

Study on Environmental Cost

【作者】 张秀华

【导师】 辛旭;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 会计学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国作为最大的发展中国家,随着市场经济不断规范和完善,贸易规模逐步扩大,贸易实力大幅度提高,我国企定面临的反倾销形势也会越来越严峻。如何把企业做大做强,在国际市场上占有一席之地成为我国企业考虑的头等大事。如何采取积极的应对措施,妥善处理反倾销纠纷,成为我国企业长足发展的关键问题。本文通过对当今国际贸易中倾销与反倾销理论和反倾销发展现状进行深入研究,分析探讨我国遭遇国外反倾销会计的原因,并提出了相应对策建议。反倾销也是把“双刃剑”,也有有利的一面,企业意识到自身问题,还有利于提高企业自身的管理水平,从长远来看,对企业核心竞争力的增强都有着极为重大的意义。经过上述分析,可以发现支撑会计体系对提高企业应诉成功率的重要作用。它由应诉反倾销会计过程体系组成。这四个方而不是孤立割裂的,而是相互联系、相辅相承的。应诉反倾销会计预警系统,由出口产品价格预警系统、出口产品数量预警系统两个子系统组成,它有助于企业加强防范,尽量做到反倾销的事先规避。万一仍被对方提起反倾销申诉,则反倾销导向的成本核算管理系统可以帮助企业在应诉过程中及时、准确地提供会计信息,在申请市场经济地位、填写调查问卷、应对实地核查等方面进行有力的会计抗辩。反倾销导向的成本核算管理系统是由改进后的成本核算系统和成本管理系统组成,从而把反倾销工作做在平时,这样,我们时时把反倾销当饭吃,一旦企业被诉反倾销,我们能够从容面对。而内部审计系统则可以增强会计信息的可采性,有助于反倾销调查机构采用企业自己的数据。建立反倾销保护机制,有利于我们从方方面面保证我们应诉成功。这四个方面相互联系、相互支持,组成一个有机而完整的体系,为应诉企业获得胜诉,更好地维护自身权益而发挥着重要用。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,采用规范研究的方法,将研究锁定在反倾销应诉中构建会计战略计划上。指出了会计在应对国外反倾销过程中所起的重要作用。本文分为六个部分:第一部分导言。介绍了选题背景,研究意义,研究方法和基本框架。第二部分倾销的基本理论。第三部分分析了国内外研究反倾销理论现状。第四部分指出了反倾销存在的问题,分别从会计准则差异、会计信息平台、规避会计、人才缺乏方面四个方面指出存在问题。第五部分针对目前存在问题,制定了相应对策和建议。把反倾销整个过程结合起来,实施反倾销会计战略计划。第六部分结束语指出本文创新点和不足之处。

【Abstract】 As the market economy continues to standardize and improve, the scale of the trade have enlarged progressively and the strength of trade have heighten substantially. China, as the largest developing country, the situation of anti—dumping which his enterprises meet will be more and more serious. How to make the business larger and strengthener. and owe a place in the world market is the first thing the manger should consider. How to take the active measures, and how to solve the issue of anti—dumping, has became the key point to the development of business. The anti-dumping is also a "double-edged sword", also have advantageous one side, enterprise realize its problems, and to improve the management level of enterprise itself, in the long run, to increase the core competence of corporation has very important significance. Through the above analysis, we can find support accounting system to improve business responding to the important role of the success rate. It consists of responding anti-dumping accountancy process system component. These four aspects are not isolated separated, but mutual connection, in full accord. Responding anti-dumping early warning system of accounting, the price of export products warning system, export product quantity and warning system, it helps to two sub-systems enterprises to strengthen guard, try to make the prior to circumvent the anti-dumping. If still be each other mentioning anti-dumping appeal, the anti-dumping oriented cost accounting management system can help enterprise to litigation process timely, accurately provide accounting information, in applying for market economy status, filling out a question and deal with on-the-spot verification aspects such as powerful accounting plea. Anti-dumping oriented cost accounting management system is by the improved cost accounting system and cost management system composition, thus putting the anti-dumping do in peacetime, so we always put anti-dumping when to eat for rice, once the enterprise sued, we can easily face anti-dumping. Internal audit system can strengthen the accounting information is the recoverable sex, help the anti-dumping investigation organization adopt enterprise data of your own. Establish anti-dumping protection mechanism, make us from responding to every aspect guarantee our success. These four aspects mutual connection, mutual support and formed a organic and complete system, for litigation-responding enterprise successful, better maintain their own rights and interests and plays a very important to use. In this paper, we traverse the deep research about the theory of dumping and anti—dumping in the world trade and the current situation of anti—dumping, analyze and discuss the reason why we enterprise suffer the anti—dumping, then provide the corresponding suggestions and point the important role the accountant play in the answer to the world anti—dumping. in this article from the results of previous studies on the basis of the norms of the methodology used to lock in the study of anti-dumping suits in construct the accounting’s strategy. Points out the accounting in dealing with anti-dumping process can play an important role.The article is mainly divided into six parts. Part one:introduction. Introduce the background, significance, research method and frame. Part two:the basis theory of dumping and anti—dumping. Part three:analyze the study of domestic anti—dumping framework and enlightenment. Part four: point the problem in anti—dumping, which refer to Differences between accounting standards, accounting information platform, evadable accounting, lacking of personnel. Part five:aimed at the current intuition, formulate the corresponding suggestions and countermeasure. Unite the whole process of anti—dumping, and carry out the accounting’s strategy about anti—dumping. In the end, I put forward some original opinions. The epilogue of this thesis is part five which makes a summary and finds out its innovations and insufficiency.

  • 【分类号】F740.45;F752.02
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】405
  • 攻读期成果

