

The Demonstration and the Model of Scientists’ Contributive Ability of Collaboration Networks

【作者】 曹艳青

【导师】 蔡勖;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 理论物理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂性科学是一门交叉学科,自然界中存在大量的复杂系统,它们都可以通过形形色色的网络加以研究。合作网一直是研究的热点,通过该网络的研究可询查当前研究热门以及合作团体的建立与演化性质。本文的工作主要包括两部分内容:第一部分:本文在Newman科学家合作网络的建立基础上,考察了复杂网络领域科学家合作网络的基本量的特点。本文作者收集了由APS搜索的PACS号为89.75.-k(Complex systems)和87.23. Ge (Dynamics of social systems)从1999年1月至2011年1月,共699篇文章,1299位作者构成的科学家合著网,实证地研究了复杂网络领域科学家合著网的特性,发现该网络具有小世界的特点。即使复杂网络的系统性研究只是出现在上个世纪八十年代末,短短的二十几年,该门科学的发展已具备所有成熟科学领域中合作网络的共性。第二部分:科学家合作网络中,每一位作者对文献以及科学的贡献程度是不同的,研究科学思想在科学领域传播与交流包括研究科学家合作网中科学家贡献力的模型则是非常有意义的。本文提出了一种基于无标度网络演化的模型,探索性地研究科学领域的贡献力由于科学家的不同加入方式的改变情况,试图寻求能够促进某一科学领域前进发展的最好方式。

【Abstract】 Complexity science is an interdisciplinary nature, there are a lot of complex systems in the real world. They all can be studied by kinds of networks.Cooperation network has been the focus of research studies, through the network Scientists can check the current research popular consultation and know how the cooperation groups established. This work includes two parts:The first part:In this paper, Newman established network of scientists, based on cooperation, scientists study the complex network of cooperation in the field of the basic amount of network characteristics. The author collected by the APS PACS number search 89.75.-k (Complex systems) and 87.23.Ge (Dynamics of social systems) from January 1999 to January 2011, a total of 699 articles,1299 consisting of Scientists co-networks, empirical field study of the complex network properties of network co-scientists found that the network has small world characteristics. Even if only a systematic study of complex networks in the late eighties of last century, a short period of twenty years, the development of science has mature scientific field with all common network of cooperation.The second part:Scientific collaboration network, each of the literature and the contribution of science is different, of scientific thinking in the sciences, including research scientists, dissemination and exchange of scientists, the net contribution for co-operation model is very significant. This paper presents a scale-free networks based on the evolution of the model, scientists study the exploratory contribution to the field force of science.


