

A Multi-dimensional Study on the Pragmatic Functions of Generic Sentences

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 姚双云;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 指称问题一直以来都是语言学界关注的焦点,与之密切相关的指类句(generic sentence)也正成为我国近年来逐渐受到重视的议题。有关指类句的研究,学界业已出现的多种理论视角和形式处理方法都有其可取之处,然而皆有待进一步完善。本文尝试在“小三角”视域、“立场”视域和“语体”视域等多维视域下对指类句进行全面、系统地审视。首先,我们试图将“小三角”理论引入指类句的研究,从指类句的句法语义入手,在语表、语里和语值三个方面对指类句进行进一步深入观察和审视。结论如下:(一)在语表形式上,指类句主要由“类指主语”和“属性谓语”两个基本部分组成。此外,指类句主要表现为“单宾动词句”、“‘是’字句”、“‘有’字句”和兼语句等几种句式;(二)在语里意义上,指类句大体上不表示明确情节或独立事实,而是指明一类事物全体(或部分)具有某种规律、属性或特征;(三)在语用价值上,指类句为适应一定的语用需要而做出“特设判断”。其次,文章尝试在“立场”视域下聚焦指类句的语用功能。主要通过考察指类句立场表达的实现方式,揭示指类句立场表达的内在运作机制。研究表明,指类句分别通过“类指主语”和“属性谓语”两个基本部分进行立场表达。具言之:“类指主语”主要运用“概括”这种特殊的立场表达机制实现其“个人立场”、“互动立场”和“社会文化立场”的表达;而“属性谓语”则主要借助“是”、“具有”等静态性动词或“应该”“必须”等情态动词以及特定副词来帮助实现其立场表达。最后,本文在“语体”视域下对指类句的语用功能进行观测。考察发现,指类句可以细分为“说明型”、“指令型”和“评述型”三类,分别具有“判断”、“指令”和“评价”三种功能。其中,说明型指类句主要出现在科技语体中;指令型指类句主要出现在法律语体中;评述型指类句主要出现在政论语体中。显然,指类句在不同语体中的分布呈现出显著的差异性。这一分布上的差异可以通过语体自身特征和交际功能获得很好的解释。另外,大量的语言事实表明,指类句不但具有描述实体共同特性的功能,还具有规定实体共性行为的功能。由此,我们将指类句定义为:基于一定的语用需求,对一类对象的某种特征进行概括、评价或对其行为作出规定和指令的句子。这一个定义有助于更全面、深入地认识指类句的句法特点与语用功能。

【Abstract】 The generic issue has always been the focus of attention within linguistic domain, thus the generic sentence has gained increasing attention in recent years. The past studies on the generic sentence from different perspectives have made great achievements, yet there’s still room to make improvements. This present thesis attempts to make a systemic analysis of the generic sentence on the basis of the theory of the Small Triangle Hypothesis, the Stance Theory and the Genre Theory.Firstly, the Small Triangle Theory is introduced to study the syntactic forms as well as the semantic meaning and the pragmatic effect of the generic sentence. The conclusions are:(1) Syntactically, the generic sentence is composed of the generic subject and the attribute predicate. The generic sentence can be divided into the verbal sentence with a single object, the "shi" sentence, the "you" sentence and the series verb sentence. (2) Semantically, the generic sentence expresses the general attributes and shows the law and characteristics of the things of the same category. (3) Pragmatically, the generic sentence is a "special judgment" to meet a specific pragmatic need.Secondly, this thesis analyses the pragmatic functions of the generic sentence from the stance perspective. It examines the realizations and uncovers the internal mechanism of the stance of the generic sentence. It demonstrates that the generic sentence expresses the stance through "the generic subject" and "the attribute predicate". Specifically, the generic subject expresses the personal stance, the interactive stance, and the socio-cultural stance through its special mechanism of "generalization". The attribute predicate help realize the stance through stative verbs as "shi" (be) and "juyou" (have) and the modal verbs like "yinggai" (should) and "bixu" (must).Lastly, this thesis investigates the pragmatic function of the generic sentence within the register theory. It is found that the generic sentence can be divided into three types: the descriptive generic sentence, the directive generic sentence and the commentary generic sentence. The descriptive generic sentence occurs in scientific and technological discourse, the directive generic sentence occurs in legal discourse and the commentary generic sentence occurs in political discourse. The distribution of the generic sentence displays remarkable disparity in different registers. Languages prove that the generic sentence has the function of describing and stipulating the common characteristics of the entities Therefore the generic sentence can be defined as a sentence which concludes, evaluates and stipulates certain characteristics of a certain subject. This definition helps us have a deep and thorough the syntactic features and pragmatic function.

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】174

