

The Structure Dynamic and Nich of Land Insect Community in Zhalong Wetland

【作者】 顾伟

【导师】 马玲;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对扎龙湿地昆虫群落的研究内容包括了群落结构、时空动态特点以及昆虫群落的物种多样性等方面,同时较为细致的探讨了扎龙湿地昆虫各类群间的相互关系。2010年7月至2011年6月先后对扎龙湿地不同地区及不同生境昆虫群落进行了系统调查,主要结果与结论如下:(1)通过选取扎龙村、烟筒屯、土木台和育苇场为样地以诱集夜间活动的昆虫为主,结果表明:扎龙湿地夜间活动的昆虫分属14目54科139种,以鳞翅目、鞘翅目和双翅目为优势类群。各区域昆虫群落种-多度关系均表现为对数正态分布。物种丰富度为扎龙村>烟筒屯>育苇场>土木台,而群落多样性和均匀度均为烟筒屯>扎龙村>土木台>育苇场,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)与均匀度(J′)和物种丰富度(S)时间动态关系表现为:烟筒屯Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)与均匀度(J’)和物种丰富度(S)均一致;扎龙村和育苇场Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)与均匀度(J′)一致,而与物种丰富度(S)弱相关;土木台Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)与均匀度(J′)和物种丰富度(S)均表现为弱相关。不同人为干扰方式对扎龙湿地昆虫群落结构和动态以及多样性产生重要影响。(2)对扎龙湿地内的湖边生境、芦苇沼泽、芦苇苔草沼泽、苔草沼泽、苔草-湿草甸、湿草甸、杂草甸、草原草甸8种生境的昆虫进行了系统调查。结果表明:捕获标本分属11目58科143种,其中直翅目、双翅目、蜻蜒目为扎龙湿地的优势类群。草原草甸昆虫多样性最高,湖边生境多样性指数和均匀度指数均较高,杂草甸均最低。聚类分析和主分量分析结果表明,不同生境的昆虫群落相似性与演替阶段和植被类型有关,捕食性类群种类数和个体数量对昆虫群落稳定性具有重要的调控作用。昆虫群落稳定性分析显示,湖边生境稳定性最强,湿草甸稳定性最弱。结论认为,对水资源的人为干扰能影响昆虫生存的生境,进而影响昆虫群落的组成和分布格局。(3)对扎龙湿地昆虫群落的空间和时间生态位,以及主要植食性昆虫类群营养生态位的研究结果表明,主要昆虫类群空间和时间生态位宽度差异均不大,各昆虫类群间存在程度不同的生态位重叠和种间竞争现象,各主要昆虫类群间生态位相似性比例系数均较大,蜘蛛类群对昆虫群落的调控作用显著;但除直翅目昆虫与蜘蛛类生态位重叠系数较大外,与其他捕食性昆虫均较小,说明直翅目昆虫受捕食性昆虫的影响有限,且在同一营养级内具有较大的竞争优势,研究认为在其个体数量较多时仍然需要采取一定的人为措施进行调控。

【Abstract】 Insect community in zhalong wetland was researched in this paper, including community structure, dynamic sequential character of space-time, diversity and so on. Moreover, the relationship among each group was discussed in zhalong wetland.(1) The present study collected samples of nocturnal insects, and sample locations included Zhalong village, Yantongtun, Tumutai and Yuweichang. The results are as follows:A total of 139 species belonging to 54 families in 14 orders were identified, of which Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Dipteral are the major orders. The insect communities of the Zhalong wetland have been analyzed, by using the curve of the insect community species-abundance, the indices of diversity, the connection of the evenness and the indices of diversity. The results reveal that the species rank abundance of insect of the Zhalong wetland fits a lognormal model. The species richness (S) of four different locations were Zhalong village>Yantongtun> Yuweichang> Tumutai. However, the evenness (J) and diversity index (H) were Yantongtun>Zhalong village>Tu mu tai>Yuweichang. The relationship of Shannon-wiener diversity index (H’), Pielou evenness (J’) and species richness index (S) were used to analyze the community diversity in different regions. In Yantongtun, the diversity index (H’) of the insect community was significantly correlated with the evenness index (J’) and the richness index (S). The diversity index (H’) was significantly correlated with the evenness index (J),but not with the richness index (S) in Zhalong village and Yuweichang. In Tumutai, the diversity index (H’) was not significantly correlated with the evenness index (J’) and richness index (S). Different interference from human activities affact structure and dynamics of insect community in Zhalong wetland(2) In order to study the influences of the different succession stages of Zhalong wetland habitat on insect species diversity under water disturbance, the systematic investigation of insects were conducted in eight types of habitats (the lake habitat, Reed marshes, Korshinky reed marshes, Korshinky marshes, Korshinky-wet meadows, Wet meadows, Miscellaneous meadow, Grassland meadow)in zhalong wetland. The results showed that a total of 5822 insects were collected, belonging to 11 Orders and 58 Families and 143 Species. Among them, orthoptera, dipteral and Odonata were advantage taxa. The species richness of insects was higher in Grassland meadow than other ones. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index and the evenness index of insect community were higher in the lake habitat, and the lowest in wet meadows. The results of clustering analysis and principal component analysis showed that the similarity of insect community in different habitats were relevant with water interference strength and vegetation types, and the species and individual numbers of predatory taxa had important regulation effects on insect community stability. The Insect community stability analysis showed that insect community at the lake habitat was the strongest, and wet meadows was the weakest. The results suggest that the water disturbance influenced the environment where insect community survived, and then influenced the species composition and quantity distribution.(3) The niche and competition among species of insect community in different habitats in zhalong wetland were studied. The results showed that there were obvious niche overlaps and competitions in different species which used the same resources. Space niche breadth values of main groups were similar, the same as time niche breadth values.niche similarity coefficient of insect community indicates that the difference between each group is not big. Spider groups are important regulator of zhalong wetland insect ecological system. But Orthoptera and Coleoptera、Odonata group space niche overlaps were no significant, Spider groups mainly effect orthoptera hardly effect others groups of predatory, research indicates that some measures should be implemented at habitat and period of larger number of orthoptera individual, so the relationship of insect group balance better now.


