

Research on the Synergy Development Based on the Regional Economy Integration of Lan-Bai

【作者】 唐志静

【导师】 聂华林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化、知识与科技创新作用日益重要的背景下,区域经济一体化已经成为各国经济发展的主要形式和必然选择。区域经济一体化所表现出来的竞争优势,使得处于一体化中的各系统能够更加便利的获取有效的资源,降低成本与费用,并能够提高资源的利用率、形成优势互补,提高区域的核心竞争力。同时随着全球区域经济一体化的出现,人们更为关心区域经济、区域统筹、区域发展,更加注重区域之间和区域内部的一体化所带来的巨大经济效应。在改革开放的三十多年中,经济结构更加合理,区域间的经济合作也朝着更加紧密、协调的方向发展。本文意在通过归纳总结协同学和区域经济协同发展的相关理论以及国内外区域经济一体化协同发展的宝贵经验,运用协同学的相关理论和模型分析兰白区域经济内部子系统的协同程度,并结合兰白都市圈经济发展的具体实际情况,提出针对兰白区域经济协同发展的政策建议。借新一轮西部大开发和国家注重资源枯竭型城市转型的契机,突破兰州经济发展空间限制和推进白银资源型城市转型,加快兰白区域经济一体化的发展,促进甘肃核心区域经济增长极的形成。

【Abstract】 On the base of Economic globalization, knowledge and technological innovation play increasingly important role, regional economic integration has become the main form of economic development of countries and the inevitable choice. Regional economic integration has shown a competitive advantage, making the integration of various systems in a more convenient access to effective resources, reduce costs and expenses, and can improve resource utilization, form complementary advantages, enhance the region’s core competitive Force.Meanwhile, with the emergence of worldwide regional economic integration, people are more concerned about the regional economy, regional co-ordination, regional development, more emphasis on regional integration within and between regions of the enormous economic effects. More than twenty years of reform and opening up, the economic structure became more reasonable, and regional economic cooperation will develop toward more close and coordinated direction.The paper propose for the suggestions about synergy develpoment of the Lan-bai regional economy by generalizing the concepts of synergetics and regional economy synergy development, summarizing valuable experiences of the synergy development of regional economic integration at home and abroad, applying the synergy theory and synergy model to analyze the cooperative degree of subsystems of Lai-Bai regional economy, and combining with the concrete reality of economic development of the Lan-bai Metropolitan. By a new round of national focus on western development and the opportunity of transformation of resource-exhausted cities to break through Lanzhou city space constraints, promote economic transformation of resource-exhausted city of Baiyin, speed up regional Economy Integration development of Lan-Bai, finally, promote the formation of economic growth pole of the core area of Gansu.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

