

Classroom Games in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

【作者】 王连辉

【导师】 王英姿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从对外汉语教学到汉语国际教育,针对外国人的汉语教学经历了学科名称的变更,其教学对象、教学方式方法更是有了很大发展。从大量外国留学生来中国学习汉语到汉语教师及志愿者奔赴国外教授汉语,再到大量本土化师资的培养,这不仅使学习汉语的人数有了大大提高,汉语学习者的年龄分布更加广泛,也使国际汉语教学越来越关注如何使教学逐渐更贴近学习者的特点和需求。同时,越来越多的以提高教学效率为目标的教学方法也随之产生,如:“歌谣教学法”、“主题导入法”、“四角阅读法”等。随着低龄学习者人数的增加,课堂游戏作为该年龄层学生一种喜闻乐见的形式也在逐渐引起汉语教师们的关注,并且教学效果初显成效。汉语教师将游戏引入到教学中来,希望通过游戏这一载体激发学生们学习汉语的兴趣。运用课堂游戏开展教学并非汉语教师的原创,国内英语教学界尤其是中小学英语教学已将游戏作为一种高效、可行的方式用于外语教学。相对于英语教学界对游戏的广泛运用,汉语教学界利用游戏进行教学的做法尚不普遍,但也有不少教师在尝试利用游戏开展教学。将课堂游戏运用于汉语教学能激发学生的学习动机和兴趣,将学生引入到游戏情境中,可以更好地为学生提供运用汉语进行交际的机会,同时给教师以及时的教学反馈,并且可以活跃课堂气氛。课堂游戏在对外汉语教学中的使用,对于教师、学生都是一种有益的尝试。本文的研究目标是:梳理国际汉语教学界有关课堂游戏的理论,分析课堂游戏这一概念;尝试论证课堂游戏的适用对象可由儿童扩展至成人领域;结合案例分析,就如何运用课堂游戏展开有效汉语教学进行讨论。全文结构如下:引言部分,介绍本文的研究背景、研究目的及意义、研究思路和方法以及相关理论成果梳理;第一章讨论课堂游戏、有效教学以及课堂游戏与有效汉语教学的关系;第二章从实际教学中选取四个相关案例进行描述,展示课堂游戏在儿童及成人汉语课堂中的实际运用状况;第三章紧密结合第二章中的案例,从课堂游戏步骤、课堂游戏设计以及教师在课堂游戏中的作用三个方面就如何运用课堂游戏实现有效汉语教学进行了具体分析和讨论;最后是小结,总结全文内容及本文特点。

【Abstract】 The subject name of Chinese language teaching to foreigners has changed from CSL/CFL (Teaching Chinese as a second language/Teaching Chinese as a foreign language) to TCSOL(Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages); its teaching objects and teaching methods have improved a lot simultaneously. Chinese language learners’ increasing number and tremendous span of age make people pay more and more attention to the characteristics and requirements of the learners. As a result, more and more teaching methods which aim at the improvement of teaching effectiveness have emerged, such as "ballad teaching method", "theme-induced method", "four-corner teaching method", etc. And classroom games, being popular especially among young language learners for their vividness and interested by teachers of Chinese for their effectiveness, have been introduced into the teaching of Chinese to foreign learners. In comparison with the extensive use of games in English teaching circle, Chinese teachers have just started to put games into practice, and so far the relevant research in this aspect is not satisfactory enough, especially in theoretical research.Therefore the author of this dissertation tries to make a theoretical research on classroom games and its application to Chinese language teaching, with focus on the concepts of classroom games and effective teaching, the role of classroom games in Chinese language teaching and its application. Combined with the close analysis of the four cases, the author discusses the problem of how to guarantee the effectiveness of Chinese teaching from the three aspects of classroom games.The whole structure of the paper is as follows:The research background, purpose, significance, and methods used as well as some relative researches are introduced in Introduction; the first chapter discusses the definition and characteristics of classroom games, the characteristics and criteria of effective teaching, as well as the relationship between classroom games and Chinese language teaching; the second chapter analyzes four practical cases of classroom games; the third chapter discusses the designing of classroom games, the steps of playing games, and the role of teacher in the use of them with the analysis of the four cases mentioned in Chapter Two; the last part summarizes the whole paper and points out the characteristics of the paper.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1756

