

The Development History, Present Situation and Promotion Strategy and Promotion Strategy of Cuqiu Game

【作者】 胡海剑

【导师】 王维;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 蹴球是我国少数民族传统体育项目,在我国少数民族传统文化中占有重要的位置,是由古代蹴鞠游戏演变而来,在我国满、回、苗、蒙、土等少数民族中流传较广。本文从人类学、民族学和社会学的角度论证蹴球的起源,蹴球源于远古时期的石球游戏,经过历朝历代的发展,逐渐演变成广为流传的古代蹴鞠。新中国成立后,由北京市民族体育协会和北京体育大学联合,结合蹴鞠游戏,历时十几年挖掘、整理出来,形成现在有广泛群众基础的、有完善竞赛规则的现代蹴球运动。蹴球起源于古代的军事战争。秦汉时期,军队中把蹴球当成军事训练和娱乐的手段。随着社会经济和社会文化的发展,到了唐宋时期,蹴球逐渐失去了军事训练的作用,逐渐转变成为单纯的娱乐表演性的游戏,其对抗性、竞技性退化②。制作蹴球工艺的提高,蹴球更加轻巧,促使蹴球的踢球技术、比赛规则、参赛人数发生变革,女子蹴球也应运而生。到了元明时期,蹴球彻底的脱离军事,受封建理学思想的影响,女子和小孩成为参与蹴球游戏的主力。蹴球在我国古代的发展受社会文化影响较大,宋代理学的出现和北方少数民族文化的侵入,使古代蹴鞠逐渐消失在历史的长河中。现代蹴球运动,已经成为全国少数民族运动会的正式比赛项目之一,在全国很多地方都有开展,尤其是少数民族地区开展的很普遍。随着蹴球规则的完善,普及程度越来越高,已经成为了适合不同年龄、不同身份、不同性别的人都喜欢的民族传统体育运动。在全民健身背景下,推广民族传统体育项目很有优势。从社会角度出发,保护和推广民族传统体育能够丰富社会文化、传承优秀文化、和谐人群关系;从政治角度出发,保护和推广民族传统体育是搞好民族团结,和谐民族关系、符合我过走中国特色社会主义的思想;从个人需要出发,保护和推广民族传统体育可以满足人们的个体需求。保护和推广民族传统体育项目,既丰富了全民健身的运动项目,又传承了中国传统文化,发扬了传统民族文化,也为民族传统体育的产业化发展开辟了一条新思路,形成一条与民族项目有关的服饰、器材、场地、民族旅游、民族特色服务的产业链条,从而促进体育产业的发展并带来巨大的经济效益。要更好的发展蹴球运动,首先政府要起到主导作用,多方合作,加强宣传;其次,蹴球运动进入校园,成为学校体育课程;大中专院校和体育院系要加大力度培养掌握蹴球基础知识和技能的教练员和运动员;挖掘蹴球文化的内涵,完善蹴球运动本身,从而弘扬传统文化,使之成为世界性运动。

【Abstract】 Chinese abstract:CuQiu is China’s traditional minority national sports, game called cuju by ancient evolved, in our full, back, seedlings, Mongolian, soil and other minorities more widely popular among. This article from the Angle of the CuQiu archaeologists demonstrated CuQiu from ancient times the origin, rob, after the game, who lived in gradually evolved into widespread ancient game called cuju. After the founding of new China, by the Beijing Beijing national sports association and Beijing sport university joint, combined with a game called cuju game, lasted for more than ten years digging, sorted out, form now has a broad mass base, perfect the modern CuQiu sports competition rules.CuQiu originated in military war. CuQiu dynasties, mainly used for military training. With the development of social economy, arrived in the tang and song dynasties, CuQiu gradually lose the military training, gradually transformed into the role of pure entertainment presentational game, its confrontational, athletics degradation. CuQiu process improvement, made CuQiu more dexterous, prompted CuQiu play technology, game rules, participants to change, women’s football also arises at the historic moment. Arrived in yuan and Ming dynasties, CuQiu completely from the military, become women child game. In ancient China CuQiu by social cultural influence the development of neo-confucianism in the song dynasty appear larger, and northern minorities culture, make the invasion of the ancient game called cuju gradually disappear in the river of history.The modern kick ball CuQiu, will be one of civil transport regulation game projects, will have the development in the national very place. Along with the kick ball rule’s consummation, the popular degree is getting higher and higher, already became has suited the national tradition sports which the disparity in age, the different status, the different sex’s people like. Under all-people body-building background, the promotion national tradition sports items has the superiority very much. From social angle embarking, the protection and the promotion national tradition sports is the rich social culture, the inheritance outstanding culture, the harmonious crowd relates; From political angle embarking, the protection and the promotion national tradition sports does well the national unity, the harmonious ethnic relations, conform to me to walk the Chinese characteristic socialism the thought; Embarks from individual need, the protection and the promotion national tradition sports may meet people’s individual need. Protection and promotion national tradition sports items, also opened for the sports industry by the strip new mentality, forms one with the national project related clothing, the equipment, the location, the national traveling, the national characteristics service industrial chain link, thus the promotion sports industry’s development and brings the huge economic efficiency. Must the better development kick ball movement, the first government probably play the leading role, cooperates in every way, strengthens the propaganda; Next, the kick ball movement enters the campus, becomes the school sports curriculum, the universities and technical institutes colleges and universities raise masters the kick ball elementary knowledge and the skill trainer and the athlete; The excavation kick ball culture’s connotation, the perfect kick ball movement itself, causes it to become the worldwide basis movement.

【关键词】 蹴球石球游戏演变推广策略
【Key words】 Kick ballShi Qiu playsAll-people body-buildingPromotionStrategy
  • 【分类号】G852.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】495

