

Mediation System of Administrative Review

【作者】 王春英

【导师】 刘志坚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 行政复议制度,作为现代法律制度,是一个国家民主、法治的重要标志。科学合理的行政复议制度,能够促进行政纠纷更好地解决,更完善地维护行政相对人的合法权益,进一步推进行政机关依法行政,加快社会主义和谐社会建设。然而,长期以来受“公权力不可处分”的影响,我国行政法领域的主导面、行政法学界的主流思想以及权威机构的解释均曾对行政复议机关审理行政复议案件不适用调解持肯定态度。行政复议立法也曾对调解制度明确予以否定,如1990年的《行政复议条例》明确规定:“复议机关审理复议案件,不适用调解。”近年来,理论界对这个问题重新审视,围绕着调解在行政复议中是否适用、如何运用等问题的探讨逐渐增多,对行政复议适用调解原则也基本形成共识。国务院于2007年5月颁布《中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例》,首次将调解制度引入行政复议程序,确立为我国行政复议的一项基本制度。但任何一个制度都不是完美无缺的,尤其是一个新的制度。《行政复议法实施条例》虽然对行政复议调解作出了明确规定,但其关于调解的范围、原则、程序等规定不尽完善,且从既有的法律规范看,我国行政复议调解制度也还存在-定的缺陷。本文在对行政复议调解制度界定的基础上,通过回顾总结我国行政复议调解制度的形成,比较域外调解制度在行政程序中的运用,剖析我国现行行政复议调解制度的缺陷,进而提出对完善我国行政复议调解制度的思考,以使其更好的发挥其作用,促进社会和谐。

【Abstract】 Administrative review, as a modern legal system, is an important symbol of democracy and rule of law of a country. Scientific and reasonable administrative review can promote a better solution of administrative dispute, better safeguard the rights and interests of the administrative counterpart, further promote the administrative organs according to law and accelerate the building of the socialist harmonious society. However, a long time by the impact of "public authority can not be disposed", the dominant side of the field of administrative law, administrative law scholars and the authority of the mainstream thinking of the interpretation had positive attitude that the administrative reconsideration organ who handled administrative review case didn’t apply the conciliation positive system. Administrative review council has explicitly denied the rumors, such as the 1990 "Regulations on Administrative Reconsideration" clearly states:"The administrative review authority review the case of reconsideration does not apply the mediation." In recent years, theorists re-examine the issue surrounding the mediation about the applicability of the administrative reconsideration and other issues that how to use the gradual increase of the administrative review of basic principles applicable to mediation and reach the consensus. In May of 2007, the State Council promulgated the "Implementation Regulations of the PRC Administrative Reconsideration Law", the first introduction of administrative review procedures the mediation system, established as one of our basic system of administrative review.But any system is not perfect, especially a new system. Although "Implementation Regulations of Administrative Reconsideration Law" make the mediation of administrative review clear, the scopes on mediation, principles, procedures and other regulations are not perfect, and from the existing legal norms, China’s administrative review mediation system also have some defects. This paper first defines the administrative reconsideration system, through the review and sum of the formation of the administrative review mediation system and comparing with the mediation system in the extraterritorial application of administrative procedures, analysis the existing defects of the administrative review mediation system, then raises how to make our Administration Reconsideration Mediation system play a better role in promoting social harmony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

