

Study on the Vehicle Tire Blow-out Safety Control Method and System

【作者】 秦立峰

【导师】 陈劭;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 爆胎极大地影响着车辆的行驶安全性,如何减少或防止爆胎的危害已成为当今重要的研究课题。作为安全辅助驾驶系统研究的一项重要应用,爆胎安全控制系统对于提高行车安全性、促进智能交通系统在我国的发展具有重要意义。针对国内目前这方面研究多处在实验阶段,且系统实用性、集成性不强的问题,本文建立了基于某国产平台试验车的爆胎报警与控制系统结构,并对涉及的主要关键技术进行了研究。论文首先在调研国内外研究现状的基础上,分析了爆胎这一复杂的轮胎破坏现象发生的原因,总结了爆胎后车辆的运动特征,探讨了爆胎车辆的稳定性控制理论。利用线性二次型的最优控制(LQR)方法,在二自由度车辆动力学模型的基础上,对爆胎车辆所需要的控制力矩大小进行了计算,为爆胎控制策略设计提供了基本依据。其次,根据某国产轿车整车参数,在Carsim中建立了该车的整车动力学模型,并对该Carsim整车模型进行了爆胎车辆动力学仿真,分析了车轮爆胎后的仿真结果,为爆胎安全控制系统的开发提供了依据。本文以实现爆胎报警与控制系统功能为目标,确定了系统总体技术方案,规划了子系统的功能及要求,制定了系统开发的方法与流程。并对实验平台所包括的子系统:轮胎压力监测系统、中央控制系统、电子真空助力器、横向控制系统和CAN总线通讯等关键技术进行了探讨和研究,使平台具有良好的可靠性和扩展性。最后,本文针对不同轮胎温度和压力的环境下的试验结果,总结了横摆角速度的变化规律,探讨了如何确立爆胎报警阈值及控制门限和决策算法。完成了在设定工况下的爆胎纵向控制系统实验,并对实验结果进行了分析探讨,表明爆胎安全控制系统对爆胎车辆可以起到一定的辅助控制作用。

【Abstract】 The tire blow-out has greatly affected the vehicle’s driving safety. How to reduce or prevent the harm of tire has become an important research topic today. As an important application of advanced driver assistance systems research, tire blow-out safety control system is of great significance to improve the security of driving and promote the development of intelligent transportation system in our country. Currently, most of the domestic research is in the experimental stage and the practical and integral system has not been built. In this paper, a tire blow-out warning and control system is established based on one domestic test car, and some researches are done on the key technologies of this system.Firstly on the basis of summarizing situation of study, the reasons of complex tire blow-out phenomenon are analyzed in the aspect of tires and the characteristics of the movement after tire blowing out are summarized. This paper does some further research on the tire blow-out vehicle stability control theory and the control torque of tire blow-out vehicle is calculated on the basis of a DOF vehicle dynamics model by using the linear quadratic optimal control (conventional LQR) method. It provides basic basis for the design of blow-out control strategy.Secondly, the whole vehicle dynamics model of the test car is established in the software Carsim according to the parameters of the test car. Then the blow-out vehicle dynamics simulation of the Carsim vehicle model is analysed and it lays a solid foundation for the development of the blow-out control system.In order to realize the function of tire blow-out warning and control system, the system strategy is designed and the methods and process of system development are formulated. Several key technologies including TPMS, central control system, electronic vacuum booster and lateral control system and CAN bus are developed to improve the reliability and flexibility of the platform.Finally, on the basis of the experiment result under different tire temperatures and pressures and the change of roll rate, how to establish a blowout warning and control threshold decision-making algorithm is discussed. The functions of the tire blow-out control system are investigated under different experimental conditions and the experimental results demonstrate that the tire blow-out warning and control system has good performance of tire blow-out cars.


