

Research for Ramkhamhaeng University of Learning Thai Students Learning Chinese, and Motivation Survey

【作者】 林美玲

【导师】 叶军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着全球化的进一步加速,“汉语热”也进一步升温。泰国的汉语教育在社会各界和政府的引导下持续展开。中泰关系的良好发展和不断交流使得泰国人民对中国儒文化的理解与汉语学习的动机加强。蓝康恒大学是泰国的高等教育的开放式大学,是泰国培养汉语专业人才的重要教育机构,并且是泰国唯一有资质对汉语教育水平鉴定的教育机构,笔者通过调查问卷与访谈,对蓝康恒大学的学生特点,汉语学习的基本情况以及将汉语作为外语学习的动机及其相关因素进行了调查,并分析了影响学生汉语学习动机的内外因素。本文研究的主要目的是进一步了解学生学汉语的动机与学生年龄,文化背景,家庭环境,学习者个人愿望等之间的关系以及汉语学习中存在的主要问题。以期可以为包括蓝康恒大学在内的高校中文专业的设置和汉语教学提出可供参考的建议。本文的调查对象是蓝康恒大学的121名的汉语专业学生,根据蓝康恒大学作为开放性大学的特点。问卷调查分为两个阶段:第一阶段是了解学生个体信息,第二阶段是了解学生的汉语学习情况与学习动机。使用的统计工具为马冬梅的《外语学习动机研究新发展及其对教学的指导意义》一文中提出的调查因素并根据实际情况和需要进行了改动,过滤出有效的统计数据来分析影响学生学习动机的因素,而后对调查中的一些不够清楚的问题补充访谈。访谈对象包括正在学习的学生、毕业生以及中文专业从事汉语教学的教师。通过调查研究,发现蓝康恒大学学生的汉语学习动机由高到低依次是“喜欢汉语”、“对现在或未来的工作有益”、“对中国文化感兴趣”“去中国或者做与汉语相关的工作”、“汉语热”及“其他”。提到激发学生产生汉语学习动机的因素,一般分为内部动机与外部动机两个方面共同作用,由调查结果可见,推动学生汉语学习的主要动机是内部动机。本文通过具体的调查数据分析了不同的因素对于学习者学习动机的影响及其所起的作用的大小,推动泰国学生汉语学习动机的因素包括学生的年龄、年级、性别、华裔与非华裔、未来的职业计划以及学校安排教学的情况等。从而可以对泰国的汉语教学及学生管理提供参考建议,推动泰国的汉语教学更好的发展。另外,笔者发现内外部动机这两个方面不仅取决于学生本身的情况,而且学校安排的教材与课程,课堂上教师的教学活动与教学方法的配合等因素都对学生的学习动机产生重要影响,因此可以说需要师生双方合作,汉语教学和学习才会达到良好的效果。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the further acceleration of globalization, "Chinese language fever" is further warming up. Thailand’s Chinese language education continues to expand under the guidance of the government and the community.The sound development of Sino-Thai relations and the continuous exchange makes Thai people more motivated in learning Chinese and strengthening their understanding of the Chinese Confucian culture. Ramkhamhaeng University in Thailand is an open university of higher education. It is the only major higher educational institution in Thailand qualified and recognized for the training of Chinese language professionals. Through questionnaires and interviews the author of Ramkhamhaeng University for student characteristics, investigated their basic learning situation and motivation for learning Chinese as a foreign language.It also investigated the related factors and analyzed the impact of external factors on students learning Chinese.The main purpose of this study is to further explore the motivating factors of students learning Chinese in relaion to students’ age, cultural and family background of such learners and the relationship between personal aspirations and the main Chinese language learning problems. The survey includes Ramkhamhaeng University College Chinese language students, and the professional Chinese language teachers.The survey takes in to consideration 121 students of Chinese major of Ramkhamhaeng University as a university having an open university characteristics. The questionnaire is divided into two parts:the first part is to investigate the information on individual students, the second part is to help the researcher in understanding motivating factors of students learning Chinese. Statistical tools used is the MA Dong-mei’s "foreign language learning motivation to study new developments and their significance for teaching," a paper presented to survey factors and the actual situation and the need for a change, to filter out valid statistical data to analyze the impact of student motivation factors, and to bring clarifications to some of the investigations which are not clear enough. Interviewees include:undergraduate and graduates students, and professionals engaged in Chinese language teaching. The research revealed that Ramkhamhaeng University students motivating factors to learn Chinese in descending order were:"like the Chinese", "the work of current or future benefit","interested in Chinese culture", "to do with China or Chinese related work ", " Chinese fever " and " other ". According to the result of the questionnaire, what inspire students’Chinese language learning motivation factors were generally divided into internal motivation and external motivation. Two aspects of interaction can be seen from the survey results to promote the main motivation for Chinese learning students is internal motivation. Through detailed analysis of survey data different factors affect the motivation for the learners and the role of the size of the Thai students also promote Chinese language learning. Motivation factors include:the age, grade, gender, ethnic Chinese and non-Chinese in the future career plans and arrangements for teaching in schools and so on. Allowing the Chinese teaching in Thailand and students to provide reference management recommendations to promote Chinese teaching in Thailand better development. In addition, the researcher found that both internal and external motivation for this situation depends not only on the students themselves, but also on the schools to organize teaching materials and curriculum, classroom teaching activities of teachers and teaching methods for students with other factors have an important impact on motivation, Therefore it can be concluded that both teachers and students need cooperation, for Chinese language teaching and learning to achieve good results.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】835

