

The Writing and Image of Late Qing Courtesan Novels

【作者】 孙华华

【导师】 林岩;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 这篇论文旨在展示晚清狭邪小说所表现的近代上海城市生活,并揭示其在表现近代上海现代化进程所具有的价值和意义。绪论部分首先提出论文所讨论的两个主要问题:近代上海市民日常生活的变迁和近代大众传媒对市民生活的影响。而我们对这两个问题的考察在一定程度上可以借助于晚清狭邪小说对近代上海的书写和想象。这一部分还对前人的研究成果,尤其是二十世纪八十年代以后的研究成果进行了梳理。全文围绕绪论部分提出的两个主要问题展开,分为三章。第一章重点探讨晚清狭邪小说所构建的上海整体形象。文章认为,晚清狭邪小说所建构的“夜上海”形象呈现的不仅是都市的繁华、享乐消靡的生活方式,而且成为欲望的代言词,彰显着现代意识的觉醒;另一方面,异质文明冲击下的市民日常生活也发生着巨大的变化。西器洋货的流行影响着人们生活的方方面面;被洋灯拉长的时间则显示出近代上海依然存在的森严的等级关系;城市公共空间的改善与拓展流露出“理性”、“严谨”等现代城市生活的理念。第二章关注的焦点是晚清狭邪小说的主要叙事空间——妓院。文章从与中国古代青楼传统的比较中,指出近代上海妓院高度商业化的特点消解了传统文人有关青楼的浪漫想象,它所体现出的文人地位的衰微从根本上动摇了传统社会的结构和尊卑观念;但妓院仍为世人所重视,因为其独特的运作模式不仅为人们的社交活动提供了场所,而且被视为成年男子走向社会必经的一步。文章第三节通过对小说中几位从良梦破灭的妓女的分析,认为小说体现着近代上海的群体情感:没有过去,没有未来,只有当下的愉悦。第三章讲述作为近代大众传媒主要形式的报刊与晚清狭邪小说文本、市民文化之间的互动。文章指出,兼具报人、小说家的双重身份,晚清狭邪小说作者们在创作中显示出更强烈的时代意识和商业意识;报纸上的信息为狭邪小说的创作提供了素材;而报纸的“被看”、“被评价”、“被暴露”在更大程度上是小说家们自我推销,培养潜在“受众”的方式。晚清狭邪小说所能提供的独特视角可以为理解近代上海社会的变迁以及群体情感的演变作出重要贡献。虽然这篇论文的三章之间并没有形成严密的线性逻辑关系,但它们可以相互补充,相互说明,使我们更加理性地思考晚清狭邪小说独特的史料价值。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at showing the modern Shanghai city life of late Qing courtesan novel, and reveals the value and significance of the process of modernization about modern Shanghai.Introduction part of the paper firstly proposed the two main issues, and those are changes of the daily life of modern Shanghai and the impact on people’s lives by modern mass media. The solutions of these two problems have to base on writing and imagination of the late Qing courtesan novel about modern Shanghai. This section also combed the previous research results, especially researches since the eighties of the twentieth century.The paper can be divided into three chapters, according to the two main issues in the introduction part.The first chapter focuses on the late Qing courtesan novel shaped by the overall image of Shanghai. "Night Shanghai "highlighted by the late Qing courtesan novel is not only presented the image of the bustling city and pleasure-seeking consumer extravagant lifestyle, but also a description of desire, which reveals the modern consciousness. On the other hand, the daily life of people has undergone tremendous changes under the impact of foreign civilization. Using West’s popular foreign goods affects all aspects of people’s lives. That the time is elongated by the foreign amp still shows the strict hierarchical relationship in Modern Shanghai. The improvement and expansion of urban public space show "rational", "rigorous" and other ideas of modern city life.The second chapter focuses on the main narrative fiction space-brothels. From comparison with the ancient Chinese traditional brothel, the study reveals that the highly commercialized brothel in modern Shanghai digests the romantic literary imagination about brothels. The decline of the status of the literati reflecting from it looses the fundamental social structure and traditional Concept of hierarchy. However, brothels are still valued by the public, because its unique mode of operation is not only provided a venue for social activities, but also regarded as a necessary step that the adult men enter into society. This chapter through analyzing the good dreams of several prostitutes shattered reveals that the novel embodies the feelings of the public in modern Shanghai. There is only a moment’s pleasure without past and future.The third chapter describes the interaction among newspapers which regarded as the main form of modern mass media, late Qing courtesan novel and the cultures of the public. The paper points out that the creations of courtesan novel authors, who have dual identity as journalists and novelists, reflect a more realistic sense of the times and a strong business sense. Information from the newspaper provided materials to their creations. And "be seen", "being evaluated", "exposed" of the newspaper to a greater extent is the self-promotion of the novelist and develop the potential approach of "audience".A unique perspective provided by late Qing courtesan novel makes important contributions to the understanding of social changes and the evolution of emotion among the public in modern Shanghai. Although the three chapters of this paper have not formed the strict linear logic, they can be complemented and explained by each other, which can help us be more rational when considering the unique historical value of late Qing courtesan novel.


