

The Construction of "Three Five Four" Teaching Model in High School Biology under the New Curriculum Reform

【作者】 祁晓冉

【导师】 杨继红; 崔鸿;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程改革已经在全国开始普及,课程改革的核心环节是课程实施,而课程实施的基本途径则是课堂教学。尽管新课改呼声越来越高,但是大多教师依旧按传统的“填鸭式”教学模式授课,课堂效率低,不能体现新课程理念。当前高中生物教学正处于新课标以及创新背景下的变革期,虽然当下对中学课堂教学模式的理论研究比较多,但具体到课堂实际操作有待提高,研究和实践有脱节,而且生物教学研究比较少,与新课程结合不够。那么,怎样在课堂有限的45分钟内提高生物教学效率?是目前所有生物教师都关心的问题。本文首先分析了传统教学模式的弊端,忽视学生主体性的发展,已经不能满足社会对人才的需求,阐明构建一种新的教学模式的必要性,查阅有关资料和文献,对国内外对教学模式的研究进行现状分析总结,并阐述教学模式的理论基础;其次,通过观察,访谈等方法对高中生物教学中存在的问题调查,从课堂教学、教材与课程设置、实验教学、教学评价、教师素养和师生关系等6个方面来分析目前生物教学中存在的问题和成因;再次,以杜郎口的“10+35”教学模式和其他三种教学模式为依据,从实践出发构建了高中生物“三五四”教学模式,即“三步五环节四课型”,三步指“课前准备——课内探究——课后提升”,五环节指“确定目标—自主探究—小组合作—精讲小结—巩固练习”,四课型指“新授课、实验课、专题复习课和检测讲评课”,并针对这种教学模式提出了教学评价的三条原则,以及对教师和学生评价内容;最后,运用相对应的案例依次对四种课型提出了具体的设想和操作模式,新授课以“生命活动的主要承担者——蛋白质”为例,实验课以“探究植物细胞吸水和失水”为例,专题课以“专题—细胞是生命的单位”为例,检测讲评课以2010年的高考卷中的“课程标准卷”为例,分别按照“三步五环节”的模式详细设计,这对于提高课堂效率有一定的积极作用。

【Abstract】 New curriculum reform has become popular all over the country, the core part is the implementation of curriculum,while the basic approach is to change the class pattern. Despite the increasing demands of new curriculum, most teachers still follow the traditional teaching model--"spoon-fed", low efficiency, which aslo can not reflect the new curriculum ideas. The current high school biology teaching is under the context of new curriculum reform and the teaching innovation. Although there are so many theoretical research on it, there is still a long way to go if you want to use it in your practical classes.Because the research and the practice are out of touch, and the research on biological teaching and combined with the new curriculum is not enough. So, how to improve the efficiency of biological teaching in the limited 45 minutes? This is the problem that all the biology teachers are concerned about.This article analyzes the shortage of traditional teaching mode,neglecting the development of the student which can not meet the demand for talent any more.Build a clear need for new teaching mode.Refer to relevant information and literature and analysis the teaching pattern at home and abroad;then describes the theoretical basis of teaching model;followed by observations, seminars and other methods to do the reserch abour current high school biology teaching. From classroom teaching, the set of teaching materials and curriculum, experiment teaching, teaching evaluation, teacher quality and teacher-student relationship etc. to analyze the current problems in the biology teaching and the causes;Next, the author elaborate Dulangkou "10+35" teaching model and other three teaching models,and based on the practical the author start the efficient "three-May Fourth Movement" teaching mode, that is "three-step, five-part, four-course model."Three-step" means preview-curricular inquiry-after school enhance;" five part" refers to determine the objectives -an independent inquiry -team cooperation- a short summary -consolidation exercise";the" four class-type" is the "new teaching, the experiment, special review class and test evaluation. "Aim at this teaching model,the author put forward three principles of teaching evaluation as well,and the content for teachers and students; Finally, based on specific cases corresponding to four classes ideas in turn. Put forward new teaching modes, the new medium of "major undertaker of life activity- protein", lab to "explore the water and the dehydration of plant cells", special review classes of "cell is a unit of life", test evaluation to "the college entrance examination in 2010".These are all in accordance with the" three steps and five part "model, which have a certain positive effect to improve the efficiency of the classroom.


