

Study on Public Spirit Cultivation of College Students in Perspective of Modernization

【作者】 郭李君

【导师】 刘绍庭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在当代中国,随着现代化的发展和推进,人们社会生活的公共性逐渐显现;在网络化、工业化和城市化推动下,公共空间逐步扩展,人们也日益频繁的参加公共生活和参与公共事务。这在客观上提出了培育公民公共精神的要求。尤其是在经济体制转型的背景下,人们原有的价值体系受到冲击,新的价值体系尚未形成的情况下,培育公民共同价值观和公共精神,更是显得尤为重要。本文意图将公共精神置于现代化视域下,重新梳理公共精神的生长之路,诠释公共精神的现代内涵,分析大学生公共精神培育的契机及困境,并探讨在当前的时代背景下培育大学生公共精神的具体途径和方法。全文共分为三个部分。第一部分:现代化与公共精神相关概念阐释。在这一部分,首先论述了公共精神培育的现代化背景,介绍了世界现代化的三次浪潮及中国现代化发展的进程和特点。接着立足于现代化背景阐明了公共精神的相关概念,对比分析了公共精神与公民精神、公共道德、集体主义精神、公共意识等相关范畴,在此基础上界定了公共精神的内涵,探讨了其主要内容。在现代社会,公共精神应包括主体意识、责任意识、规范性精神、服务意识和协商意识。然后,回顾了我国公共精神的发展历程,最后论述了现代化视域下大学生公共精神培育的社会价值和个体价值。第二部分:现代化视域下大学生公共精神培育的契机及困境。本部分分析了现代化背景下大学生公共精神培育的契机和面临的困境。公民社会的兴起、公共领域的扩大、价值体系的裂变为其发展带来了机遇,但与现代化相伴而生的全球化、市场化和网络化境遇中的若干负面因素成为公共精神培育的桎梏,同时,高校思想政治教育的消解、传统家族伦理本位的影响,家庭结构的变迁以及大学生自身的因素也在一定程度上制约着大学生公共精神的培育。第三部分:当代大学生公共精神培育的行为选择。在这一部分,主要探讨了如何在现代化背景下培育大学生公共精神的具体途径和方法。总体而言,培育大学生公共精神,要遵循公共精神形成的规律,坚持权利导向和德性导向的统一,把握“90”后大学生思想和心理的特点;完善高校德育,转变德育理念,拓展与内容,优化公共精神的启蒙手段;强化自我教育,增强公共意识和自主自律意识,培育公共利益为依归的价值取向,提高公共精神境界;营造公共精神氛围,培育公共生活中的公共关怀态度;正视社会多元冲突,促进道德自律,培育公共理性能力;开展体验式教育,在实践中提高大学生公共参与能力;把握大学生追星和效仿心理,发挥教师、公务员和名人的示范效应,塑造公共精神榜样。

【Abstract】 In modern china, with the development of modernization, the property of people’s public social life is more and more clear. In the mean time, with the promotion of networking, industrialization and urbanization, public space is expanding gradually, people’s activities in public life and public affairs are become more common and frequent. This put in a claim for public spirit cultivation of citizen. It is more important to build the common sense of value and public spirit of people, especially under the situation that the economic system is changing and old value system is stroked while the new value system has not yet formed. This paper aims to study on public spirit in perspective of modernization. It analyzes the proposing process, the historical and the modern connotation of public spirit, also analyzes the chances, difficult positions and polices of public spirit cultivation for college students under modernization background. The essay is composed of three parts.The first part explains the relevant concepts of modernization and public spirit. In this part, it firstly discusses the background of modernization of public spirit, introduces the three waves of world modernization and process and characteristic of Chinese modernization. Seen in the sight of modernization, it goes deep into the relevant concepts of public spirit, compares and analyzes public spirit with civism, public morals, collectivist spirit, and public awareness. It introduces the contents of public spirit in the new era, also discusses the core values of public spirit. In modern society, public spirit should include subject consciousness, responsibility consciousness, rules awareness, service consciousness and consult consciousness. It illustrates the developing process of public spirit in our country, and then it discusses social values and individual values of public spirit cultivation for college students in perspective of modernization.The second part analyzes the chances and difficult positions of public spirit cultivation for college students under modernization background. The developments of the citizen society and public domain, the transformation of value system have brought unprecedented opportunities for public spirit cultivation. But globalization, marketization and networking which go with modernization also brought challenges to public spirit cultivation. Public spirit cultivation is also restricted with the affect of diminish of ideological and political education in college, family-oriented ethics, the change of family structure and also factors of student themselves.The third part explores the methods and polices of public spirit cultivation for college students under modernization background. For public spirit cultivation of college students, it ought to observe the law of public spirit, insist on the unity of rights dimension and moral dimension, and deeply research the thought and psychology characteristic of "after 90s"college students. By carrying out further perfection of moral education of college, changing moral concepts, expanding the moral content, we can optimize illuminative method of public spirit. By strengthening public awareness and sense of self-discipline, strengthening college student self-cultivation, fostering public interest values, we can improve student’s public spirit stature. By building the atmosphere of public spirit, we can train students to care about public interest in public life. By adopting a correct attitude towards conflicts between different values, promoting moral self-discipline, we can raise public reason. By carrying out the experiencing education, we can improve the ability of communal participation in practice. By capturing the psychology of star chase and imitation of students, molding the examples of public spirit, we can encourage students put public spirit into practice.

【关键词】 现代化大学生公共精神培育
【Key words】 public spiritcollege studentsmodernizationcultivation
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】731

