

Legel Analysis on the Case of Zhoujianping Encroached on Citizens’ Personal Information

【作者】 黄晓婧

【导师】 刘绍彬;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 刑法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公民个人信息是一种较为特殊的社会资源,它以公民个人作为社会的构成分子为基础,以其自身涵盖信息的数量和价值为载体,是公民个体伴随其社会性不断丰富的一种信息积累。伴随公民个人信息利用价值的逐渐凸显,侵犯公民个人信息的行为频繁地发生在我们身边,由此产生的案件和法律问题引起了社会的广泛关注。《中华人民共和囤刑法修正案(七)》颁布之后,公民个人信息得以依靠刑法的保护。尽管严峻的刑罚在保护公民个人信息的道路上起到了非常重要的作用,但由于其自身的设置特点,以至司法实践中仍然存在一些问题难以解决。本文分析国内首例侵犯公民个人信息案:第一章详细分析案件所涵盖的具体信息以及案件的审理涉及的争议问题。第二章从出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪和非法获取公民个人信息罪的犯罪构成入手,解释周建平公诉罪名到审判罪名的变更缘由。第三章从刑法溯及力及我国刑法从旧兼从轻的原则上,阐析共同犯罪、连续犯的相关理论对周建平的定罪量刑做出正确判断。第四章分析相关罪名的司法应用问题,并提出修改建议。基于文章对案例和立法现状的分析,本文认为从刑法对公民个人信息保护的有限性可以看出,单单依靠刑法保护不足以保障公民个人信息的绝对安全,只有制定专门的《个人信息保护法》,并配套构建包括民法、行政法和其他部门法律在内的公民个人信息保护的法律体系,才能更有效的保护个人信息的安全,促进个人信息的有效利用和流通。

【Abstract】 Citizens’ personal information is a very special social resource, and it bases on that individual citizens are social constituent parts, the carrier of which is its own large and valuable information, and it’s a kind of information accumulation that individual citizens gain along their development of socialization. Along with the value of citizens’personal information highlighting, the infringements on citizens’ personal information occur in our daily life frequently, thus, the resulting cases and legal problems caused extensive attention of the society. After the promulgating of "the AmendmentⅦto the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China", our citizens’ personal information can be protected by the criminal law. The severe punishment has played a very important role on the way to protect citizens’ personal information, however, as a result of its own specialty, some problems still exist in judicial practice.This article analyses the first domestic case of infringement of citizens’ personal information:first, analysis of the case contains specific information and case the relevant disputes. the second part, analysis and illegal sale of personal information to provide citizens and illegal access to citizens’ personal information of crime, to prosecute crime jianping explain week for trial on charges of change. The third section analyzes the criminal law of retrospective criminal law and our country from the old and lighter, and common crime, continued to have theories, and conviction of the zhou jianping to make the right judgement. the fourth part, the relevant charge of the application and propose amendments.Based on the analysis of the case and current legislation in this paper, the author holds the opinion that it’s not enough to protect citizens’ personal information by relying on the criminal law because of the limitation of the criminal law, only by formulating a special "Personal Information Protection Law", and building a legal system which including civil law, administrative law and other legal sectors, can personal information of citizens can be protected efficiently, what will absolutely promote the effective use and the circulation of personal information.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

