

Attribution Analysis and Countermeasures of Degree Disputes

【作者】 张松铃

【导师】 吴遵民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育政策学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 学位作为现代社会评价人才质量的一个重要指标,受到全社会狂热甚至盲目的追求,升学、就业、转岗以及恋爱结婚,生活的方方面面都意将“学位”作为标准来考量一个人的实力和水平,其重要性不言而喻。上个世纪80年代,我国在现代学位制度引入的前提下试图构建自己的学位制度,并出台《中华人民共和国学位条例》。这对于构建完整的体系是功不可没的成绩,然而,因学位而导致的纠纷亦不可避免的相伴而生。由于其处于司法界的“灰色地带”,因而尽管频发却始终无司法受理、裁定和判决的确切参考,据此被认为,法律的缺失或可诉性偏低直接导致局面的恶化。笔者在对此类案件进行深入的调查和分析后,却得出更加深刻和丰富的原因导向。为了使结构更加有序,本文将以学位纠纷涉及到的法律关系、学位纠纷案的初现、特点及类型做前沿铺垫,而作为文章重点的学位纠纷之归因分析和对策探讨将于篇末完整呈现。导论,对本文的研究缘起,研究对象、价值和方法,研究的创新和不足做了较为详细的说明,并且对我国学位制度之沿革、国内外涉及到“学位纠纷”的业已研究成果作出完整和全面的搜集、整理和评析。第一章,从学位之释义谈起,当历史画卷展示出现代世事之成就时,也同时向我们呈现出与学位制度相伴而生的学位纠纷类案件。此外,明晰案件所涉及的法律关系是此类案件探讨的重要前提。第二章,以案件初现时声势浩大的讨论着手引入公众对此的关注,旋即通过对全国法律案件登载比较齐全的“北大法律信息网—法宝在线”的权威搜索、查阅《最高等大民法院公报》,并利用主流搜索引擎的相关链接以及中国学术期刊网的详尽收集,同时参考社会媒体等宣传可知,自1998年至今以毕业证书和学位证书为诉讼标的的案例为58件,2010年多至14件。以此为基础,对纠纷案件的趋势和特点进行总结,并对其具体内容作详细分析,从而引出对原因的探讨。第三章,从系统的角度和联系的观点来看,纠纷的产生必定涉及到诸多方面的因素,笔者力图在实证的基础上宏观把握错综复杂的关系,从学生个体的诚信、高校管理权力、学位制度体系以及现行有关学位的法律条款几个方面的原因着手分析,并对相应的对策进行探讨。结语是对全文的陈述和分析作出比较明确的判断,并且通过进一步思考的方式引发对相关问题的讨论和研究,使得本文的意义不仅仅局限于此,达到理论和实践上的升华。

【Abstract】 Degree plays an important role at evaluation of talents in modern society, even leads to blind fanatical pursuit of further education, Employment, job transfer and marriage, all aspects of life intends to take it as standard to consider one person’s strength and ability.Degree system was tried to build in modern society in 1980s, and Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People’s Republic of China was published at the same time. It is an outstanding achievement to establish the complete system, however, degree disputes are also accompanied.It is in the "gray zone" of judiciary that always without judicial acceptance, decisions and judgments of the exact reference, are hereby the absence of law or a direct result of the low appeal as to be the reason of deterioration situation. But I found even more profound and rich cause oriented through such cases in-depth investigation and analysis. This system will generate the development of degree, degree in the case of the early disputes, several aspects of characteristics and types of cutting-edge pave the way. So the focus of disputes due to the full show will be endnote as the article places.This paper mainly includes the following parts:Introduction to the origin of this study, the research object, the value and methods of innovation are inadequate to do a more detailed explanation. Collect and assess domestic and foreign related to Degree Dispute research, to make a complete and comprehensive interpretation.Chapter I, we can make the evolution of the system be of degree from the degree of interpretation. When the historical picture show the achievements of modern things, it also presented to us with the degree system attendant class degree in dispute cases at the same time. In addition, the clarity of legal relations involved in the case is an important prerequisite. Chapter II, as the beginning of the present case to proceed to discuss the introduction of massive public attention, I used Peking University Legal Information Network-Magic Line, Communique Supreme People’s Court, the major search engines Links CNKI and detailed collection and also refer to the social media and other promotional shows. From 1998 to 2010 diploma and degree certificates for the subject matter of litigation in total of 58 pieces, especially 2010 to 14 pieces. On this basement, the case of disputes, sum up the trends, characteristics and detailed analysis of its specific content, which leads to discussion of the reasons.Chapter III, according to the system point of view, the dispute will produce many factors involved. I tried on the basis of empirical grasp of the intricate relationship between the macro, from the integrity of individual students, university management power, degree system system and the legal provisions of the existing degree of several aspects to discus countermeasures.Conclusion is the full text of the statement and the judge make a more precise analysis, and further ways of thinking through the issues raised for discussion and research. Making sense that this paper is not limited to this, but to the sublimation of theory and practice.

【关键词】 学位纠纷归因分析对策
【Key words】 Degree DisputesAttribution AnalysisCountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G642.47
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】208

