

Reliability Analysis of CNC Machine Tool Main Drive System Based on Functional Hazard Analysis

【作者】 张鹏

【导师】 安宗文;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 数控机床是国民经济和国防建设发展的重要装备,数控机床主传动系统可靠性直接影响被加工零件精度、加工质量和生产率以及刀具的寿命。3F技术作为一种重要的可靠性技术,对保证机床系统的正常工作具有重要意义。但3F技术在实际运用中,采用故障树分析法时,顶事件的选择往往凭经验设定,缺乏有力的理论依据和技术支持;并且3F技术本身要求危害性分析只作为故障模式与影响分析的补充,从而限制了危害性分析结果的使用,同时也使危害性分析技术在运用故障报告、分析和纠正措施系统技术时发挥不出本身具有的作用,最终影响了可靠性分析的全面性。针对这一现状,本文首先对数控机床主传动系统进行危害性分析,将其输出作为故障树分析的输入;然后结合对主传动系统进行危害性分析的结果完成了故障模式及影响分析;同时,本文对数控机床主传动系统实施故障报告、分析和纠正措施系统技术时运用了对系统实施危害性分析、故障模式及影响分析和故障树分析的输出,建立了主传动系统外场使用故障闭环控制系统,使得系统可靠性分析由潜在故障模式到“现实故障”得到有效控制。

【Abstract】 Computer Numerical Control machine tools are the important equipment to the development of national economy and national defense construction. The accuracy, processing quality and productivity of machined components and tool’s life are directly influenced by the reliability of CNC machine tools’main transmission system. As an important technology, 3F—the Fault Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Fault Reporting Analysis and Corrective Analysis (FRACAS)—has great significance to ensure the reliability of the machine system’s normal work. But in practice, 3F technology is lack of strong theoretical basis and technical support for the choice of top event in FTA often by experience. And the fact that Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA) can be only taken as supplement for FMEA is required by the technology itself, limiting the use of FHA result and also making FHA can’t play its own important role in using FRACAS, finally the comprehensiveness of reliability analysis is affected.In this situation, FHA to CNC machine tools’main transmission system is done firstly in this paper, and its output is taken as the input of the Fault Tree Analysis. Then the FMEA is finished by combining that with the result of FHA to Main Drive System. Meanwhile, in this paper, the output of FHA, FMEA and FTA to the system is applied and the closed-loop control system at outfield of main transmission system is established when the FRACAS technology is implemented to Main transmission system of CAN machine tools. As the result, system reliability analysis can be effectively controlled from potential fault mode to "reality fault ".


