

Consideration of Humanized Design of Architecture and Its Environment

【作者】 宋艳茹

【导师】 蒋世国;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 现代建筑及建筑环境设计是现代科学技术与艺术手段、高技术与高情感相结合的产物。现代建筑及环境设计的人性化继承了设计的理性化和功能性,特别强调“为人而设计”的本质特征,是设计中人与物的和谐统一,是现代建筑环境设计发展道路的必然选择。众所周知,居住环境是人类最为重要的生存空间,随着现代化经济社会的发展和人类的进步,“以人为本”的居住环境日渐走进人们的生活。现代建筑设计人性化反映了人本关怀精神。人作为地球中最高级的生物的灵长类,进化到现在,我们会有很多的追求与渴望,并伴随多种行为,在进行设计时必须要尊重这种需求。我们的需求是天生的,并不断变化的,并产生各种各样的行为。那人类的生存方式就会去制造各种各样的东西。制作过程中又会产生各种需求,聪明的人类又会去设计这种需求,这些需求也是不断地改革创新的。亚伯拉罕·马斯洛是著名心理学家,他曾经早在研究人类动机时,就提出过重要的六大逐级上升的“需求理论”,理论表明需求不仅仅是生理的,而且还是心理的。“生理需要—安全需要—社会需要—爱的需要—尊重需要—自我实现的需要”。这些理论研究,告诉了我们,设计必须尊重人的需求,人性的需求,人类高情感的需求。在对中外优秀设计的追寻中,我们发现,任何一项有价值的设计无不体现着对人性的关怀。本文通过对住宅建筑设计人性化、现代生存空间、景观环境设计人性化、以及未来生态空间人性化的设计来探讨人性化在建筑设计中的重要性。

【Abstract】 Content: The modern architecture environment design is the combination of the modern science, art, technology and humanization. The modern architecture environment design humanization inherited the design rationalization and functionality, and emphasizes the concept of“human-oriented design”, which is the harmony between man and nature, and the way of the modern architecture environment design development. It is well known that residential environment is a necessity to human. With the development and progress of the human and society,“human-oriented”residential environment is a trend for our lives. The modern architecture environment design humanization reveals the concept of“human-oriented design”. As for human being, the requirement and desire is a necessity which will induce some motivation and behavior, and it the human nature. Above all, human desire and nature should be found out. Human desire is a nature and may be changed with the time, which is the motivation of the human behavior. So the human behavior will reveal the efforts for some requirements in a conscious or unconscious way, which is the basic source of human labor. Motivation is the idea for meeting certain requirements, which inspires the human behavior. Motivation is on the basis of the requirements, and desire and motivation induce the human behavior. Any human behavior has certain sense of purpose, and some achievements or outcomes will be expected. From this point of view, the human labor is the certain behavior which is based on the human desire. Human requirements stem from not only the nature, but also the desires created by himself. Human labor not only meets the desires, but creates the requirements, which is called the living design. Human desire is varied and versatile. Psychologist Abraham Masiluo has pointed out the famous“Need-hierarchy theory”, which reveals the nature of the design humanization. He pointed out that human desire can be divided into six levels from low to top:“the physiological needs - safety needs - social needs- beloved needs - respected needs the self-realization needs and the needs are both physiological and psychological. Any valuable design reveals the concept of human physiological and psychological needs from the history of art design at home and broad. This paper discusses the basic concept and method of“human-oriented design”architectural design from the view point of the residential architectural humanization, community space landscape environment and ecology environment design.


