

The Case Analysis of Dong Qiao Ying Support Dispute

【作者】 王向锋

【导师】 刘光华;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着老龄化时代的到来,老年人的生存状况越来越严峻,问题与矛盾也越来越多,赡养纠纷案件层出不穷。本文通过对一起民间赡养纠纷案件的分析,揭示我国赡养案件中主要存在的问题以及争议,并对赡养案件中的非物质赡养展开论述。我国当前养老主要有二种方式:一种是家庭养老,一种是社会养老。家庭养老是传统养老方式,也是养老的主要方式,社会养老是一种辅助形式。由于经济和社会的发展,计划生育政策和社会家庭结构的变化以及历史上的原因,老人赡养纠纷问题十分严重。因此,解决好赡养纠纷,必须加强现代化建设,加强经济社会发展,推行社会养老保险制度,增强家庭的赡养功能,政府还要加强政策性的支持,加强立法,出台相关政策,实现由家庭养老为主逐步向社会养老为主的转变。本文共分为三部分:第一部分重点介绍案件基本情况,并归纳总结出本案的焦点及涉及的法律问题,为下文论述展开做好铺垫;第二部分对本案围绕焦点进行解析,引出赡养法律问题的基本理论。通过对我国法律规定的赡养制度的介绍导出赡养制度的框架,使之成为我国赡养制度的补充,并重点讲述非物质赡养;第三部分简述我国对赡养制度在立法方面的缺点,进一步阐述赡养制度应该加大其配套制度建设,共同促进社会赡养制度的发展。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of the era of the aging, the living conditions of the aged are more and more severe, there are a lot of problems and contradictions, support disputes have emerged in endlessly. This article through to the folk support disputes together in analysis, and mainly to reveal support cases the existing problems and disputes, and in the case of support discuss the nonmaterical support. Our current basically has two kinds:one kind is family endowment,the other social endowment. Family endowment is traditional endowment way, and is also the main way,society old-age pension is a kind of auxiliary form. Because of the economic and social development, the family planning policy and social and family structure changes, and other reasons in history, the old-timer’s support disputer is very serious dissension. Therefore, to solve the disputes, we must strengthen modernization to support the social and economic development, strengthen the construction, implement the system of social endowment insurance, strengthen the family support functions, the government will also strengthen policy support, strengthen legislation, publish relevant policies, achieved by family endowment primarily gradually to the transformation of social endowment primarily.This article is divided into three parts:the first part, mainly introduced the basic situation and the case summed up the focus of this case and involved legal discussed for the following test; The second part of this case system, and lead around focus the basic theory of support legal issues. Based on the supporting system of our country law introduces the framework, supporting system is derived to become China’s support system of supplement, and focuses on the nonmaterial support;The third part to summarize support system’s fault in legislation aspect in China, further elaborates the support system should intensify its supporting system construction, and jointly promote the development of social support system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】D923;D920.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】133

