

By Three-country Story Literary and Art Work in Sun Shangxiang Image Evolution

【作者】 杜小琴

【导师】 谭邦和;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《三国演义》这部被世人称之为“四大奇书”的小说,自诞生就引起了不少研究者的关注,进而引起了对三国故事所蕴含的思想以及文化意义的关注,当然,其中浩如烟海的人物形象也是研究者们研究的重点。作为三国故事中一个重要的女性人物孙尚香,虽也或多或少受到关注,对其研究的方法也是多种多样,有考据研究、艺术分析、文化思想研究等内容的探讨,但是其研究也是零零散散,不成系统。笔者在搜集了大量的资料后,首先做了这样一个尝试,从孙尚香这个人物形象的原始形象阶段、发展阶段、演变阶段等三个方面出发,全面分析研究这个人物形象在不同的发展阶段所表现出来的性格特征,从而探究该形象所体现的文化意义。第一章是孙尚香原始形象的论述。《三国志》中《吴书》和《蜀书》关于孙尚香的相关记载,为我们勾勒出了孙尚香简单而真实的一生。虽简单,但也将其出身、婚姻生活交代了出来。虽然孙尚香的成长历程、性格特点在《三国志》中没有作详细描述,但是其骄横跋扈的性格特征在书中却已有所交代。从婚姻生活来看,孙刘二人的婚姻本来就没有任何真感情可言,他们的婚姻是伴随两国政治联盟的形成而产生,又随着两国政治联盟的分裂而分裂。第二章是孙尚香形象的初步发展阶段,主要从两个方面来讨论:即《三国志平话》中的孙尚香形象。《三国志平话》中用孙刘联姻这件事来塑造了一个矛盾而复杂的孙尚香形象。孙尚香带着刺杀刘备的决心去跟刘备结婚,然而在整个婚姻过程中,孙尚香经历了一个矛盾而复杂的心理斗争过程。孙尚香在以元杂剧“三国戏”为代表的从民间说唱向文人创作过渡的转型阶段的形象。元杂剧中的三国故事上承《三国志》及民间说唱,下启《三国志通俗演义》,为三国故事的传播和发展起到了过渡作用。三国戏写到孙尚香形象的,主要是无名氏的《两军师隔江斗智》,它塑造了一位在三国战乱、硝烟弥漫的社会中审时度势,勇敢而自由地把握自己的命运,在三国政治斗争的激流中勇于开拓,追求个性解放,为自己奏响了“情爱凯歌”的东吴郡主孙尚香形象。第三章是孙尚香形象在《三国演义》中走向成熟。罗贯中吸取前代作品中的精华,将只言片语综合起来,塑造了一个个性全面、丰富复杂的孙尚香形象,使得孙尚香形象更加丰满。第四章讨论孙尚香形象在当代影视艺术中的演变。本章节笔者主要将影视作品中的孙尚香提炼出来,用三个小节对当代影视艺术中的孙尚香形象进行分析。第一节,笔者对94版电视连续剧《三国演义》作出认真分析。94版《三国演义》承袭了罗贯中传统保守的妇女观,所以塑造的是一个年轻美貌但缺乏主见的孙尚香形象。第二节,笔者将目光聚焦在08版电视剧《三国》上。08版《三国》在一个商业化的娱乐时代,塑造了一个更加具有现代意义、更加贴近当今观众生活的孙尚香形象,她有自己的优点,也有自己的缺点,并且在优缺点掺合的过程中还带有一定的复杂性。第三节则是对吴宇森导演的电影《赤壁》中的孙尚香形象的分析。吴宇森颠覆了传统的经典模式,它将战争主题的深度削平,将沉重的历史感淡化,并运用戏仿的方法在影片中加入了幽默的成分,营造出娱乐的效果。孙尚香也正是在吴宇森后现代主义创作方式的大背景下产生,所以,她比以往任何文艺作品中的孙尚香都有“性格”。作为首次对孙尚香形象做从历史人物到多重文艺形象进行线性扫描研究的硕士学位论文,笔者初步搭建了孙尚香形象研究的基本框架,尚嫌粗浅,今后还可以继续深入。

【Abstract】 "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" this by the world person was called it "Four big wonderful books" the novel, has aroused many researcher’s interests from the birth, then has caused the thought which as well as the cultural significance attention contains to the three-country stories, certainly, the voluminous character image is also the key point which the researchers study. As three-country stories in an important feminine character Sun Shangxiang although also more or less receives the attention, to its research’s method is also many and varied, has the textual criticism to study, content and so on artistic analysis, cultural thought research discussions, but its research is also scattered, inadequate system.The author after having collected the massive material, first has made this kind of attempt, from the Sun Shangxiang this character image’s primitive vivid stage, the development phase, the evolution stage and so on three aspects embarks, the overall analysis studies this character image the disposition characteristic which displays in the different development phase, thus inquired into this image manifests cultural significance.The first chapter is the Sun Shangxiang primitive image elaboration. "San Guo Zhi" "The Wu Book" and "The Shu Book" about Sun Shangxiang’s related record outlined Sun Shangxiang for us simple and the real life. Although simple, but its family background, the marriage has also confessed. Although Sun Shangxiang’s growth course, the disposition characteristic has not made the detailed description in "San Guo Zhi", but she its overbearing domineering disposition characteristic actually had the confession in the book. Looking from the marriage, Sun the Liu two person of marriages does not have any real sentiment to be possible originally saying that their marriage is follows both countries political union the formation to produce, also splits along with both countries political union’s fission.The second chapter is the Sun Shangxiang image preliminary development phase: Namely "San Guo Zhi Popular stories" Sun Shangxiang image. "The San Guo Zhi Popular stories" married this matter with Sun Liu to mold one contradictory and the complex Sun shangxiang image. Sun Shangxiang brings to assassinate Liu Bei’s determination to marry with Liu Bei, however in the entire marital process; Sun Shangxiang has experienced one contradictory and the complex psychological struggle process.Sun Shangxiang in "the three-country plays" creates the transition take a Yuan zaju as representative from the folk traditional entertainment involving talking and singing to the writer the reforming stage image. In the Yuan zaju’s three-country story deck "San Guo Zhi" and the folk traditional entertainment involving talking and singing, gets down opens "the San Guo Zhi Popular Historical novel", was the three-country story dissemination and develops the transition function. The three-country plays write about the Sun Shangxiang image, is mainly the nameless person "Two Military strategists Separates Jiang Douzhi", it molded one at the three-country chaos caused by war, in the cloud of smoke float over society to size up the situation, bravely and grasped own destiny freely, dared in the three countries political struggle’s turbulent current to develop, the pursue emancipation of man’s individual character, has played "the love song of victory" for oneself Dongwu infanta Sun Shangxiang the image.The third chapter is the Sun Shangxiang image moves toward maturely in "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Before Luo Guanzhong absorbs, in the generation of work essence, synthesizes the word, has molded an individuality comprehensively, the rich complex Sun Shangxiang image, causes the Sun Shangxiang image to be more plentiful.The fourth chapter discusses the Sun Shangxiang image in the contemporary film and television art evolution. This chapter author mainly refines film and television work’s in Sun Shangxiang, carries on the analysis with in three section’s to contemporary film and television art Sun Shangxiang images. The first section, the author "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms" makes the earnest analysis to 94 edition of TV serials.94 editions "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has carried on the Luo Guanzhong tradition conservative view of women, what therefore mold was a young beautiful appearance but lacks the opinion Sun Shangxiang the image. The second section, author vision focusing at 08 editions of soap operas "Three countries" on.08 editions "the Three countries" in a commercialization’s entertainment time, molded one even more to have the modern significance, even more to draw close to the Sun Shangxiang image which the audience lives now, she had her merit, also had own shortcoming, and also has certain complexity in the process which the good and bad points mixed. The third section is to Director Wu Yusen’s movie "Chibi" the Sun Shangxiang image analysis. Wu Yusen has subverted the traditional classical pattern, it bevels the war subject’s depth, the serious historical feeling will desalinate, and the method which imitates using the play in the movie has joined the humorous ingredient, builds entertainment’s effect. Sun Shangxiang was also precisely after Wu Yusen under the modernism creation way’s big background produced, therefore, she compared formerly in any literary and art work Sun Shangxiang to have "the disposition".As did for the first time to the Sun Shangxiang image from the historical personage conducts the linear trace research to the multiple literary images the master’s degree paper, the author has built the Sun Shangxiang image research bare bone initially, still disliked shallowly, from now on may also continue thoroughly.

  • 【分类号】I207.413
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】579

