

The Public Policy Research of Low Carbon City’s Development

【作者】 朱贝妮

【导师】 徐军玲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 全世界绝大多数的人类居住在城市。城市作为人类活动最为频繁的地方,其能源消耗占到全球能源消耗的60%以上,并且其二氧化碳排放占到全球总排放的80%以上。作为人类经济、社会活动最为活跃的地方,城市处处体现了人类的智慧和经济的发展。然而随着温室气体的严重排放过量,气候变化逐渐成为全球关注的焦点。由于城市一直以来都存在消耗大量能源的生产方式和现代的生活方式,城市排放出了大量的二氧化碳。这些提供了热量、电力和动力的能源在带给城市便利生活和繁荣经济的同时也是全球气候变暖的罪魁祸首。因此要减少温室气体排放,重头戏就在城市。减少了城市的碳排放,减碳的任务也就完成了一大半。武汉市作为中部崛起的领头羊,是久负盛名的“火炉”城市,而这一现象在近几年更是有明显加剧的趋势。天气越来越热的背后是城市温室气体排放的增加。而武汉市能源的减少、资源的约束性也使得现有的城市发展遇到瓶颈。所以缓解温室效应,提倡低碳减排和提高能效,打造低碳城市是武汉市刻不容缓的任务之一。在城市低碳发展的道路会遇到各种困难和问题,这就需要公共政策为武汉市的低碳城市发展保驾护航。本文就力图从政策的角度来分析如何运用公共政策以使得武汉市的低碳城市发展更为顺利的进行。本文主要是由一个续论和四个主体部分组成。绪论部分主要是阐述了本文的缘起及意义、国内外相关研究现状及评述、文章的研究方法、写作框架以及本文的创新点。第一个主体部分是对低碳城市、公共政策以及可持续发展理论的相关阐述。第二个主体部分主要是发展低碳城市中公共政策的问题表述。主要是从政策系统的构成视角并以武汉市为例,从低碳政策的主体、低碳政策客体、低碳政策环境以及低碳政策工具这四个维度对在发展低碳城市中公共政策遇到的问题和困难进行分析。第三个主体部分是经验借鉴。主要是关于我国低碳政策历史沿革和国内外城市低碳政策实践经验。以期借鉴国内外城市发展低碳城市的宝贵政策经验。第四个主体部分是以武汉市为例谈我国城市低碳发展的优化策略。

【Abstract】 The vast majority of human beings around the world live in cities. City as a place where cotains the most frequent human activities, their energy consumption accounted for 60% of global energy consumption, and its total global emissions of carbon dioxide emissions account for more than 80%. Cities where have human’s most active economic and social activities, always reflects the wisdom of mankind and economic development. However, with the excessive emission of greenhouse gases, serious climate change has become the focus of global concern. As the city has always been to consume a large amount of energy production and modern lifestyles, the city has a lot of carbon dioxide emissions. Energy provide heat, electricity and power in bringing the city to facilitate the life and economic prosperity but also the global climate warming. Therefore, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, most importantly, in the city. Reducing the city’s carbon emissions, carbon emissions is mostly finished.Wuhan City, as the central China leader, is the prestigious "stove" city, and this phenomenon is even more obvious in recent years. Behind the weather getting hot is the city’s increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction energy, resource constraints in Wuhan, is also made of existing that urban development bottleneck is coming. So ease the greenhouse effect, carbon emissions and promote energy efficiency. creating a low carbon city is one of the urgent task in Wuhan City. However, low-carbon development path in the city will encounter various difficulties and problems, which requires public policy escort for the low-carbon city development in Wuhan. This thesis seeks to analyze how to use public policies to make low-carbon city development in Wuhan more smoothly.This thesis divides into an introduction and four major parts.The introduction mainly contains the origin and significance of this thesis, and the review of related research, research methods, writing frameworks, and innovation of this thesis.The first major part is about the low-carbon city, public policy and sustainable development related to the theory expounded.The second major part is the development of low-carbon city public policy formulation. Mainly from the perspective of the policy structure describe in Wuhan.In view of the main body of the policy, policy object, policy environment, and policy instruments. To analyze the problems and difficulties in the case of Wuhan..The third major part is Experience. To learn from the valuable experience.The fourth major part is the to discuss Whan’s optimization of low-carbon development strategies.

  • 【分类号】F205;F299.27
  • 【下载频次】450

