

Treatment of High Concentration Organic Wastewater Using Anaerobic-aerobic Process Based on Mobilized Microorganism

【作者】 徐艳艳

【导师】 李彦锋;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本学位论文试验旨在考察以固定化微生物技术构筑的厌氧-好氧高效生物滤池处理模拟高浓度有机废水和餐饮泔水的可行性研究。厌氧工艺将难降解的大分子有机物转化为易降解的小分子有机物,并产生生物能,好氧工艺将废水进一步处理,使其达标排放,两者有机结合,优势互补,可获得较好的经济效益和环境效益。本研究探索了厌氧-好氧高效生物滤池的启动过程、二次启动过程、酸化恢复过程、以及影响系统运行的各项工艺参数,从COD去除效果、出水pH、产气率等方面监测反应器的运行效果,得出以下主要结论:1.厌氧-好氧高效生物滤池处理模拟高浓度有机废水,温度为35℃的条件下,反应器启动、二次启动和酸化恢复分别需要20、18、14天,三个阶段的最高负荷分别为5.6、6.0、5.76kg COD/m3·d。厌氧出水经过三级好氧生物处理后,COD小于80 mg/L,pH为8-9之间。2.考察了进水流量、pH和温度对生物滤池处理效率的影响。不断提高厌氧反应器的进水流量,使HRT由17.65 h降至10.34 h,容积负荷由6.53kg COD/m3·d提高至11.14kg COD/m3·d,反应器仍可正常运行;在温度为35℃、HRT为15 h、COD为4800 mg/L的条件下,将进水pH调节为4.7左右,厌氧COD去除率保持在78%左右,pH在6.8-7.2之间,产气率为1.02-1.29 L/L·d;在温度25℃、HRT为15 h的条件下,对于2000 mg/L的废水,去除率最高为55%,出水pH维持在6.7-7.2之间,产气率保持在0.79-1.03 L/L·d之间。3.厌氧-好氧高效生物滤池处理餐饮废水,在温度为35℃,HRT为15 h的条件下,厌氧滤池的最高负荷达25.6kg COD/m3·d,最高产气率为4.28 L/L·d,出水pH值稳定在6.7-7.2之间,三级好氧处理的COD总去除率保持在98%以上。4.扫描电镜显示,反应器内微生物种类丰富,厌氧微生物以产甲烷八叠球菌和产甲烷丝菌为主,好氧微生物以丝状菌和球状菌为主,并有大量的原生动物。

【Abstract】 The paper studies on the feasibility of treatment of simulate high concentration organic wastewater and hogwash using anaerobic-aerobic process by immobilized microorganism. Organic matter which is difficult degradable could be converted easily degradable one in anaerobic degradation process, and produces bio-energy. Further treatment of wastewater is done in aerobic process. Combination of anaerobic and aerobic degradation process is availability of good economic and environmental benefits.The start-up, second start-up, acidification recovery process and the effluence factor of the high-efficiency anaerobic-aerobic biological filter are studied. COD removal rate, pH and gas production rate are monitored to evaluate effect of the reactor. The main results from these studies are summarized as following:1. The treatment of simulate high concentration organic wastewater is studied. The study shows that at the Temperature of 35℃, the start-up、second start-up and acidification recovery process of the reactor could be finished in 20,18,14 days, respectively, and the volumetric loading rate of the three processes are 5.6,6.0,5.76 kg COD/m3·d, respectively. With further treatment of three aerobic processes, COD of the wastewater is below 80 mg/L, and the value of pH is between 8 and 9.2. The influential factors of reaction such as flow amount, pH and temperature are investigated. Increasing the flow amount of anaerobic reactor, HRT drops from 17.65 h to 10.43 h, and volumetric loading rate increases from 6.53 kg COD/m3·d to 11.14 kg COD/m3·d, and the reactor is still on normal operation. At the condition of 35℃, HRT 15 h, COD 4800mg/L, pH 4.7, COD removal rate of anaerobic reactor is about 78%, and pH is between 6.8 and 7.2, and the gas production rate is 1.02-1.29 L/L·d. At the condition of 25℃, HRT 15 h, COD 2000mg/L, the highest COD removal rate of anaerobic reactor is 55%, and pH is between 6.7 and 7.2, and the gas production rate is 0.79-1.03 L/L·d.3. The treatment of hogwash by anaerobic-aerobic biological filter is studied. The study shows that at the condition of 35℃, HRT 15 h, the highest volumetric loading rate of the anaerobic reactor is 25.6kg COD/m3·d, the highest gas production rate is 4.28 L/L·d, and influential pH reaches a stable level of 6.7-7.2. With further treatment of three aerobic processes, the total COD removal rate is above 98%.4. SEM photos reveal that these are rich species of microorganisms. The main anaerobic microorganisms are methanogenic sarcina and methanogenic filamentous bacteria. The main aerobic microorganisms are filamentous bacteria and spherical bacteria, and there is a large number of protozoa.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

