

【作者】 魏中华

【导师】 尤西林;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 美学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 杜威以“经验”为核心建立起来的美学理论,批判了传统二元论基础上的形而上学,具有深刻人文关怀与现实意义。本文从经验出发,围绕其审美观与艺术观,发掘其美学思想的现代意义,并在更为宏大的文化背景中考察其人文理想性特征,找寻其自身所蕴含的文化意义和超越性。本文试图呈现一种逐次延展的光圈景象:第一步,寻求杜威经验主义美学赖以建立的哲学基础,从实用主义、一元论和生物进化论这三大基石出发,为杜威美学思想画下一个中心点——“经验”,并考察了经验的哲学史变迁和杜威对经验的改造,并指出杜威如何超越传统经验主义与理性主义在此问题上的论争,这是杜威美学思想研究的起点。第二步,从哲学进入美学,考察杜威经验主义美学的核心范畴,文章将其审美观和艺术观分作两个部分进行论述,以避免传统研究中的混淆局面,同时又以经验为一以贯之的深层脉络来串联起这两个核心范畴。审美源自经验,经验又可具有审美性质;艺术也源自经验,经验的保存与交流又依赖于艺术创作第三步,本文选取审美救赎论与日常生活审美化这两大现代美学景观,分别论述其产生背景、理论实质及其所面临的困境,并将其与杜威经验主义美学思想进行了全面比较,一方面使我们进一步深刻理解杜威的经验主义美学的理论内涵,另一方面有助于确立杜威经验主义美学思想在现代语境中的定位并发掘其蕴含的理论价值。第四步,追寻杜威经验主义美学的人文理想性特质,从个体生存本体论—艺术社会学—艺术与文明这三层构造中我们发现,杜威以经验为核心建立起来的美学理论具有深刻的人文理想性特征,它具有强烈的现实指向和人文关怀,审美与艺术要复归到个体、社会和人类文明之中,并成为一种带有本体色彩的部分。于此,我们不仅看到了杜威经验主义美学对传统审美独立与艺术自律的批判与颠覆,还看到了其宏大的文化意义和超越性指向,并最终理解到美学何以能整合杜威的整个思想体系。同时,基于杜威与马克思在美学领域表现出的诸多相似性,本文选取了“经验”与“实践”来进行比较,以见出杜威与马克思的异同,并最终客观地分析杜威美学思想之人文理想特质自身所具有的局限性。本文从结构上表现为一个中心点,三个延展开来的圈逐次环绕的整体格局。由哲学基础到核心范畴,由现代定位到人文理想特质,杜威经验主义美学的内涵与意义逐层得到展示。前两章组成一个部分,是杜威经验主义美学研究的基础内容,要认识和了解杜威经验主义美学,必须认识其哲学基础和核心范畴;后两章组成另一个部分,将杜威经验主义美学置于更大的现代语境和人类生活实践背景中进行考察,这是对杜威经验主义美学的延伸解读,也是本文的主要阐述内容。

【Abstract】 Dewey’s aesthetic theory which is builted on the key of "experience", criticized the metaphysics based on the traditional dualism, has profound humanistic care and realistic significance. This paper, starting from the experience,surrounding the aesthetics and art, explore the aesthetics of modern significance, and inspect the humanistic idealism in the more grand cultural background, find the transcendence pointing it contains.This paper tries to present a kind of successive extension of the aperture scene:The first step, seek the philosophy foundation of Dewey’s empirical aesthetics theory. Departuring form pragmatism, monism and biological evolution, and painting a center-"experience", examining the changes of the philosophy and the experience reformed by Dewey,and pointed out that how did Dewey beyond the debating of traditional empiricism and rationalism on this issue, which is the starting point of aesthetic research of Dewey.The second step, from philosophy into the aesthetic, inspects the improtantest category of Dewey empirical aesthetics. The article will devid the aesthetics and art into two parts, and avoid the confusion of the traditional research situation, meanwhile, experience will be a deep vein to coupling the two core category. The aesthetic comes from experience, experience can go to aesthetic; Art also comes from experience, and experience dependent on artistic creation to preserving and communication.Third step, this article selects the aesthetic redeemed theory and aesthetic daily life these two modern aesthetic landscape, discussed its background, theoretical essence and dilemmas, combining them with the Dewey empirical aesthetics thought compared all-round, on the one hand, it can make us further understanding Dewey’s empirical aesthetics theoretical connotation, on the other hand, it can help defining its orientation and theoretical value contain in the modern context. Fourth step, locating Dewey empirical aesthetics humanistic idealism, from individual survival ontology-art sociology-art and civilization in the three layer structure, we discovered there are profound humanistic ideals the aesthetic theory bulied on the foundment of experience, it has strong practical pointing and humanistic care, aesthetics and art to be returned to the individual, social and human civilization in, and become a part of color with ontology. For this, we not only see the Dewey empirical aesthetics how overturn the traditional aesthetic independent and art self-discipline, also see its grand cultural significance and transcendence, then finally understand the point why the aesthetics theory can integrate the ideological system of John Dewey.Meanwhile, considering that Dewey and Marx in aesthetic field appears many similarities, this paper selects the "experience" and "practical" to compare, we will see the similarities and differences with Marx and Dewey, final objectively analyze the limitations of the humanistic ideal in Dewey aesthetic theory.On structure, this article performance for one center and three extension surrounded it. From philosophy foundation to the core category, from the modern orientation to the humanistic idealism, connotation and significance of Dewey empirical aesthetics layered get display. The first two chapters form a part, it is the foundation content of Dewey empirical aesthetics research, if you want to know and understand Dewey empirical aesthetics, you must recognize its philosophical foundation and core category; another chapters form a part, which investigating Dewey empirical aesthetics in greater modern context and human life practice background, this is the extension of of Dewey empirical aesthetics and also main content of the paper.

【关键词】 杜威经验审美艺术人文理想性
【Key words】 Deweyexperienceaestheticarthumanistic idealism

