

The Design of the Computer Room Monitoring System Based on Embedded Web Server

【作者】 陈雯

【导师】 黄光明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 电路与系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国信息产业的发展与普及,越来越多的科研机构、学校、企业都设有计算机机房进行科学计算和数字化管理。传统的人力资源机房管理模式,不仅给人力、财力带来很大的浪费,而且还不能准确高效的监控机房环境,因而研制一套可靠性高的机房监控系统就显得十分重要。本文根据国内机房监控系统的发展现状,针对夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室的大型网格计算平台机房的具体应用,设计了一款机房监控系统。该系统能实时监测机房内的各项环境参数,在出现异常状况后通过各种方式报警并进行应急处理,起到及时保护室内设备的作用。通过对应用要求和现有的技术的分析,提出了采用TCP/IP技术和嵌入式Web技术的系统设计方案。文章介绍了监控系统的硬件设计方案,该设计采用模块化的设计方法,实现了包括:以MC9S12NE64单片机为核心的控制模块、温湿度测量模块、电力监测模块,以及基于MC35的GPRS短信报警模块。论文重点介绍了在OpenTCP协议栈基础上各功能的实现,包括:嵌入式系统的网络连接、嵌入式Web服务器、人机交互功能、服务器网络参数配置、网络报警等功能。此外还介绍了基于Windows和Linux操作系统的守护软件的设计。最后对系统各功能模块进行了测试,测试结果表明各模块的设计达到了预期的要求。

【Abstract】 With the development and popularization of the national information industry, more and more scientific research institutions, schools, enterprises have computer rooms for scientific computing and digital management. If the computer room is managed by traditional hunman resource management model, it will not only waste human resources, but also can not control environment and equipment accurately and efficiently. So development of a high reliability monitoring and controlling system is very important.Based on the study of the national monitoring system and developing trends, for grid computing platform of Education Key Laboratory, a monitoring system was designed. This system can monitor real-time various environmental parameters of computer room, and can alarm by various means in the event of unusual circumstances and can mangage the emergence itself. It can protect instruments and equipments of the computer room in time. By analyzing the application requirements and the existing technologies, TCP/IP technology and Embedded Web technology are used in the system.This article describes the various hardware modules of the system, including control module which has MC9S12NE64 as a core, temperature measurement module based on digital temperature sensor chip, humidity measurement module based on digital humidity sensor chip, power monitoring module based on opticalcoupler, GPRS SMS alarm module based on MC35. Paper focuses on the various functions of the system based on OpenTCP. including network connectivity of embedded system, implementation of the embedded Web server, implementation of the system interactivity, Server gains network parameter function, network alarm function. In addition, the design of guardian software based on Windows and Linux operating systems are introduced.Finally, the functional modules of the system are tested, from the results, we know that the design of each module achieve the desired requirement.

  • 【分类号】TP308;TP277
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】184

