

Monitoring of Plankton and Research of Evaluation in the Process of Urban Pollution River Restoration by Staged Floating Treatment Wetlands

【作者】 吴小慧

【导师】 黄民生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市河道整治是一项长期、艰巨、复杂的系统工程,水质不稳定、黑臭反弹、营养盐阻滞和水生态退化是城市河道长效治理中面临的现实难题。本论文以国家科技重大专项(2009ZX07317-006)《城市黑臭河道外源阻断、工程修复与原位多级生态净化关键技术研究与示范》为依托,以上海市中心城区污染河道为研究对象,模拟了水生植物在天然水体中的生态位分布,设计了一套梯级生态浮床系统,通过中试系统及示范工程两种实验研究其修复城市河道过程中浮游生物群落结构变化以及水质净化效果,为城市河道的环境治理与生态修复提供科学依据。结果表明:中试系统(2009年6月~2009年11月)与示范工程(2009年6月~2010年5月)研究期间内水质得到明显改善。其中中试系统实验中DO浓度平均提高了132.6%,NH4+-N、TP、CODcr平均去除率分别为45.8%、50.2%、37.9%;示范工程实验中DO浓度平均提高了123.9%;NH4+-N、TP、CODcr平均去除率为39.7%、53.7%、37.0%。中试系统共鉴别出藻类48种,示范工程共鉴别出藻类47种。两系统内藻类生物密度均显示水体为富营养状态,指示种研究中优势种也均为中污带指示种。其中中试系统各项多样性指数有下降趋势,而示范工程则呈现上升趋势;两系统Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数显示水质状况均与水质理化指标结果相一致。中试系统中浮游植物种类数与CODCr(r=0.305,p<0.05)相关性较大,其生物密度与DO(r=0.129,p<0.05)相关性较大;示范工程中浮游植物种类数与T(r=0.911,p<0.01)和NH4+-N (r=0.392,p<0.05)相关性较大,与DO((r=-0.335,p<0.05)呈负相关;其生物密度与T(r=0.583,p<0.05)相关性较大。中试系统共鉴别出原生动物35种,示范工程共鉴别出原生动物50种。两系统以钟虫属做指示种发现,几乎所有进水中均有沟钟虫或念珠钟虫出现,但中试系统部分出水中有钟形钟虫等清水指示种出现。两系统内各项多样性指数均有上升趋势,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数显示水质状况均与水质理化指标结果相一致。中试系统原生动物种类数与各项理化指标相关性较小,甚至负相关;其生物密度与NH4+-N (r=0.459,p<0.05)相关性最大;示范工程原生动物种类数与各项理化指标相关性较小,甚至负相关;其生物密度与NH4+-N(r=0.288,p<0.05)相关性最大。中试系统共鉴别出轮虫15种,示范工程中共鉴别出轮虫27种。两系统内以中污染指示种为主,中试系统部分采样点甚至无轮虫出现。中试系统内各项多样性指数均有上升,而示范工程内各项多样性指数均有下降趋势,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数显示水质状况均与水质理化指标结果较相一致。中试系统轮虫种类数与DO(r=0.315,p<0.05)相关性最大;其生物密度也与DO(r=0.262,p<0.05)相关性最大,示范工程轮虫种类数与T(r=0.579,p<0.01)和NH4+-N(r=0.478,p<0.01)相关性显著;其生物密度也与T(r=0.345,p<0.05)相关性最大。本文根据植物不同的生态位分布,构建了梯级生态浮床系统,将其运用到城市污染河道的治理中,对其修复污染河道过程中的浮游生物群落结构进行了监测和评价研究,旨在为河道治理提供理论基础和技术支撑。

【Abstract】 Urban River Restoration is a long, arduous and complicated systematic project, therefore, water quality unstable, black-odor rebound, nutrients block and water ecosystem degradation are the pratical problems we met in the process of a long-term treatment of urban river. This work was supported by Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (2009ZX07317-006) " Research and Demonstration on Sewage Interception, Engineering Remediation and Ecological Restoration of the Malodorous Urban Rivers", polluted river in Shanghai urban area as the research object and simulated distribution of aquatic niche in the natural water, designed a cascade floating bed system through pilot plant and demonstration projects to study the community structure of plankton and water quality purification effect in the process of urban river restoration, provided scientific basis for urban river environmental treatment and ecological restoration.Results show:in the period of pilot system (June 2009~2009 November) and demonstration project (June 2009 to 2010 May) the quality of the water improved Obviously.The pilot system in which the concentration of DO increased 132.6% on average. the average removal rates of NH4+-N, TP, CODCr were 45.8%,50.2%,37.9%. The concentration of DO in the demonstration project increased 123.9% on average. the average removal rates of NH4--N, TP, CODCr were 39.78%,53.7%,37.0%.The algae species which identified in pilot system were 48, whereas 47 were identified in demonstration project. In the two systems, biological density of algae have shown that water is eutrophication, both dominant species were middle indicator species of the sewage. Some diversity index of the pilot system appears a downward trend,but demonstration project have showed an opposite trend. The shannon-wiener index and margalef index in the two systems had shown that water quality are consistent with the results of physical and chemical water quality. Phytoplankton species and CODcr (r=0.305, p<0.05) have a great correlation in the pilot system, which biological density with DO (r=0.129, p<0.05) seeing the same trend. In addition, Phytoplankton species and T (r=0.911,p<0.01)、NH4+-N (r=0.392,p<0.05) in demonstration engineering have a great correlation with DO (r=-0.335,p<0.05) showing negative correlation, which biological density and T (r=0.583,p<0.05) also appearing a great correlation.The protozoa species which identified in pilot system were 35, whereas 50 were identified in demonstration project. Genus clock act as indicator species in the two system which nearly all water inflow appearing ditch bell insect or beads bell insect. However, some of water outlet in the pilot system have shown bell-shaped bell insect acting as indicator species of water. Some diversity index of the two system appears a ascent trend. The shannon-wiener index and margalef index in the two systems have shown that water quality are consistent with the results of physical and chemical water quality. Protozoa species and physical and chemical water quality have a little correlation even negative in the pilot system, which biological density and NH4+-N (r=0.459,p<0.05) seeing the maximum correlation. In addition, correlation of protozoa species and physical and chemical water quality in demonstration project are consistent with the pilot system.which biological density and NH4+-N (r=0.288,p<0.05) also appearing the maximum correlation.The rotifer species which identified in pilot system were 15, whereas 27 were identified in demonstration project.The two system primarily appear indicator species in contamination,but the part of sampling points have even no rotifer in the pilot system.Some diversity index of the pilot system appears a ascent trend,but the demonstration engineering have showed an opposite trend.The shannon-wiener diversity index and margalef richness index in the two systems have shown that water quality are consistent with the results of physical and chemical water quality. Rotifer species and and DO(r=0.315,p<0.05)have a maximum correlation in the pilot system, which biological density and DO (r=0.262,p<0.05) seeing the same trend. In addition, rotifer species and T (r=0.579,p<0.01), NH4+-N (r=0.478,p<0.01) in demonstration engineering have a significant correlation, which biological density and T (r=0.345,p<0.05) appearing the maximum correlation.Based on the different niche of aquatic plant.Constructed a cascade of ecological floating bed system, applied to the governance of urban polluted river. monitoring and evaluation in the process of Remediation of contaminated river of its plankton community structure. In order to provide a theoretical basis for river training and technical suppor.


