

Wu Tingfang and Republican Political

【作者】 杨雄

【导师】 彭剑;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伍廷芳是中国近代史上一个重要人物,早年留学英伦,学成归国后先任职于港英政府,后入李鸿章幕。在充当李鸿章幕僚期间,用自己所学的国际法知识为李鸿章和清政府办理了许多交涉案件,受到李鸿章的高度赏识。李鸿章在甲午战争后下台,清政府鉴于伍廷芳的外交才能,先后两次任命他为驻美公使。伍廷芳在此期间对清政府忠心耿耿,希望清政府加快立宪步伐,摆脱民族危机,但是清廷的一系列做法令伍廷芳大为失望,心灰意冷的他最后选择了加入革命派,与其一道推翻清政府,在中国建立自己向往的民主共和制度。本文的研究就集中在晚年的伍廷芳在建立和维护共和制度所做的贡献上辛亥革命爆发后,伍廷芳受革命派之邀,出山任民军的外交代表。为了推翻专制制度,建立共和制度,伍廷芳与清廷代表唐绍仪就国体问题进行了一系列艰苦的谈判,最终在中国建立了共和制度。伍廷芳由清廷的旧官僚转变为革命党,不但被人指责为叛徒,还面临着清廷宗社党的死亡威胁,伍廷芳向他们解释了自己从追求建立君主立宪转变为民主共和的原因,同时希望他们早点加入到建设新的国家中来。中华民国建立后,伍廷芳由于与革命党的隔阂和对袁世凯的反感,选择离开了民国初年的政治舞台。离开政治舞台的伍廷芳没有闲着,有感于国人共和知识缺乏,他走进了自己的书斋,以自己留英驻美的经历,写了大量的书籍来介绍英美的政治制度,同时指出在我国应该怎样建立真正的民主共和国家。伍廷芳平静的书斋生活很快就被袁世凯称帝和张勋复辟所打破,为了维护共和制度,伍廷芳再次出山,加入到了反对袁世凯称帝和张勋复辟的斗争中来。逆历史潮流的袁世凯和张勋很快被历史抛弃,伍廷芳为了实现自己民国图治的理想,接受了黎元洪的邀请在政府任职,但事与愿违的是,民国很快陷入各派军阀无休止的争斗中。伍廷芳为了维护真正的民主共和制度,和孙中山一起既反对北方军阀又反对南方军阀,最后积劳成疾,病死于讨伐陈炯明的炮火声中。伍廷芳早年帮助清廷君主立宪,对清廷失望后,转而追求民主共和,伍廷芳生命的最后十年为建立和维护共和,南北奔波,最后可以说为此而献身。

【Abstract】 Wu Ting-fang, an important figure in modern Chinese history, has early studied in England and then held a post in British Hong Kong government before becoming an assistant to Li Hung-chang. He was highly appreciated by Li for dealing with cases of diplomatic affairs by using his knowledge of international law. Li Hung-chang retired after Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.In view of Wu Ting-fang’s diplomatic skills, the Qing government has twice appointed him as ambassador to the U.S.. During this period, he was loyal to the Qing government, hoping to accelerate the pace of constitutional and save the national crisis. To his disappointment, the Qing government did not want to do anything to change the situation. Finally, he chose to join the revolutionaries, overthrew the Qing government with them and established a democratic republican system. This dissertation will focus on Wu Ting-fang’s contributions to the establishment and maintenance of republican system in his late years.After the outbreak of the 1911 revolution, Wu Ting-fang was invited by the revolutionaries and appointed diplomatic representative. In order to overthrow the autocracy and establish the republican system, Wu Ting-fang made tough negotiations about the form of government with Tang Shao-yi who was on behalf of the Qing government and then established the republican system in china at last. From an old imperial bureaucracy into a revolutionary party member, Wu Ting-fang was not only accused as a traitor, but also faced a threat of death by the Qing government. He explained to them why he turned his first pursuit of constitution monarchy into the establishment of democratic republic. And he also hoped them to join the revolutionary to build a new country as soon as possible.Since the establishment of the Republic of China, Wu Ting-fang chose to leave the early Republic’s political arena because of the gap with the revolutionary party as well as the resentment of the Yuan. Wu Ting-fang had never retired and sit still after leaving the political arena. He went into his den and still pursued his ideal. Feeling a lack of knowledge about the Republican, he wrote a lot of books to introduce the Anglo-American political system and he also pointed out how to build a truly democratic republic. Wu Ting-fang’s quiet den life was soon destroyed by two things:one was that Yuan Shi-kai proclaimed himself emperor and the other was that Zhang Xun Restoration. In order to maintain the republican system, Wu Ting-fang came out again. He joined the struggle against the Yuan emperor and Zhang Xun Restoration and soon succeeded. To realize his ideal of the Republic of prosperity, Wu Ting-fang accepted the position provided by Li Yuan-hung Government. However, things went contrary to his wishes. Republic of China fell into the endless crossfire between warlords. Together with Sun Yat-sen, Wu Ting-fang fought for the truly Democratic Republic. They fought against the northern warlords as well as the southern ones. Finally, Wu Ting-fang broken down from constant overwork and died in the crusade against the Chen Jiongming.In a word, Wu Ting-fang helped the Qing government constitutional monarchy in his early years, but turned into the democratic republic after the disappointment of this government. During his last ten years, Wu Ting-fang had been running around for the establishment and the maintenance of the Democratic Republic.It could be said that he devoted all his life to this great cause.

  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【下载频次】114

