

The Research and Development of Grid Environment Monitoring System Based on WLAN

【作者】 涂广

【导师】 曹洁;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电网环境监测工作是贯彻落实电网环境保护的重要手段,为了高效、准确、实时动态的对分布于各个地方的电网环境敏感点进行监测和控制,就需要一个运行稳定、传输速率高、处理能力强、可多点布控、界面友好、易于扩展的电网环境监测系统。在充分研究了国内外电网监测系统的基础上,根据电网环境监测的实际需要,论文提出了基于无线局域网和ARM+Linux嵌入式操作系统的电网环境监测系统解决方案。系统采用高性价比的ARM(S3C2440)芯片和嵌入式Linux操作系统构建电网环境监测终端的开发平台。针对监测终端硬件平台裁剪和移植了嵌入式Linux-内核,构建了yaffs根文件系统,移植和开发了A/D转换器、USB无线局域网网卡等设备的驱动程序。实现了监测终端应用程序,监测终端根据监控中心的命令对电网环境信息进行实时采集和处理,把监测到的电网环境信息通过无线局域网传送到远端监控中心。电网环境监控中心基于微软.NET平台和SQL Server 2005数据库进行设计,采用了.NET平台的委托技术、事件技术和.NET Socket异步通信技术实现对大量监测终端的管理和控制。监控中心主要包括监测信息管理模块、网络通信模块、监测终端管理模块、监控命令管理模块、实时监测管理模块,可以对电网环境进行大规模网络布控;根据需要实时绘制监测终端的电网环境折线图;对监测的电网环境信息进行增删改、查询、统计和报表操作。测试结果显示:系统受电网环境干扰较小,通信流畅高效,可以满足对电网环境的实时监测;监测终端可根据实际需要方便的进行裁剪,扩展性好;增加电网环境监测节点方便快速,组网灵活简单;监控中心界面友好,可以很好的实现对大量终端的多点布控。

【Abstract】 The work to monitor power grid environment is the important means to implemente the power grid environmental conservation. In order to monitor and control power grid environment’s sensitive points located in different places efficiently , accurately and real-time dynamically, a grid environment monitoring system is needed which is stable, efficient, easy to expand, and has good processing ability, friendly interface.After studing the power grid monitoring system at home and abroad well, according to the actual needs of environmental monitoring, a solution about power grid enviroment monitoring system based on wireless LAN and ARM + Linux embedded operating system is proposed. The power grid environment monitoring terminal platform is builted by using high-powered ARM(S3C2440) chip and embedded Linux operating system. According to monitoring terminal’s hardware platform, embedded Linux kernel is cut and transplanted; the root filesystem yaffs is built; A/D driver, USB wireless LAN interface driver and other drivers are transplanted and developed. Monitoring terminal application is realized. The monitoring terminal gathers and processes power grid environment message by receiving orders from the monitoring center, and transmits the grid environment information to the remote monitoring center through wireless LAN..NET platform and SQL Server 2005 database are adopted to design the power grid environment monitoring center. In order to manage and control so many monitoring terminals, entrust technology, .net technology and Socket asynchronous communication technology are used. The power grid environment monitor center mainly includes monitoring information management module, network communication module, monitoring terminal management module, monitoring orders management module and real-time monitoring management module. It can realize large-scale network monitor, real-time draw the line chart of monitoring terminal and modify, inquiry, statistic power grid monitoring information.Tests show that the system has been slightly influenced by power grid environment and communicates smoothly and efficiently; the monitoring terminal can be conveniently cut and expanded according to actual needs; it is simpely and neatly to create power grid environment monitor node; the monitoring center has friendly interface and can well realize multi-point monitor for a good deal of terminals.


