

China’s Inspiration Based on the Comparison of South Korea and China Cultural Industries

【作者】 李美智

【导师】 熊琼;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界经济, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的纵深化发展,经济和文化日趋交融已经成为世界经济发展的新趋势。世界各地的专家都认为21世纪是文化的世纪,谁能够成为文化强国,谁就能成为世界强国。如今世界上许多的国家都把文化产业作为核心产业进行发展,把文化贸易作为战略性贸易进行发展。文化产业及贸易在全球能够如此迅速发展的原因,主要是因为世界经济格局有所改变。二十世纪的七八十年代,世界经济是以制造业为核心;二十世纪的九十年代,世界经济是以服务业为核心;二十一世纪,文化产业将成为世界经济的核心。中国如果想在二十一世纪成为世界的强国,就应从战略的高度重视文化产业,积极发展国际文化贸易。自古以来,韩国与中国就是友好邻邦,韩中两国拥有悠久的交往历史,这些因素都使得两国间拥有十分相近的文化背景。最近的十几年时间,韩国在文化贸易方面取得了突飞猛进的发展。2004年韩国的文化产品已经在世界文化贸易市场中占据了3.5%的市场份额,一跃成为世界第5大文化贸易强国,且至今一直维持这一市场地位。韩国作为一个新兴的工业化国家,GDP总量从未进入过世界前十,却能成为世界第5大文化贸易强国,这充分体现了韩国在文化贸易领域所取得的非凡成就。虽然近年来,中国在文化贸易领域也作出了一些成绩,但比起韩国来说,还存在一定差距。本文的第一部分是将文化贸易的相关概念、理论基础及当前研究的学术成果进行了简单的梳理。第二部分是将韩中两国的文化产业、文化贸易发展情况进行了对比,这其中包括两国文化产业的发展历程和发展现状、文化贸易的发展现状和产品结构(包括图书、影视、音像、游戏产业、动漫产业)分析,通过这部分的比较分析,本文得出了以下结论:韩国文化产业的发展要早于中国,且发展效果要强于中国;韩国的文化贸易总额虽然小于中国,但是最近十年来,像图书、影视、音像、游戏以及动漫这五大类文化产品大都是呈现贸易顺差的,且其在世界市场所占份额也较高,但是中国的上述五大类文化产品大部分是成贸易逆差;所以在文化贸易方面,韩国的表现比中国要出色。第三部分是将韩中两国的文化产业政策进行了对比分析,这其中包括文化产业所处的国家发展战略地位、文化产业的国家管理机制、对文化产业的资金支持机制、对文化贸易的支持、文化产业方面的人才培养机制这五方面。通过这些比较分析认为:韩国比中国更早将文化产业定位为国家发展的战略性产业;韩国的文化产业管理机制比中国更合理,更高效;韩国政府对文化产业的资金支持更为到位,并且韩国政府会帮助文化企业拓宽它们的融资渠道;韩国政府对于文化贸易的支持力度要强于中国;韩国对于文化产业方面的人才培养机制更为先进、更为有效。第四部分是借鉴韩国文化产业与贸易的成功经验,给中国文化产业与贸易的发展提出了相关建议:制定完善细致的文化产业发展战略;完善文化产业法律法规体系;拓宽文化产业的融资渠道:建立健全文化产业人才培养机制;提高文化产业的科技水平和创新性。

【Abstract】 Along with the ever growing globalization, the blending of economy and cultural have set new trend in world economic development. Economists throughout the world are claiming 21st century is going to be a cultural century, whoever dominates the cultural industry, dominates the world’s economy. Developed countries are shifting their focus into cultural industry, and treat the cultural trade as a strategic trade development.One of the main reason that cultural trade have been developing rapidly, is because the ever changing world economic pattern. Back to the 70’s and 80’s, it was the manufacturing sector that dominated the world economy; when it got to the 90’s, the core sector had changed to service industry; in the 21st century, the cultural industry will become the dominating sector in world economy. If China is going to dominate the world in 21st century, it should treat cultural sector as its core focus, develop it strategically, and grow its international cultural trade.South Korea and China have been friendly neighbors since long time ago, the diplomatic history could be trace back into ancient times, and these are the reason behind the similarity in both countries’cultural background. In recent decades, South Korea had made significant breakthrough in cultural trade development. Its cultural product accounts for 3.5% of the market share by 2004, it made South Korea into the 5 largest cultural trading countries, and it’s able to maintain its market share by now. As an emerging country, South Korea’s GDP never made into the top 10 of the world, but it’s able to become the 5th largest cultural trading country, which shown the significant result of the development of cultural sector in South Korea. Although China has made progress in recent years, there is still a long way to chase compare with South Korea.This article will firstly sorting out the related concept, theory and current research in cultural trading; and then compare the current development of cultural trading, the structure of cultural trading product (including books, movies, audios, gaming industry, and comics), the strategic position that Cultural Industry stands in the country, regulations to cultural industry, funding mechanism of cultural industry, talent training in cultural industry, etc in both countries, and to conclude a winning strategy that will inspire China’s cultural sector development, and it will point out a series of suggestions that will be helpful to China’s development of cultural sector: including tailor-made strategy development proposal for China’s cultural sector development, fine tune the regulation in cultural sector, expanding the channel for cultural (?)tor to attract capital and investment, constructing a fully functional human resources t(?)ning system, enhancing the technology and creativity, etc.

  • 【分类号】G114
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2001

