1.晋城市居民消费结构变化自2008年以来呈现出生存型消费下降、享受型消费上升、物质型消费下降、精神型消费上升的趋势。城乡居民的生活实现了从“温饱型”跨越到“小康型”的转变。2.全民健身计划及配套工程的实施促进了城乡居民的体育消费。3.居民体育消费需求是逐步上升,且呈增长趋势,体育消费环境将朝着不断优化和完善的方向发展。晋城市体育人口在总量上在持续扩大,整体素质在不断提高、结构上也在不断优化,女性人口在健身娱乐方面的消费需求不断攀升,老年人的体育人口比例有所增加,高学历、有职业群体的体育人口比例明显提高。针对存在的问题,提出促进晋城市居民体育消费的对策:1、培育体育消费者:增加居民收入、引导居民改进体育消费观念、扩大体育社会指导员队伍、建立民间体育机构和组织。2、做大做强体育消费资料市场。3、增加体育消费的时间和空间保障:居民余暇时间的增加与合理有效利用、加强城市规划及社区体育设施的建设、加强节假日体育锻炼组织与推广工作,推动假日体育消费。4、加强舆论导向,形成体育文化产业特色:重视发挥学校体育的作用、发展社区体育、在体育环境开发的发展中,不可忽视残疾人体育、体育彩票将成为体育产业新的增长点。

【Abstract】 Sport consumption is that consumers spend certain amount of time, cost, energy, labor or services that enjoy a variety of sports products, access to mental and physical satisfaction, in order to achieve fitness, entertainment and leisure for the purpose of consumption. It is an important component of consumption in the modern life. As an important part of the sports industry, it belongs to the people who enjoy and develop to meet the needs of consumption. It analyses the residents consumption, not only for the great influence of changes in consumption structure and consumption patterns of the society ,but also for promoting the development of commodity markets, national quality enhancement and the development of mass .Perspective on the information currently available, there is no sport for the consumption of Jincheng City residents specialized studies. Therefore, the state of sports consumption in Jincheng research is a very necessary and urgent research topics, which has a positive role in promoting sports and marketization of social development, improve the national physical fitness, improving the people’s consumption methods. And for the whole study of sports consumption in Shanxi Province , it also has reference value.In this paper, I will take Jincheng urban and rural residents as research objects, using literature, questionnaire surveys, expert interviews, mathematical statistics and logic analysis a variety of research methods, to make a survey of the follow five aspects: sports awareness of urban and rural residents in the Jincheng; purposes of residents participate sports; analysis of residents participate in physical activity; consumption attitudes and consumer input of residents in the future. Concluded as follows:1. The residents’ consumption structure change jincheng shows survival since 2008 XiangShouXing consumption reduced spending, rising, material type of reduced spending, spiritual type consumption rising trend. Urban and rural residents’ life realizes from "WenBaoXing" cross into "xiaokang society" transformation. 2. And supporting the project plan of fitness for the implementation of the urban and rural residents to promote the sports consumption.3. Residents’ sports consumption demand is rising gradually, and a growing trend towards, sports consumption environment will continuously optimize and improve the direction of development. Jincheng in total sports population in continued expansion, and the overall quality continuously improve, structure is also in constant optimization, the female population in fitness entertainment demand climbed, the elderly sports population increased, highly educated, proportion with occupational group’s sports population ratio markedly improved.To deal with the problems, the author proposes suggestion to the promotion of sports consumption in Jincheng City :1, Nurturing sports consumers: increase income, and to guide residents to improve the physical consumption of ideas, expand the community instructors sports teams, the establishment of civil sporting bodies and organizations.2, Making a bigger and stronger sports consumption market.3, Increasing physical consumption of time and space security: increasing the leisure time of the residents and make efficient use of it; strengthening the urban planning and community sports facility es ; strengthening the holidays, the organization and promotion of physical activity to promote the holiday sports consumption.4, Strengthening of public opinion to form a sports and cultural industry features: emphasis on school sports to play a role in the development of community sports; environment, do not ignore Disabled Sports in sports development. Sports lottery will become a new growth point of the sports industry.

【关键词】 晋城市体育消费现状对策
【Key words】 JinchengSport consumptionexisting problemscountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G812.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】368

