

Overall Analysis of Pipe Racks in Industrial System

【作者】 张茂盛

【导师】 滕文川; 朱彦鹏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 上世纪五、六十年代建设的工业系统管道支架,越来越多的接近或超过使用年限,受使用环境的作用,破损严重。同时,由于生产工艺的要求,致使管道支架布置繁杂、新旧不齐、同一区段内支架结构类型不同。现阶段我国还没有针对管道支架检测与可靠性鉴定的相应规范,本文根据管道支架的使用现状和特点,结合现有标准规范制定了科学、合理的方案进行可靠性鉴定和抗震鉴定,为加固和改造提供依据。在工业系统管道支架的设计与计算中,现阶段更多采用的是基于结构的设计方法,认为管道对管道支架的整体刚度、性能不产生影响,将其视为荷载加载到管道支架上来进行管道支架的设计与计算。这种设计方法与管道支架系统的实际受力情况有很大差异,考虑管道与管道支架的相互作用进行结构整体计算更能与实际相符。本文对工业系统管道支架从可靠性鉴定、承载力验算、整体抗震性能分析三方面进行了研究。(1)根据现有规范以及管道支架的安全隐患,对于工业系统管道支架的可靠性鉴定提出合理的方案。(2)对独立式管道支架采用基于结构的计算模型和考虑非结构构件(管道)的整体模型进行计算。通过承载力计算,对比了两种计算结果的差异,分析了引起差异的原因以及影响差异的因素。(3)对管道支架系统的计算单元进行整体建模并分别采用底部剪力法、反应谱法、时程分析法进行抗震计算。由于SAP2000软件能更方便合理的模拟管道与管道支架的相互作用。所以,本文采用SAP2000对管道与管道支架进行整体建模计算,对比分析了管道对于管道支架系统的整体承载力以及抗震性能的影响。

【Abstract】 More and more pipe racks in industrial system in 1950s and 1960s approach or exceed their useful life, some are seriously damaged for environmental impact. At the same time, production requirements cause multifarious arrangement, mixture of old and new and different stent structure types in the same section. At present there is no corresponding specification and guidance for detection and evaluation for pipe racks. According to using status and characters of pipe racks,combing existing standards, the paper formulates scientific and reasonable scheme to do the seismic appraiser and reliability evaluation, providing basis for reinforcement and transformation.In design and calculation of pipe racks in industrial system, mostly design methods based on structure are taken, which consider pipe racks exert no effect on stiffness and property of pipelines, to design and calculate regarding it as load applied to pipe racks. Such a design method has great difference with actual stress of pipe racks , and it is more practical to calculate integer structure taking interaction of pipe racks and pipelines into consideration. This paper does research on pipe racks from the aspects of reliability evaluation、bearing capacity calculation and analysis of overall seismic performance.(1)According to the existing regulations and potential safety hazard of pipe racks, the paper puts forward reasonable scheme for reliability evaluation of pipe racks in industrial system.(2)For independent pipe racks, it calculates models based on structure and overall model of nonstructural components. Through the bearing capacity calculation, compares the differences of two results, analyzes the causes and influence factors of differences.(3)It makes overall models for unit of pipe racks, and does anti-seismic calculation by equivalent base shear method、response spectrum method and time history method. For Software SAP2000 can simulate interaction of pipe racks and pipelines much conveniently and reasonably, it calculates whole modeling of pipe racks and pipelines by Software SAP2000 in this paper, compares and analyzes influences of pipelines to overall capacity and seismic performance of pipe racks.


