

【作者】 陈小兵

【导师】 段塔丽;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教育救国派是民国时期知识分子的一个重要派别,民国时期教育救过派知识分子内心有着与传统“士”人一样的情结,为了挽救民族危亡,怀着“以天下为己任”的社会责任感和历史使命感,走到了时代的前列,成为思想解放和社会变迁的推动者。因此,对这个时期内教育救国派知识分子价值观做具体的研究,通过对他们价值观所表现出来的特点以及形成原因进行深层次的挖掘,具有重要的现实意义。本文运用社会学理论中的精英理论和角色理论,对教育救国派知识分子的价值观进行系统的分析和论述,以期对转型期当代中国知识分子价值取向和中国的现代化建设有所借鉴和启迪。全文对教育救国派价值观的研究主要分为八个部分:第一部分导言对研究的目的及意义、国内外研究综述、相关概念界定以及研究思路和方法进行了具体的论述。这是本文进行深入研究的基础。第二部分论述了教育救国派知识分子的群体特征。其群体特征主要从社会角色、人文情怀和政治关照三个方面进行详细阐述。第三部分对教育救国派知识分子价值观的内容进行总结和概括。处于研究的需要,主要从政治价值观、教育价值观、文化价值观和道德价值观四个方面来展开讨论,并对每一类价值观进行了详细的总结。第四部分探讨了教育救国派知识分子价值观的特点。从前面对价值观内容的总结中可以看出,他们的价值观表现出传统文化和西方文化的融合、自主性和时代性的统一以及强烈的社会实践精神的特性。而这些特性正是作为一个知识分子所应具备的条件。第五部分分析了教育救国派知识分子价值观形成的原因。本文从社会因素、政治因素以及文化因素三个方面加以分析,试图阐明特定社会历史条件对其价值观的形成所起的重要的作用。第六部分揭示了教育救国派知识分子价值观的历史地位。在民族危机不断加剧的民国,他们将自己的价值观付诸到实践当中,成为了救亡图存的典范、思想解放的先锋。并且积极倡导教育改革和努力会通中西文化,为推进中国教育的现代化和社会变革做出了重要的贡献。第七部分在前文讨论的基础上提出了教育救国派知识分子价值观的当代启示。对转型期中国知识分子来说,必须勇敢地肩负起振兴民族经济、复兴祖国大业的伟大历史使命、具备独立的批判精神以及要将道德激情与实践理性融于一身;同时中国的社会现代化建设包括人才强国战略、人文精神的建构和推进政治民主化进程,都离不开知识分子的作用,必须给予足够的重视。最后是结语部分。通过对本文的概括总结,揭示出民国时期教育救国派知识分子价值观研究的意义及其对当代中国价值观的作用和影响。

【Abstract】 School education is the salvation of the Republic of China is an important faction of intellectuals, the Republic of the heart of education has saved Intelligentsia and the traditional "disabilities", like the complex, in order to save the nation from peril, with "the world as" the social responsibility and historical mission, went to the forefront of the times, as ideological agents of liberation and social change. Therefore, the period values of education saving Intelligentsia do specific research, through their values demonstrated by the characteristics and causes of the deep-level mining, has important practical significance. This paper uses elite theory in sociological theory and role theory, for education saving Intelligentsia values for system analysis and discussion of its impact on contemporary China’s intellectuals transition values and China’s modernization has reference and inspiration.Saving for education full value of Intelligentsia is divided into eight parts:The first part introduces the purpose and meaning of study, at Home and Abroad, defining concepts and research ideas and methods a detailed description. This is an in-depth research.The second part discusses the education group Intelligentsia saving features. The main features of their group from the social role of Humanities and the care of three aspects of political detail.The third part summarizes and generalizes the intellectual values education of saving the pie content. In the research needs, mainly from the political values, educational values, cultural values and moral values to discuss four aspects, and values of each category were summarized in detail.The fourth part of the educational values of saving features Intelligentsia. Summary of the contents of the face values of the past can be seen in their traditional culture and values, demonstrate the integration of Western culture, autonomy and unity of the times and a strong spirit of the characteristics of social practice. It is these characteristics that should be used as an intellectual qualifications.The fifth part analyzes the intellectual values education assists sent the causes of the formation. In this paper, social factors, political factors and three aspects of cultural factors, trying to clarify the specific social and historical conditions, the formation of its values played an important role.Part six reveals the history of education, the status of national salvation Intelligentsia. Growing national crisis in the Republic of China, they will put their values into practice, becoming a model for national salvation and survival, a pioneer of emancipation. And actively promote educational reform and efforts will be through Western culture, to promote the modernization of China’s education and social change has made important contributions.Part seven on the basis of the previous discussion paper put forward the education saving Intelligentsia Enlightenment values. Chinese intellectuals in transition, it must be brave enough to take up the revitalization of the national economy, the great cause of rejuvenation of the great historical mission of the motherland, with the critical spirit of independence and moral passion and practical reason to melt in one; while the modernization of Chinese society, including this strategy, humanistic spirit and promote the process of political democratization, the role of intellectuals can not be separated, must be given adequate attention.Finally, some concluding remarks. Summarized by this paper reveals the Republic Education Values of saving Intelligentsia and its contemporary significance of the role and influence of Chinese values.


