

Research on the Li Shi Zhen Medical Culture System and Tourism Development

【作者】 汪霞

【导师】 黄翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 李时珍医道文化,是我国传统中医药文化发展史上的一朵奇葩,是以李时珍为代表的我国16世纪人民智慧的结晶。它承载了中华民族独特的思维方式,并与其它历史遗存共同充实了我国非物质文化遗产宝库。合理开发利用李时珍医道文化,对培育新型旅游消费点、弘扬中华医道文化精神,彰显民族文化魅力均具有重要意义。自21世纪以来,国际医疗旅游事业发展风起云涌,我国医疗旅游市场已逐步打开,但独具民族特色的医道文化旅游尚未引起旅游学界高度重视,且面临产品开发不足,结构单一,缺乏活力等系列问题,矛盾日益突显。因此,加强李时珍医道文化及旅游开发的研究势在必行。为全面获悉李时珍医道文化相关知识内容、深刻了解李时珍医道文化内涵,本文主要采用实地调研、文献整理和定性分析等研究方法相结合,界定李时珍医道文化真正内涵,梳理李时珍医道文化知识体系,为李时珍医道文化旅游产品开发提供基础依据。文章共分为四个部分,第一部分主要交代研究意义,综合分析国内外学术界对“医道文化”及旅游开发的研究现状。第二部分介绍了李时珍医道文化的基本概况,阐述李时珍医道文化的深刻内涵,解析李时珍医道文化构成。认为李时珍医道文化应区别于传统的“道文化”和“医文化”,是一种独特的旅游文化类型,具有独立的文化特征。在此概念的基础上,对李时珍医道文化进行梳理,概括出李时珍医道文化由传统中医药文化、“生命观”道文化、现代养生学文化、唯物主义哲学思辨文化、科学进取的人文精神文化五种文化类型构成,并对各相应文化组成进行了详细阐述。第三部分在文化旅游开发相关理论的指导下,结合地方李时珍医道文化旅游开发现状和旅游产品开发过程中存在的系列问题,从旅游开发策略和旅游产品创意设计两个方面对李时珍医道文化旅游产品开发进行阐述,提供了一些设计思路和设计方案。最后本文对李时珍医道文化旅游开发作了简要回顾和评述,并针对本文研究的创新之处以及不足之处进行综合评价。

【Abstract】 Li Shi Zhen medical culture, which is considered as a wonderful work of Chinese traditional medical cultural of development history, is represented the wisdom by the people of the 16th century, carries a unique Chinese way of thinking, enriches the treasury of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in China together with other historical relics. Exploitation of Li Shi Zhen culture rationally is of great significance for cultivating a new point of tourism consumption, promoting the cultural spirit of the Chinese as well as highlighting the cultural charm.Since the 21st century, international medical tourism developed like the surging, while Chinese medical tourism market has gradually opened. However It is the fact that the unique medical cultural tourism has not yet attach great importance to tourism facing product exploitation is not enough, single structure, lack of energy etc, and the contradiction is getting prominent increasingly. Therefore It is important and imperative to pay more attention on the research of medical culture tourism.In order to gained more and overall related medical cultural knowledge, the article mainly adopts methods of field investigation, literature analysis and qualitative analysis, defining the real connotation, clarifying the cultural knowledge system and providing the developed foundation of medical cultural products.The article is divided into four parts. First, it major account of the research meaning, analysis comprehensively the present research state of the "medical culture" development and research in recent academic word. In the second part, introduced the basic briefs, explained the profound meaning and the composition of the medical culture. In this part, the author maintained that Li Shi Zhen medical culture,which should be distinguished from the traditional "Tao culture" and the "medicine" culture, is a unique type of tourism culture, possessing an independent cultural identity. Based on this concept, the author point out that "Li Shi Zhen medical culture" is consist of five type culture, which is traditional Chinese medicine culture, "life concept" Tao culture, modern health preserving culture, materialist philosophy speculative culture and progressive human spiritual cultural, and elaborate it in detail. In the third part, under the guidance of cultural tourism development theory, according to the development state of local Li Shi Zhen medical cultural tourism and some problems existing in the process of exploitation,the author provide some design ideas and design in two ways of the tourism development strategy and creative design of tourism products. At last, the article review of the development of Li Shi Zhen cultural tourism and comment briefly about the innovation and the inadequacies of this article.

【关键词】 李时珍医道文化旅游开发
【Key words】 Li Shi ZhenMedical culturalTourism development
  • 【分类号】R-092;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】354
  • 攻读期成果

