

Contradiction and Harmony-an Analysis of Mrs. Gaskell and Her Work Mary Barton

【作者】 韩萨日娜

【导师】 珊丹;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 虽然许多文学评论家已经分析了盖斯凯尔夫人的作品《玛丽巴顿》当中的阶级问题,妇女问题和伦理问题,相比较于《玛丽巴顿》的国外研究,在国内对盖斯凯尔夫人和她的作品的研究较少。许多研究只是对盖斯凯尔夫人的小说作了简单介绍。有些书试图从女性主义角度解释《玛丽巴顿》,但未能探索到其深刻内涵。所以对盖斯凯尔夫人和她的作品《玛丽巴顿》进行一个透彻的研究,以找出她对社会的影响是十分必要的。本文基于唯物辩证法理论,从哲学理论当中的矛盾统一理论出发分析盖斯凯尔夫人和她的代表作《玛丽巴顿》。通过分析盖斯凯尔夫人和她的作品《玛丽巴顿》,本文尝试探讨她本人与她作品中经常出现的矛盾与和谐。为了更透彻的分析这部作品,本文同时采用了例证法,解释法,定义法,对比法等。经过探讨和研究我得出三个结论。第一,中早期维多利亚时代动荡的背景造就了盖斯凯尔夫人矛盾心理。当时,封建社会开始动摇并且资产阶级呈上升趋势,其经济发展迅速。因此,在政治和经济上的巨大变化不仅给社会带来了许多冲突和混乱,而且对人的意识形态也带来了冲突和改变。面对资本主义社会和男权社会,盖斯凯尔夫人持有动荡不定的态度,这些意识形态的改变很好的体现在了盖斯凯尔夫人的作品《玛丽巴顿》当中,特别是体现在有关妇女地位概念的冲击等方面。第二,盖斯凯尔夫人矛盾心理造就了她小说情节的发展趋势即矛盾与和谐。矛盾无处不在,矛盾双方有对立性和统一性,事物发展过程当中统一性最终达到主导地位。盖斯凯尔夫人追求美好来建立人与人之间的和谐,她主张人们应该互相关怀与爱,她所创造的附有母性性质的男性角色和独立自主的女性人物有助于建立男性和女性之间的和谐。第三,盖斯凯尔夫最终主张人们应以爱和关怀来创建美好的世界,这对建立现代和谐家庭和社会具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。

【Abstract】 Although many literary critics have analyzed Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton on its class issues, women issues and ethical concerns, compared with the studies on Mary Barton abroad, the domestic studies on Mrs. Gaskell and her works were less considerable. Many researches just make general introduction to Mrs. Gaskell’s novels. Some books try to interpret Mary Barton from the perspective of feminism, but fail to explore deep connotation. So making an absolute research on Elizabeth Gaskell and her work Mary Barton and finding out her influences given to the society is of great necessity.Based on the theory of materialist dialectics, this thesis starts from the philosophy theory of contradiction and unity to analyze Mrs. Gaskell and her masterpiece Mary Barton. By analyzing Mrs. Gaskell and her work Mary Barton, this thesis attempts to explore contradiction and harmony of Mrs. Gaskell and her works. For giving a penetrating analysis to the work, this thesis also has applied some methods like exemplification, contrast and comparison, explanation, definition and so on.Detailed studies lead to three findings. Firstly, the unstable situation of early and middle stage of Victorian Age makes the contradictory mind of Mrs. Gaskell. At that time, the edifice of feudal society was wavering but the bourgeois was rising. Its economy was developing rapidly. However, the tremendous change on politics and economy brought not only many conflicts and tumults in society but also impingements and reforms on ideology. For faced with capitalist society and patriarchal society, Mrs. Gaskell was inclined to contradictory attitude. These impingements on ideology reflect obviously in her work Mary Barton, especially the impingement on the concepts about women’s status. Secondly, Mrs. Gaskell’s contradictory mind decides the development of plot of her novels that is contradiction and harmony. Contradiction is all over the world, and both sides of contradiction have unity and contradiction, and unity will take the dominant position in the development of things at last. Mrs. Gaskell pursues goodness to establish harmony among people, she advocates that people should care and love each other, and her maternity with male characters and the independent female characters will establish the harmony among male and female characters. Thirdly, Mrs. Gaskell advocates love and care to establish relationship between people, which has great theoretical and practical meaning to the construction of contemporary harmonious family and society.

【关键词】 盖斯凯尔矛盾和谐爱与关怀
【Key words】 Mrs. Gaskellcontradictionharmonylove and care
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】243

