

Multi-Dimensional Discrimination of English Equivalents in Domestic-oriented Chinese-English Dictionaries

【作者】 鲁团花

【导师】 田兵;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 内向型汉英词典以汉语为索引,旨在方便中国的英语学习者完成积极型学习任务。在内向型汉英词典中,同一中文词目词下英语对等词也可看作同义词。然而大多数内向型汉英词典仅重视对英语对等词本身的提供,忽略了对英语对等词的区别,给学习者带来了诸多不便。因此,在内向型汉英词典中提供对英语对等词的同义辨析是一个不容忽视的问题.本文试图为内向型汉英词典在处理英语对等词辨析问题方面提供一个系统化理论化的基础.本文从五个不同方面分别对前人在同义词辨析方面的研究成果进行了文献综述:对等词的确立,辨析理论的回顾,辨析标准的回顾,区别性信息的表现方式,以及不同词典对同义词的处理(主要是英汉学习词典和内向型汉英词典),以利于进一步探讨。虽然词典学家竭尽全力地改善和优化对同义词的辨析,但仍有一些不足之处。同时进行了问卷调查及词典对比性分析,以期找出中国英语学习者在英语对等词辨析方面存在的问题和当前内向型汉英词典在此方面的处理现状以及存在的问题。问卷调查和对比分析的结果表明,中国英语学习者在同一汉语词目词下英语对等词的辨析与选择方面存在问题,且内向型汉英词典对英语对等词的处理现状也不能让学习者很满意。从二语习得理论可以看出内向型汉英词典对英语对等词进行同义辨析的必要性和重要性,而对于如何进行同义辨析,本文还对可应用于同义词辨析处理的一些语言学理论进行了介绍,作为本研究的理论基础。所涵盖的理论包括用户角度理论,语义三元论,意义七分法,同义场论和突显论。以这些理论为基础,本文为内向型汉英词典中英语对等词的辨析提供了一个多维辨析模式,它是特别针对中国英语学习者所遇到的同义词问题进行系统化,理论化处理的一种新模式。这个模式从四个方面确定了16条同义词辨析标准,同时还提出了一套可供内向型汉英词典参考的英语对等词辨析的表征方式-表格表现方式。

【Abstract】 For Chinese EFL learners, domestic-oriented Chinese-English Dictionaries (CEDs for short) could be a very useful and convenient lexical information resource in that it is indexed by Chinese characters. Various English words and phrases in domestic-oriented CEDs are provided as English equivalents i.e., synonyms, near-synonyms, or synonymous expressions under one Chinese entry word. Domestic-oriented CEDs presently available, however, are mostly not qualified to meet the practical needs of the Chinese EFL learners, for they only aim to translate the Chinese headwords into one or more English equivalents without providing adequate discriminative information of the English equivalents. Therefore, to provide effective discriminative information for English equivalents in domestic-oriented CEDs should not be ignored. This thesis intends to provide a theoretical and multi-dimensional model for the discrimination of English equivalents in domestic-oriented CEDs.This study makes a critical review on the studies of near-synonyms discrimination from five aspects:evaluation of word cluster, evaluation of discrimination criteria, evaluation of relevant theories, evaluation of representations of discriminative information and near-synonyms discrimination in existing dictionaries (English-Chinese Learner’s Dictionaries and domestic-oriented CEDs) for the benefit of further study. Though lexicographers have put much effort into near-synonyms discrimination, the insufficiencies are still rather evident. At the same time, a questionnaire and some contrastive analyses of dictionaries are carried out to find out the problems of near-synonyms discrimination of Chinese EFL learners and of English equivalents discrimination in current domestic-oriented CEDs. The results indicate that Chinese EFL learners often have difficulties in English equivalents discrimination and the current treatment of near-synonyms problems in domestic-oriented CEDs can not satisfy Chinese EFL learners.How to deal properly with the discrimination of English equivalents in the domestic-oriented CEDs and to meet Chinese EFL learners’specific needs for English equivalents discrimination? It is reasonable to come to applied linguistics for an answer. Second Language Acquisition theory is expectedly to give the present research an explanation for the necessity of providing effective discriminative information of English equivalents in domestic-oriented CEDs. At same time, some theories relevant to the treatment of near-synonyms are examined and they are to serve as the theoretical foundation for the present study. These theories include:User’s Perspective, Three Meta-functions of Meaning, Seven Types of Meaning, Semantically Synonymous Field, and Prominence Principle.Based on the above theories, the present study finally proposes a lexicographic model. It is a model for multi-dimensional discrimination of English equivalents in domestic-oriented CEDs. This model, including sixteen discrimination criteria is oriented for the theoretical and systematical treatment of English equivalents problems encountered especially by Chinese EFL learners. And at the same time, some practical ways for representations of English equivalents discriminative information in domestic-oriented CEDs are proposed in this thesis, especially in the form of table.


