

Research on the Charitable Schools of Shandong Province in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 徐海峰

【导师】 王伦信;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 义学,又称义塾,发展至清代,成为主要招收民间贫寒子弟,以读书识字为主要目的的免费教育机构,并与私塾、社学等共同承担起清代广大乡村地区的蒙学教育。山东作为清代中原和沿海的一个重要行省,下辖107个州县,根据笔者对山东省450部左右州县志的统计,其在清代(1644年至1902年)共创建了919所义学。清代山东义学经历了顺治至嘉庆年间的发展,在道光和光绪年间两度形成发展高峰。这些义学发展至清末,陆续变为蒙学堂或初等小学堂,在课程、教材、师资、教学管理等方面均有所变化,从而迎来了自身命运的转折。纵观清代山东义学,具有以下几方面的特点:一、在内涵和性质方面,山东义学主要是面向民间汉族贫寒子弟,使之能掌握一般的日用常识、基础知识、伦理规范和法律常识,以维持生计的免费教育场所,并具有官办、民办、官办民助和民办官助等灵活多样的办学形式。二、在经费来源、支出和管理方面,经费来源具有学田地租、钱款收入、本金发商生息、税收收入等多种形式;经费支出主要用于塾师束惰、塾生膏火、校舍修缮等方面;经费管理初步形成了由绅董管理或领取,定额、按季发放等较完备的管理制度。三、在校舍的选择和构造方面,校舍主要有择地新建、寺庙道观、祠堂、公宅或私宅、附设书院或学宫内等多种选择。官办义学的校舍构造主要有讲堂、学舍、卧房、厨房、门房、看守人住房等结构;民办义学则较为简单,主要为讲堂或学舍等。四、在教学方面,基本上分为蒙学和经学两个阶段,而蒙学阶段是主要阶段(大多数义学只能达到蒙学阶段)。与之相对应,课程主要分为蒙学课程和经学课程,蒙学课程主要有《三字经》、《百家姓》、《千字文》、《农户杂字》、《千家诗》、珠算、本朝律令以及冠、婚、丧、祭等礼节知识等(蒙学课程为主要课程),经学课程主要为“四书五经”。教学程序一般遵循识字、读书、背书、写字、作文的顺序。教学方法主要为个别教学,同时注重灌输,强调背诵。五、在塾师与塾生方面,塾师主要选择品学兼优之士,其身份主要为秀才。塾师束惰一般为每人每年六十千文(银三十两)左右,同时还有“节礼”等。官办义学与民办义学的塾师待遇差别较大。塾师一般为一年一聘,如塾师表现较好,则继续聘用;反之,则另聘他人。由于塾生基本上来自贫苦农民家庭,故大部分塾生读完蒙学课程就辍学务农或经商,少数优异者并家境较好者可继续攻读,参加科举考试,甚至取得功名。清代山东义学作为清代各地义学中的杰出代表,既有与清代直隶、河南、山西、安徽、江苏等行省义学的相似性,又有与清代边疆省份和少数民族聚居地区义学的差异性。因此,研究清代山东义学,对于全面了解清代义学的特点具有重要的历史意义,对于当今慈善教育事业的发展具有重要的启发和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The charitable school in the Qing Dynasty was a kind of free educational organization which maily recruited civilian poor children. And its main aim was reading and literacy for students. The charitable school, the community school, the private school and other private schools were together charged with the initiatory education of ampliate country areas in the Qing Dynasty.Shandong was an important province which belonged to central plains and littoral in the Qing Dynasty. It included 107 states and districts. According to incomplete statistic,919 charitable schools were founded in Shandong province of the Qing Dynasty from 1644 to 1902. The development of the charitable schools of Shandong province in the Qing Dynasty came through the development from Shunzhi Dynasty to Jiaqing Dynasty. And it formed two high peaks of development in Daoguang Dynasty and Guangxu Dynasty. These charitable schools became initiatory shools or elementary schools in succession in the telophase of the Qing Dynasty. There were many changes in curriculum, teaching material, teachers, didactical management and other aspects. And then their fate came into being transition.The charitable schools of Shandong province had several characteristics as follows:Firstly, the charitable schools of Shandong province were a kind of free educational places which mainly recruited the civilian poor children of the Han nationality and helped them gain ecumenic daily sense, basal knowledge, ethical criterion and legal common sense so that they could make a living. There were four flexible and diverse types of institutional forms which were official schools, civilian schools, official schools which people helped, civilian schools which officials helped. Secondly, there were various forms of funds origin. For example, the ground rent of schools’field, governmental or personal beneficence, accrual income, revenue income and so on. The fund outlay was mainly used in following aspects: teachers’pay, students’study supplies, schoolhouses’servicing, factotums’pay and other charge. The fund management had formed the perfect control system initially. The fund was managed or drawn by the directors and it was put out by ration and season. Thirdly, there were many choices for their schoolhouses. They could be built in the new field, in the temples or monasteries, in the ancestral temples, in the public houses or personal houses, in the colleges or Confucianism palaces and so on. Fourthly, their teaching was basically divided into two stages:initiatory teaching and Confucian classics teaching. The initiatory teaching was the main stage and most charitable schools only reached the initiatory teaching. Correspondly the curriculum was divided into initiatory courses and Confucian classics courses. The initiatory courses mainly included "Three Character Classic", "Family Names", "Thousand Character Classic", "Miscellaneous Household Word", "Thousands Of Poems", "Abacu", "The DPRK imperative" and etiquette, The Confucian classics courses were mainly "Four Books and Five Classics". The teaching program usually followed the following order:literacy, reading, reciting, writing, composition. The teaching method was mainly individual teaching and it also paid attention to infusing and emphasized reciting. Fifthly, the teachers were mainly excellent clerisy and most teachers were bachelor. The teachers’income was usually sixty thousand wen for every one every year. And there was also "jie li" for them. The difference of teacher treatment was big between official schools and civilian schools. The teachers were usually retained once a year. If his exhibition is good, he will be continued retaining. Contrarily, the teacher will be fired. Because the students were basically from poor peasants’families, most students had finished studying the initiatory curriculum. Only a minority of excellent and rich students could continue studying, take civil examinations and even got fame.As the excellent representation of the charitable schools in the Qing Dynasty everywhere, the charitable schools of Shandong in the Qing Dynasty had some comparability with other charitable schools of Zhili, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangsu and Anhui. There were also some differences between the charitable schools of Shandong and the charitable schools of frontier capitals and minority areas. Therefore, the study of the charitable schools of Shandong in the Qing Dynasty has important historic meaning for us to know roundly the characteristic of the charitable schools in the Qing Dynasty and important elicitation and mirror meaning to the development of educational charity undertakings.

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