

Network Research Group Events

【作者】 刘畅

【导师】 刘笑燕;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 网络媒体作为一个新兴的大众传媒工具,其功能日渐被公众所熟悉和了解,网络的匿名性和宽松的讨论氛围是它传播范围疾速扩大和社会影响力迅速提升的主要原因。近两年来,在这一公共虚拟平台下,人们的言论更加自由,公权力大、公益性强、公众关注度高的“三公问题”成为网民谈论的焦点。现阶段既是我国突发事件的频发期,又是网络传媒的扩张期。因此,实现社会和谐需积极防范和处置群体性事件中出现的又一新兴领域问题——网络群体性事件。本文从及时全面的向社会发布信息,掌控舆论,重视并做好信息的后续发布工作和加强媒体联动,形成舆论引导合力三个方面总结我国突发事件网络舆论引导策略的成功实践经验,并指出舆论引导难以突破的核心问题是政府的公信力较低,重振公信力是政府提升舆论引导效力的基本立足点。最后着重分析在建立网络舆情监测体系、构建政府与民众间的常设网络互动平台、强化“舆论领袖”的正面引导力、做好网上评论工作和发挥“把关人”的积极引导作用方面加强改进的必要性并指出具体实施措施。

【Abstract】 Internet media as an emerging media tools, their functions are increasingly familiar with and understanding by the public, the network’s anonymity and relaxed atmosphere of the discussion is moving rapidly to expand its range of communication and social influence of the main reasons for rapid increase.Past two years, in this public virtual platform, people more freedom of speech, a large public authority, public welfare strong, high public concern in the "Three issues" as users focus.At this stage is not only the frequency of incidents of, but also a network of media expansion. Therefore, to achieve social harmony and disposal groups need to actively prevent incidents in the emerging field there is another problem---the network group events.In this paper, a comprehensive and timely information to the community, control of public opinion, seriously and do follow-up information published work and to strengthen the media interaction, the formation of public opinion to guide summarizes three aspects together the network of emergency strategy to guide public opinion, good practice, and pointed out thatguidance of public opinion is difficult to break through the core problem is the lower the credibility of the government to revive the credibility of the government to enhance the effectiveness of public opinion, the basic point of lead.Finally, analyzed public opinion on a network monitoring system, build a permanent government and the public network between the interactive platform, strengthen the "opinion leaders" positive guiding force, work and play well online comments "gatekeeper" role in strengthening the positive improvement guideand pointed out the need for specific implementation measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D630;G206
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】667

