

Design and Implementation of Teaching Platform Based on Multi-Agent in Jiangxi Police College

【作者】 龚红辉

【导师】 甘登文;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的发展,网络教学得到了越来越广泛的应用。学生可以不受时间和空间的限制,进行网上学习。网络教学相比传统教学模式,更能培养学生信息获取、加工、分析、创新、利用、交流的能力。因此,越来越多的院校将网络教学作为自身教学的一种延续,而警察院校作为培养末来警察的基地,其教学对象和内容都具有一定的特殊性,其网络教学平台应突出警察职业能力的培养,应具有更高的安全性,这对网络教学系统提出了更高的要求。本文结合江西警察学院的教学特点,引入人工智能中的多Agent系统,建立基于多Agent技术的网上教学系统。所做的工作主要有以下几项:(1)公安院校教学模式的改革研究。为了构建教、学、练、战一体化的教学模式,在教学过程中要突出公安职业化教育,突出实战教学,提高学生的职业素质水平,全面调整教育观念、教育体制和教学内容,努力培养具有扎实的专业技能和过硬实战本领的公安专业型人才。(2)多Agent技术的研究。Agent技术已经成为公安教学研究的一个热点,设计系统的总体框架和系统的工作流程,为系统的每一个参与者设计了一个Agent功能模块,同时也为系统设计了一些具有管理功能的Agent模块来管理系统的协同运行,以增加系统的智能性。(3)构建多Agent的公专院校网络教学系统。基于公安院校教学的特点,对网络教学系统中各个功能模块进行了详细的分析和设计,并且阐述了系统中的安全访问、公安教学资源Agent、学生Agent、教师Agent、管理员Agent等模块实现的关键技术。本文研究的多Agent技术网络教学系统,可以进一步完善和延伸公安院校教育培养改革模式,为公安院校人才培养模式改革的探索提供一种可行性方案,对于开展教育改革具有一定的参考价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the Internet, network teaching has been applied more and more widely. Students can conduct online learning without being limited by time and space. Compared with the traditional teaching mode, network teaching can more effectively train students’ ability of information acquisition, processing, analysis, innovation, utilization, communication. Therefore, more and more colleges have adopted network teaching as a continuation of teaching in class. However, police colleges, as the training base of professional police talents, its teaching object and content have some particularity, the network teaching platform should highlight the police professional competence, and should have greater security, which puts forward higher request to the network teaching system.Combined with the teaching characteristics of Jiangxi Police College in this thesis, the networking teaching system will be established by introducing the Multi-Agent Technology in artificial intelligence. What has been done is as follow:(1) Study on the reform of teaching mode in police colleges. In order to build an integration teaching mode of teaching, learning, training and combating, in the teaching process, we must highlight the security professional education, highlight actual combat skills teaching, enhance students’professional quality level and fully adjust the educational concept, educational system and teaching content. We should strive to cultivate more public security professional talents who have solid professional skills and perfect combat skills.(2)Study on the Multi-Agent Technology. The thesis has made a comprehensive and systematic research on the Multi-Agent Technology, and has made an analysis for the overall framework and workflow of the system. The thesis has also designed the corresponding Agent function modules for each participant to increase the individuation and intelligence in police colleges’teaching system.(3) Construction of Multi-Agent network teaching system in police colleges. Based on the teaching characteristics of the police colleges, this thesis has made a detailed analysis for the various functional modules in the network teaching system. It has designed and achieved the key technologies for the Secure Access, Police Teaching Resources Agent, Student Agent, Teachers Agent, and Manager Agent in the system.Based on the study of Multi-Agent technology, this thesis designs and develops an intelligent and individualized public security network teaching system combined knowledge with actual combat, which will provide a feasibility plan for further improving and deepening the reform model of police colleges’education and training. It also has a certain reference value and practical significance for the education reform.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【下载频次】66

