

On the Continuing Education of Middle School Physical Education Teachers in Zhengzhou City

【作者】 朱鹏翔

【导师】 黄爱峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 作为教师教育重要组成部分的体育教师继续教育,不仅能对中学体育教师的知识和技能进行补充、更新、拓展和提高,也能也为中学体育教师更好适应新课程改革和建立新型的教学模式。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数据统计法、访谈法,以郑州市77名中学体育教师作为调查对象,主要从郑州市中学体育教师对继续教育的认识、继续教育的课程设置、继续教育的形式、继续教育的培训师资、继续教育的培训机构、教师对继续教育的满意度、影响教师继续教育的因素、继续教育的资金承担者等主要问题进行了调查。郑州市中学体育教师继续教育存在的问题有:对中学体育教师继续教育政策和法制建设研究不够、对继续教育执教师资队伍建设研究的力度不够、对中学体育教师继续教育评估的研究欠缺;课程设置不符合中学体育教师的实际需求;继续教育的形式有待开发;培训师资成员单一、质量有待提高;没有充分发挥校本培训的作用;学校对体育教师继续教育的支持力度不够。提升郑州市中学体育教师继续教育质量的建议:加大对中学体育教师继续教育的重视,树立继续教育的新理念;制定科学的继续教育内容,满足教师多样化的需求;改进继续教育的形式,同时注重发挥网络学习的作用;组建具有开放性又相对稳定的专兼结合的继续教育培训者队伍;积极构建新型“校本培训”模式。

【Abstract】 As an important component of teacher education, P.E. teachers’continuing education can not only add, update, expand and improve their knowledge and skills but also reform and establish new teaching models in which middle school P.E. teachers can adapt to the new curriculum better. In this paper, literature, questionnaires, statistics, interviews were used as the research methods. The research subjects are 77 P.E. teachers from the middle schools in Zhengzhou. The mainly research topics are as following:the understanding of continuing education, continuing education courses, the forms of continuing education, the teachers of the training, the training institutions of continuing education, the satisfaction of the factors that affect teachers’continuing education, continuing education funding issues and other major problems.There are such problems in continuing education for middle school P.E. teachers in Zhengzhou:Research on the policy and the legal system of continuing education for middle school P.E. teachers is not enough; The strength on building the teacher-training team of continuing education is not enough; Research on the assessment of continuing education of middle school P.E. teachers is not enough; The form of continuing education is to be developed; Teacher training resources are not rich enough and the quality needs to be improved; School-based training has not been fully used; The support for continuing education of P.E. teachers is not enough for the schools.Here is some advice to enhance the quality of continuing education for middle school P.E. teachers in Zhengzhou. Increase the importance of continuing education for middle school P.E. teachers, and establish a new concept of continuing education.Develop the content of continuing education well. Meet the diverse needs of teachers. Improve the forms of continuing education. Meanwhile, pay attention to the role of learning on the internet. Make a teacher-training team which is open and relatively stable. Actively build a new "school-based training" mode.

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【下载频次】139

