

Core Value Education of the U.S. Armed Forces and the Implications to Our Armies

【作者】 王泽刚

【导师】 唐克军;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我军正在大力开展当代革命军人核心价值观教育活动。为了搞好这项教育活动,不仅要坚持继承和发扬我军的优良传统,同时还应放眼世界,研究外军,尤其是美军的成功做法。本文通过对美军核心价值观的主要内容、开展教育的机构和人员、开展教育的主要方法等内容进行分析,进而提出对我军开展当代革命军人核心价值观教育有参考价值的几点启示。论文主要分为四个部分。第一部分,分析美军核心价值观的主要内容。美军为了解决部队中出现的矛盾和突出问题,各军种都提出了自己的核心价值观,虽表述不同,但实质都差不多,主要体现在忠诚、职责、奉献、荣誉、勇气、尊重、正直等方面。第二部分,分析美军开展核心价值观教育的机构和人员。美军虽没有专门的政治性工作机构,但有自己的宣传教育机构和军史工作机构,部队的核心价值观教育工作主要由各级军官、牧师和士官共同完成。第三部分,分析美军开展核心价值观教育的主要方法。美军在核心价值观教育开展过程中,主要通过价值灌输、宗教感化、用道德准则规范、融入军事训练、发挥社会资源的教育作用、充分发挥军官的榜样作用、军营文化熏陶等方法灵活进行,取得了较好的教育效果。第四部分,分析美军核心价值观教育对我军的启示。我军在借鉴美军核心价值观教育过程中,应取其精华、去其糟粕,着眼我军实际,确立我军的核心价值体系,重视法规建设,塑造体现军人核心价值观的军营文化,充分发挥军官和士官的模范作用,加强对核心价值观教育效果的检查,从而推动我军当代革命军人核心价值观教育深入发展。

【Abstract】 Nowadays core value education activities are performed among the PLA. Traditions and a world sight are both necessary in these activities,and successful examples of the foreign armed forces especially the U.S. armed forces must be taken into consideration. Through analyzing the main idea, education departments, staff and means of the core value education of the U.S. armed forces in this thesis, we gain several implications to the core value education in our armies.This Paper is divided into four parts.The first Part presents the main idea of the core value of the U.S. armed forces.In order to resolve contradiction and conflicts arise in the army, each service of the U.S. armed forces put forward their core values. Though their representations are different, the core values are of the same kind, mainly about loyalty, duty, devotion, honor, courage, respect, integrity, etc.The second part Explains the faculty of the core value education of the U.S. armed forces. Instead of the political institute, the U.S. Armed forces have department of publicity and education, and of military history. Officers, priests and sergeants work together for the core value education.The third part illustrates the means of the core value education of the U.S. armed forces.Through value implantation, the effectiveness of religion, the norms of moral code and military training, the U.S. armed forces achieved good effects when carry out the core value education. Besides, the role of social groups and individuals, the examples of military officers, and the influence of military culture are all very important in core value education.The last part explores the implications to our armies. When use their theory of core value education as reference, we should take the essence and discard the dregs. The establishment of our core value education system and its rules of education should base on the practices of the PLA, and military culture should be developed to reflect the values of military soldiers. The exemplary vanguard role of officers and sergeants should be given full play, and the inspection of the effects of the core value education should be reinforced to promote the further development of core value education in our armies.

【关键词】 美军核心价值观教育启示
【Key words】 the U.S. Armed forcescore valueeducationinspiration
  • 【分类号】E712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】439

