

Research on China’s ENGOs Participation in Water Environment Management

【作者】 熊晓丹

【导师】 于延周;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 环保非政府组织是公众参与环保的优秀群众代表,同时它也是政府治理环境的监督者和重要助手,它作为第三方监督力量,充分弥补了现代社会“市场失灵”和“政府失灵”在公共环境治理中的不足。本篇论文主要分析了当今中国水环境污染现状,政府有必要推进环保NGO参与到中国的水环境治理进程中来。论文中简介了中国环保NGO的成长史和现状,把文章研究的对象即在中国的环保NGO区分为国际在华NGO和国内本土环保NGO,并从一系列实际案例,如世界自然基金会在华设立的流域管理项目、绿色流域参与拉市海流域管理项目和云南怒江水电之争、自然之友等整顿圆明园防渗工程、绿色龙江应急松花江水污染事件、群体NGO督促政府公开太湖蓝藻暴发信息等事件,分析了中国环保NGO参与水环境管理的方式,取得的成效和不足。从环保NGO自身原因和政府政策两方面进一步分析了造成中国环保NGO更好参与水污染治理的障碍,并由此提出了推进环保NGO参与水环境管理的对策和建议,以利于更快更好地把我国建设成为水资源环境友好型的和谐社会。

【Abstract】 Environmental non-governmental organization is the excellent masses of public participation in environmental protection and it also represents environment supervisors and important assistant for the government management. As third-party supervision strength, it fully compensated for the modern society "market failure" and "government failure" in public environmental governance insufficiency. This paper mainly analyzes the current water environment pollution in today’s China. The government is necessary to promote ENGO involved in Chinese water environment management process. Paper introduces the China’s ENGO acquiring and the present situation. China’s ENGOs, the object of the article is distinguished ENGOs in China and domestic local ENGOS. From a series of practical cases such as the WWF establishes river basin management project in China, green river organizes basin management in Lashi and Yunnan Nujiang river hydropower project, friends of the nature reorganizes Yuanming Garden, Green Longjiang meets an emergency of the Songhua river pollution incident, group ENGOs urged the administration to publicly outbreak information of blue-green algae bloom in Taihu. It analyzes the events such as Chinese ENGOs the way of participation in water environment management, achievement and insufficient. From two aspects of ENGO themselves and government policy, it further analyzes the obstacles of Chinese ENGOs in water pollution management, and thus puts countermeasures and Suggestions for ENGOs in order to better participation in water environment management and turn China into a water environment friendly harmonious society faster.


