

【作者】 张晓英

【导师】 马颖峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着商业游戏的飞速发展,越来越多的青少年沉迷其中,教育者在感叹网络游戏吸引力的同时,开始思索借鉴网络游戏的成功之处,并将之应用到教育中去,希望借此实现“寓教于乐”的教育理念。但是,近几年的研究表明,教育游戏的应用效果并不尽如人意,与商业游戏的风靡相比,教育游戏始终不能摆脱低迷状态,其中一个重要的原因在于一些家长和老师在担心学生沉迷于游戏的同时,也质疑游戏的教育功能。如何设计并实现能够兼顾教育性和游戏性教教育教学游戏就成为我们亟待解决的问题。笔者分析了教学游戏的教育功能,发现用游戏承载学习内容的方式,能提高学习者的学习兴趣,有效地促进学习。但是,教学游戏在呈现学习内容方面还存在着许多问题,如游戏导航或帮助不明确,游戏任务太难、游戏中知识点不明确等问题,容易给学习者带来不必要的认知负荷。国内外关于游戏设计中考虑认识负荷的研究尚未见报道,而通过对当前游戏设计及其教育实际应用中存在问题之疏理,我觉得关于认识负荷对教育游戏的教育目标与游戏目标的平衡与实现皆有着密切关系,且影响着教育游戏的发展,故而,选择了该研究课题。本文针对当前教学游戏在设计制作上存在的问题,指出主要问题是游戏在设计与制作过程中对认知负荷的处理存在缺陷。根据认知负荷理论,笔者分析了“机械能及其转化”这一教学游戏中影响学习者认知的因素,并在此基础上尝试运用mayer提出的多媒体认知原则来降低游戏中的外在认知负荷,优化相关认知负荷,促进学习的进行。最后笔者将“机械能及其转化”这一游戏应用于初三物体课堂,取得了初步的效果,得到了学校师生的肯定,同时也发现了一些需要改进的问题,为以后的研究找出了方向。围绕研究主题,全文共分为五个章节:第1章介绍了本研究的研究背景、国内外研究现状、本研究的目的、意义和研究方法。第2章为理论基础,主要是对认知负荷理论及教育游戏进行了论述,界定了认知负荷的概念及结构,综述了国内外关于认知负荷的研究现状,并对认知负荷的测量方法进行了详细阐述;教育游戏部分对教育游戏、教学游戏进行了界定,分析了教学游戏的特点。第3章对教学游戏中影响认知负荷的因素进行了分析和阐述,并提出了有效控制学习者认知负荷的教学游戏设计原则。第4章基于认知负荷理论进行教学游戏的设计,详细介绍了教学游戏设计的过程,主要包括前端分析、游戏部分的设计、探究部分的设计、知识点记忆部分的设计、资源需求以及技术实现等等。第5章对前边设计和制作的游戏做了认知负荷的调查,详细分析了游戏中影响认知负荷的因素,并对游戏的应用效果做了统计分析。第6章总结和展望:提出了本研究的不足之处及展望了教学游戏的后续研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid popularization of commercial games, more and more young people wallow in these games, When people exclaim over the attraction which game brings, also thinking how can we reference the successes of commerial games and applied the successes to the education.hoping to achieve the educational philosophy of "teaching through lively activities ".However In recent years, studies have shown that The application of instructional games results were not satisfactory, compared with the popular commercial games, instructional games are still experiencing the downturns. One of the major reasons is that Some parents and teachers worried about students addicted to the game, but also questioned the game’s instructional function. Therefore, what needs to be solved is how games can be designed and implemented to both educational and entertainment.The author detailed analysis of the educational function of instructional games, Found that learning content hosted by the way of the game can increase interest in learning of learner, effective in promoting learning.However there are still many problems in the present study content to the instructional games,such as navigation or game help is not clear, the game task is too difficult, the game knowledge point is not clear and other issues, that is easy to bring the unnecessarily cognitive load to learner.The study of considering the cognitive load in the design of instructional games has not been report at domestic and international. Through reorganizing the problem that exist in the game design and it’s apllication in education.I think cognitive load has a relationship with objective balance and achieve og game objective and game objective in instructional game,and it impact development of educational games,so I chose this theme.The paper Aimmedat the problems existing in the game design and production, points out that the main problem is that process to cognitive load in the game design and production. According to cognitive load theory,the author analyzed the effect factors of instructional game mechanical energy and its transfer.and on the basis,the anthor try to apllication mayer’s multi-media awareness principles to reduce extraneous cognitive load in the game,and optimize the germane cognitive load to promotion study,finally the author applicated the instructional game "mechanical energy and its transfer" to the classroom of third-year junior high physical, obtained preliminary results,and receive the recognition of teachers and students.Alao found that there are a few of issues need to be improve,to found direction for future reseach.Centered on the theme of the research, the thesis is composed of five chapters:Chapter 1 introduces the research background of the design and development of instructional games based on cognitive load theory,the status of the dynamic difficulty adjustment of instructional games at home and abroad. Chapter 2 theory basis,The article detailed described the theoretical basis of the study-the cognitive load thoery, definited the concept and structure of cognitive load,reviewed the status of study to cognitive load at home and abroad,described the measurement method of cognitive load.in game part,the studydefined the educational games and instructional games,analyzed the characteristics of instructional games.Chapter 3 analysis of the elements which influence cognitive load of students,and bring forward some instructional games design principles that can effective control cognitive load of learner.Chapter 4 design the instructional game based on cognitive load theory,detailed described the process of designing the instructional games:including:front-end analysis,the design of game part,the design of explorer part,the design of the knowledge memory part,analysis the resource requirements and technology,etc.Chapter 5 investigation the cognitive load of the game,analysis of the cognitive load affecting factors in game,and have statisticed the application results of the game.Chapter 6 Summary and Outlook:the study proposed the deficiencies in the game design and proposed follow-up reseach direction.


