

The Comparative Study of Contemporary Activity Moral Education between Chinese and Japanese Primary and Middle School

【作者】 谢惠莲

【导师】 孙丹薇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年5月,国务院正式审议通过《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010年-2020年)》,明确了“育人为本”是“教育工作的根本要求”。“道德教育”之于“教育”,其本质和内核是完全一致的——即塑造更加完善的人。因此,“育人为本”、“以学生为本”,亦作为道德教育贯穿始终的核心追求,通过此次《纲要》的颁布再次到得了深化:从理论层面的“学生主体论”、“受教育者和教育者双主体论”,到方法论层面的“反对强灌”、“疏与导相结合”等,均是强调以“学生”的发展为导向。为了使道德教育在现有的考核制度和课程框架下真正做到“育人为本”,做到“以学生为本”,活动德育应当成为当代中小学道德教育的有效模式之一而中国的近邻日本以其丰富的活动德育资源闻名于世,同时,中国与日本又同属于儒教文化圈,有着相似的历史背景和文化传统。因此,通过对比和借鉴当代日本中小学活动德育的有益经验,能够进一步提高我国活动德育理论和实践水平,让“以学生为本”落到实处。本文从当代中日中小学活动德育的对比作为切入点,其研究意义在于:首先,从宏观层面看,借鉴日本活动德育成功经验有利于更好地化解现代化转型期所带来的问题;其次,从中观层面看,借鉴日本活动德育成功经验有利于在教育改革大背景下更好地实践“育人”核心;最后,从微观层面看,借鉴日本活动德育成功经验有利于在现有学校道德教育课程体系中开辟新的德育途径。因此,本文比较并借鉴在活动德育方面有着丰富经验的近邻日本,以其借此更好地发展我国活动德育理论和实践,把“以学牛为本”落到实处,最终实现“育人为本”。本文总共分为五个部分展开论述。第一部分介绍了活动德育的相关概念。首先,解析“活动”,以及“活动”与“实践”的关系;其次,阐述了活动德育的概念及其内涵;最后,逐一阐明题目中“当代”、“中小学”和“道德教育”在本文中的界定。第二部分对比分析了当代中日活动德育的主要理论。当代中国活动德育的主要理论是以戚万学教授为代表的“活动目的论”,其理论渊源是马克思主义实践观,主张在活动中加速道德“内化”和“外化”,并将活动性课程作为道德教育的主导课程;当代日本活动德育理论的主要代表是宫田丈夫的“道德实践能力的结构分层理论”以及押谷由夫的“体验理论”。最后,本文将当代中日活动德育理论从共相和殊相两方面加以对比。两者的共相主要表现在:强调受教育者的主体地位、强调活动或体验的重要性以及强调自觉地道德行为是活动德育的最终目的;殊相主要表现在:两者源流不同所导致的侧重点不同以及活动德育在道德教育中的实际地位不同。第三部分比较分析了当代中日中小学活动德育实践。从活动德育目标、原则、内容与形式、特色四个维度展开,着重分析两国的差异性。第四部分阐述了当代中日中小学活动德育存在的问题。中国的主要问题是活动德育的价值需要进一步被认同;活动德育面临执行难;与中小学生的实际生活联系不够紧密;内容与形式需要创新等;日本的主要问题是活动德育中存在价值相对主义倾向;大量活动导致学力下降;依赖教师素质导致活动德育效果良莠不齐。第五部分是本文的落脚点,即通过对当代日本中小学活动德育的比较借鉴,提出开创我国中小学活动德育新局面的对策和建议。包括人为本,紧扣活动德育的“育人”核心;固传统,继承和发扬我国优秀的活动德育传统;助执行,提高既有框架下的活动德育效果;以及重创新,探索有中国特色的活动德育新发展四个部分。

【Abstract】 In May 2010, the Chinese government launched "Guide for Medium-and-Long Term Education Transformation (2010-2020)", clarifying that "being students’ oriented" should be the core value of education."Activity Moral Education" is also called moral education in the form of activities, meaning in this kind of moral education, students can learn ethics with their own choice of activity with the guide of their teacher and the activities are so closely related to students’ daily life that they can practice the ethics on their own when the whole process of Activity Moral Education is done.It is very necessary for us to learn from the well-experienced Japan of their Activity Moral Education and thus fulfill Chinese government’s requirement of being "students’ oriented".The reason for using the comparison between Chinese and Japanese "activity moral education" as the subject of the dissertation is that first, it is beneficial for us to learn from Japanese experience of education to better resolve the problems in the progress of China’s modernization; second, it is beneficial for us to learn more practical operations f in the period of education transformation; last but not least, it is beneficial for us to learn the innovation method of activity education from Japanese practice, which is still in the current school curriculum system.So the essay of this dissertation is to learn from Japanese theory and practice of activity moral education to facilitate China’s moral education and at the same time, better clarify how to make the concept of "student-oriented" more practical.This essay will be divided into four parts. First, concept clarification and related theory comparison, which clarify the difference between the concept "activity" and "practice" and identify the core concepts in the dissertation such as "contemporary", "high school" and "moral education".Second, comparison between theory of activity moral education in Japan and China. The same side of the theories in both countries is that they both value the participation of students in the whole process, the importance of experience and the ultimate purpose is to let student practice what they learn by themselves. The difference between the theories is that the Japanese theory is more focusing on practice, while the Chinese theory is more focusing on making students believe the key value.Third, comparison between the practice of activity moral education in high school. The comparison will be carried out in four directions, including objective, principle, content and form and unique features.Fourth, notify problems contained in Chinese and Japanese Activity Moral Education.Fifth, make suggestions concerning how to further improve Activity Moral Education in Chinese primary and middle school.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】462

