

Ethical Dilemma of American Jewish Immigrants in David Mamet’s Plays

【作者】 吉秋月

【导师】 黄彦玲;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自1975年以来,大卫·马梅特发表了近三十部戏剧作品,并且多次获奖,在美国戏剧史上,他已经成为继尤今·奥尼尔、田纳西·威廉斯、阿瑟·米勒、爱德华·阿尔比和萨姆·谢泼德之后当代美国最有成就的剧作家之一。马梅特作为一个具有东欧犹太移民身份的美国剧作家,以其敏锐的洞察力及独特的语言特点,在其剧作中生动地为世人呈现了美国犹太移民的伦理困惑,然而对于其作品中所体现出的美国犹太移民的伦理困惑却鲜有人关注。本论文选取七十年代到八十年代的两部反映犹太移民伦理困惑的典型代表剧作《美国野牛》和《快耕》,分析了两部剧作中所突显的美国犹太移民在早期初到美国和后期融入美国两个阶段的伦理困惑并且探索了马梅特剧作中犹太移民伦理困惑的缘由。本论文运用犹太民族经典《塔木德》中的伦理规范分析剧中人物的道德行为,指出,美国犹太移民在初到美国之时,由于受到物质诱惑和生存威胁,往往选择背弃过去遵从的犹太伦理规范;然而当他们历尽艰难逐渐适应不同的文化时,却发现自己始终无法完全脱离犹太伦理规范对他们的影响。同时,本论文认为二十世纪后期美国社会的变迁以及二十世纪犹太移民在美国的发展都对马梅特剧作中伦理困惑这一主题产生了深刻的影响。

【Abstract】 David Mamet published nearly thirty plays since 1975 and received many awards. He had become one of the most successful playwrights in modern American drama history since Eugene O’Neil, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, and Sam Shepard. As an East European Jewish immigrant, David Mamet, with his acute insight and his unique "Mamet speak", portrays the American Jewish immigrant"s ethical dilemma vividly in his plays. However, few people noticed the American Jewish immigrant’s ethical dilemma showed in his plays. Choosing two of his typical work that show the ethical dilemma of Jewish immigrant, American Buffalo and Speed-the-Plow which are written in the 70s and 80s of 20th century, this thesis analyzes the ethical dilemma of the Jewish immigrants who first come to American and who had integrated into the American society separately and explores reasons for ethical dilemma of American Jewish Immigrants. This thesis uses the ethical principles defined in the Talmud-the authoritative body of Jewish law-to measure the ethical behavior of the characters in the two plays. After the analysis, the thesis points out that when the Jewish immigrants first came to American, because of life threat and material seduction, they usually choose to violate the Jewish ethical principles they used to obey; but when they get used to the totally new culture after many difficulties, they finally found that they could not get rid of the Jewish ethics’ influence on them. This thesis also states that both American social changes in the late 20th century and American Jewish Immigrants in the 20th century have deeply influence on the theme of ethical dilemma in Mamet’s playwriting.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】120

