

Study of Birds Diversity Community in Different Staged Wetlands at Anbang River Nature Reserve

【作者】 刘志伟

【导师】 李晓民;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 水生生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黑龙江安邦河省级湿地自然保护区位于三江平原腹地的集贤县北部,是典型的芦苇湿地为主的湿地类型自然保护区,保护区总面积为10295hm2。由于大面积开垦,到保护区建立时,湿地面积仅余2000多hm2。保护区建立后,开始了大规模的退耕还湿工作,目前已经退耕还湿2000多hm2,并成为国家林业局退耕还湿示范区。2009年和2010春季和秋季对安邦河自然保护区不同湿地恢复阶段鸟类多样性进行了调查。选取恢复初期、恢复中后期、原始湿地和农田四个生境,采用“大样方法”,对研究区域的鸟类群落进行多样性调查。共计录鸟类14507只,隶属于13目28科73种,其中雀形目鸟类为10科19种,占26.03%,非雀形目12目18科54种,占73.97%,在非雀形目中,记录到水鸟7目12科43种,占总记录种数的58.9%。4个样方中,春季鸟类群落Shannon-Wiener指数从大到小依次为原始湿地(1.78)>恢复中后期湿地(1.73)>恢复初期湿地(0.63)>农田(0.18);秋季鸟类群落Shannon-Wiener指数从大到小依次为原始湿地(1.38)>恢复中后期湿地(1.00)>恢复初期湿地(0.22)>农田(0.08)。恢复中后期湿地的鸟类群落多样性与原始湿地之间,恢复初期湿地的鸟类群落多样性与恢复中后期和原始湿地之间仍有较大差别。恢复初期的鸟类群落规模在春季与恢复中后期具有较高的相似度(0.66),但是有一定的差别,但恢复初期的群落规模还不能达到或接近原始湿地的水平和规模,恢复中后期湿地的鸟类群落在季节上(0.71,0.55)与原始湿地比较接近,具有较高相似度。说明恢复中后期湿地的恢复成果是比较明显的,恢复初期湿地也在一定程度上体现了恢复的趋势,但是,在水鸟群落组成以及规模上,恢复初期和恢复中后期并未体现出与处于核心区的原始湿地有较大的相似度,这也说明,处于恢复期的湿地与原始湿地在某种意义上来说还是有一定的差别。在生境因子的分析上,7种生境,除去居民区和农田荒地两种生境,以及相关性不大的灌丛外,其余四种生境因子,林地,草甸,水域和沼泽是影响此次调查的鸟类群落分布的主要因子,也是这4种生境因子决定了鸟类的栖息环境。鸟类对其有较高的偏好性和依赖性。通过对比分析,得出:恢复中后期的湿地生境与原始湿地还是具有一定差异,同时恢复初期湿地生境与恢复中后期和原始湿地差距更大,需要加大力度进行恢复。4个不同恢复期区域的鸟类群落调查分析达到了预期的目的,也说明该湿地保护区的湿地恢复成果是比较显著的。

【Abstract】 Anbang River Provincial Nature Reserve wetland is located in the north of Jixian Contry in Sanjiang Plain hinterland, it is a typical wetland with reed, and it’s about 10295 hm2. Due to large reclamation, when it’s established, just about 2000hm2 remanid. It was initiamated to return cultimated land to wetland from the time established. Now, about 2000hm2 has complete and become the state forestry administration re-wetland demonstration area The bird community composition research was conducted in Spring and Autumn at Anbang river wetland in 2009 and 2010. According to the different recovered stages,4 samples were selected, these were preliminary recovering wetland, almost recovered wetland, primitive wetland and farmland, and bird community diversity was carried on in it used quadrat method:14507 birds were recorded in Spring and Autumn in the four samples; the birds belonged to 13 Orders,28 Families,73 species. Among of them, Passeriformes were 10 Families,19 species, accounted for 26.03% to the total species, non- Passeriformes were 18 Families,54 species. It was recorded waterbirds 7 Orders,12 Families 43 species, and belonged to non-Passeriformes, accounted for 58.9% to the total recording, make up the main part of water birds community studying. The Shannon-Wiener index numbers, from the big to small, between May to June and August to September are primitive wetland (1.78,1.38), almost recovered wetland (1.73,1.00), recovering wetland (0.63,0.22), and farmland (0.18,0.08). The highest similarity of bird community is primitive wetland and almost recovered wetland (0.71, 0.55). There’s big difference about bird’s community diversity between the almost recovered wetland and primitive wetland, and the recovering wetland to the almost recovered and primitive wetland.In Spring, there’s a high similarity about the bird’s community scale (0.66) between the recovering wetland and the almost recovered wetland, but it has a big distance to be recovered to catch the primitive wetland, and a high similarity (0.71,0.55) between the almost recoved wetland and the primitive wetland in seasons. So, it declares an obvious recovery achievement in the almost recovered wetland, and the recovering wetland is following the tendency. However, in the constitude and scale of water birds, the recovering and almost recovered wetlands have a low similarity to the primity wetland, and the recovering wetlands needs more time to to be recovered. Seven habitat factors, except residential area, wasted land and less similarity bushwood, wood land, meadow, water area and marsh land are the main habitat factors to influence the bird’ distribute, and decide the birds’habitat area. Birds have a high preference and dependence to them.For the dates analysis, it was obtained that there was certain differences between almost recovered wetland and primitive wetland, the even more bigger differences between recovering wetland to almost recovered wetland and primitive wetland, and it needs to be recovered using more measures. So it reaches the expectant study purpose of bird community investigating in different habitat types, and it suggests the achievement of wetland recovery is remarkable.


