

Human and Nature in Right Bank of Ergun River

【作者】 王霄羽

【导师】 常文昌;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国当代文坛,迟子建以其作品展现出的独特的美学追求和审美特性备受瞩目。在当下众多作家被商业化浪潮所裹挟时,她却始终坚守着自己的文学道路,执着于对人与自然和谐生存图景的向往与追寻。她的众多作品中都蕴含着浓郁的生态意识,流露出深厚的生态忧思。代表作《额尔古纳河右岸》中这种生态情怀、信念、意识、忧思尤其浓郁。本文立足于小说文本,运用生态批评理论对《额尔古纳河右岸》进行了较为系统的解读。全本共分四部分:第一部分:通过梳理分析文本中关于“右岸”自然世界的书写,分析探讨了迟子建所描绘出的自然形象:美轮美奂、灵动奇妙、独立而永恒,具有独特的品格与诱人魅力。第二部分:从“人性的自然”和“神性的自然”两个方面,分析探讨了《额尔古纳河右岸》中自然世界的描绘,所体现出的作者带有泛神论色彩的自然观。迟子建笔下的自然万物皆富有生命活力与灵性,人与自然都能通过这种遍布自然界的神性发生交感而有机的联系起来。第三部分:从“和谐共荣的生态理想”与“对立中的和谐”两个方面,分析探讨了迟子建在《额尔古纳河右岸》中对人与自然关系的思考与书写。第四部分:自然书写的成因与意义。笔者认为迟子建自然审美取向的形成源于4个方面的因素:独特的审美追求与文化影响;童年“生境”的复苏;诗意家园的追寻;重构现代生态文明的热望。自然书写的意义在于为批判性地重构现代生态文明,提供了又一份宝贵的文学资源。

【Abstract】 In contemporary Chinese literature, Chi Zijian is famous for the unique pursuit of beauty and the unique aesthetic feature of her works. Many writers at present are affected badly by the atmosphere of commercialization, but she always holds on to her own literary path, holds on to the perspective of a harmonious relationship between human beings and the Mother Nature. Many of her works contain lots of ecological concerns, especially in the book Right Bank of Ergun River. Based on the content of the novel, this paper analyzes its profound meaning in the method of ecocriticism theory. And it falls in four parts:The first part:Analysis of the "right bank" in the novel. To reveal the natural world described in her writing:beautiful, clever, mysterious, independent, eternal, unique and attractive.The second part:From the perspectives of "human nature" and "divine nature", the paper analyzes the description of the natural world Right Bank of Ergun River, that is the color of the pantheistic view of nature. Chi Zijian describes the natural world full of vitality and spirit, man and nature can be linked together through this the divine nature, which can be seen everywhere.The third part:From the two aspects of "ideal of ecological harmony and common prosperity" and "harmony of the opposites", this paper analyzes Right Bank of Ergun River and discusses the thoughts of the relationship between human and nature.The fourth part:The causes and significance of natural writing. I believe that four causes of her natural aesthetic orientation are:the pursuit of a unique aesthetic and cultural impact; the recovery of childhood "habitat"; poetic sentiment homeland tracking down; the aspiration of reconstruction of modern ecological civilization. The significance of nature writing is that it provides us with a literary source of the reconstruction of modern civilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

