

A Study on the Reformation of Sub-district Adminitrative Organizational Systems in Large and Medium-sized Cities Since the New Century

【作者】 陶涛

【导师】 林拓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪以来,我国城市化逐渐进入深化发展阶段,导致城市基层行政建制呈现出新的发展局面。一方面,城乡地域空间变动显著,导致城市基层行政建制在地理空间和建制性质上的深刻变化;另一方面,“社区”建设开始在全国范围内迅速展开并蓬勃发展,使得城市基层管理面临着新的机遇与挑战。在此背景下,街道建制改革成为城市基层发展的核心问题之一。本文将充分考虑我国城市政府职能体制改革和城镇发展的现实背景,通过对大量样本城市的资料梳理,勾勒新世纪以来我国街道建制发展的基本轮廓,着重探讨街道建制演化的空间机制、职能转变模式和机构设置优化模式,从而为街道建制改革及城市基层发展提供有益的借鉴。全文共分为五章,具体内容如下:第一章为绪论部分,阐述了我国城市街道建制改革的研究背景,总结梳理街道办事处相关研究成果,并从城市基层治理模式演变、街道职能转变、街道体制创新等角度归纳了相关研究状况;进而提出研究的中心问题、确立研究框架,并对本文思路来源、样本城市选择、资料来源等方面加以说明。第二章宏观勾勒新世纪以来街道建制发展的轮廓。首先,总结了新世纪以来我国街道建制数量变动的空间特征和类别特征;其次,对县辖街道、特殊地域街道加以关注;最后,对乡镇改街道的建制转换意义和模式进行总结归纳。第三章重点关注街道建制改革的空间维度。将街道建制空间格局的演化机制分为五个大类:(1)城市空间战略奠定;(2)行政中心变动催化;(3)城市开发推动;(4)管理服务优化需求;(5)自然人文要素限定。从现实案例出发,分析五种演化机制各自的具体作用过程。最后,通过综合案例分析,进一步阐释五种机制对街道建制空间格局的综合作用过程。第四章着力于城市街道办事处体制职能方面研究。在简述街道职能发展概况的基础上,分析案例城市职能转变不同策略,提出街道办事处职能转变的三种模式:“加法模式”、“减法模式”、“重心转移模式”,进而分析街道职能转变三种模式分别对应的机构优化模式:“机构类政府化”、“机构去经济化”、“涉经机构淡化”,并总结街道职能转变的相关保障措施。第五章是本文的结论与展望部分,对本文的主要观点进行总结提炼,并指出本文还需进一步研究的方向:街道建制发展与区域经济发展模式之间的关联。

【Abstract】 As the new century, the urbanization in China has been deepening gradually, bringing about entirely new prospects for the basic administrative systems in urban areas. On the one hand, notable changes has been taking place in the urban and rural areas, leading to the profound changes of basic administrative systems in urban areas in geographical space and the units’properties. On the other hand, community construction has been launched on a nationwide scale and vigorous development has been taking place, bringing new opportunities and challenges to the cities’basic administration. In this context, the reformation of the sub-district administrative organizational systems becomes the one of the essential problems in the development of cities at the grassroots levels. With full consideration on the realistic background of the reformation of cities’governments and the growth of cities and towns, this article sketched out the outline of the development of the sub-district administrative organizational systems through a general survey of a large number of sample cities. The spatial evolvement mechanisms, functional transformation patterns, and agencies optimization patterns of the sub-district administrative organizational systems were studied emphatically, with a view of providing useful lessons for the further reformation of sub-district administrative organizational systems and development of cities at the grassroots levels.This article contains five chapters:ChapterⅠintroduced the background of the reformation of the sub-district administrative organizational systems, and summarized the relevant research achievements in 3 main aspects:the evolvement of cities’low-level management, the functional transformation and the system innovations of the sub-district administrative organizational systems. And then, raised the crucial questions and established the research framework. Finally, explained the research thoughts’source, the selection of sample cities, the information source and some other aspects.ChapterⅡsketched out the outline of the development of the sub-district administrative organizational systems. Firstly, concluded the spatial characteristics and category features; secondly, focused on the research of the sub-district administrative organizational systems in the county and some other special areas; finally, summarized the patterns and meanings of the diversion from townships and towns to the sub-district administrative organizational systems.Chapter III focused on the reformation of the sub-district administrative organizational systems in the perspective of spatial dimensions. The evolvement mechanisms of the spatial patterns was classified into 5 categories:(1) the cities’ space strategies laid the foundations of the frameworks of the spatial patterns; (2) the changes of administrative centers catalyzed the evolvement; (3) the promotion mechanisms of the urban development; (4) the demand mechanisms of the optimization distribution of the management and service resources; (5) the limitation mechanisms of the natural or human factors. The article explored the action processes of the above five mechanisms with detailed analysis of the realistically typical cases. Moreover, an interpretation of the comprehensive action processes of the above five mechanisms was delivered with comprehensive case study.Chapter IV focused on the systems and functions of the sub-district offices. With a summarization of the changes in the functions of the sub-district offices, the article analyzed the different strategies in this changes, and classified the changes into 3 models:the additive model, the subtractive model, and the work focus shift model. And then, summarized the corresponding models of the sub-district offices’ organization settings optimization:assimilation to the governments’organization settings, subtraction and integration of the economic organizations. Finally, discussed the related guarantee mechanisms.Chapter V is the conclusion of this article. This Chapter summarized the main points, and made a reasonable prospect for the further study of this topic:the relationship between the development of the sub-district administrative organizational systems and the models of regional economy development.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】234

