

The Chinese Public Opinions in the 1920s and 1930s Towards Germany and the Sino-Germany Relationship

【作者】 陈声玥

【导师】 高华;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪二、三十年代的中德关系在中国近代对外关系史上既十分重要又颇为独特,就中德之间合作规模及范围而言,实可与之后的中美关系相比较。然而,相对于同时期的中美、中苏、中日关系而言,目前这一阶段中德关系并未得到研究者们的广泛重视,关于中国人对德认知方面的系统性研究至今更是空白。本文通过对当时读者群较大、评论性较强、舆论占有主导地位的《大公报》和《东方杂志》等报刊的系统考察,从二十世纪二、三十年代中国新闻界的视角对中德关系的发展进行审视,以呈显二、三十年代中国人对德国认知情况的变迁。除绪论和结论外,本文共分为四部分。第一部分着重介绍中国人在钦佩和羡慕的心念下的对德认知情况,包括对德国战后复兴经验的思考、德国经验给国人带来的精神鼓舞、德国军事顾问团来华后促进了中德关系的发展等。第二部分主要探讨中日关系紧张背景下的对德认知情况,包括中国人对希特勒、纳粹党、法西斯主义和其狂热追随者的态度、紧张中日关系背景下中国人对德日关系的认知情况、中国人对扩张中的德国的揣度与认知等。第三部分主要研究民族危亡背景下中国人对德国的“致用主义”的学习,包括中国人如何被德国的法西斯独裁的高效率所吸引和启发,以及蒋介石对法西斯主义的推崇与模仿。第四部分主要讨论进入中日战争时期以后,处于国家生死存亡关头的中国人的对德认知情况,包括中国人对中日战争爆发后的德日关系、中德关系和德国在二战中表现的认知情况。二十世纪二、三十年代的中德交往从初期的友好、中期的敷衍、到后期的恶化,无论是从中国还是从德国而言,都是从自身的国家利益为根本出发点的。总结来说,中国人对德国认知情况的变迁主要有以下几点:首先,德国对国人最初的吸引力在于其战后迅速的复兴。长期处于列强压迫之下、任人欺凌的中国,从德国身上看到了民族的希望,中国人梦想着通过学习和模仿,能像德国一样的迅速经济复兴、打破不平等条约、取得国际平等地位。第二,中国人眼中的德国形象从一个过于理想化的——中国人的友好无私的朋友、富强复兴的榜样,逐渐变得真实起来——一切以国家利益为出发点的狡诈的狂妄自大者。第三,由于德日关系的日趋紧密,在国人的对德态度上,无论多愤怒,始终是有所保留的。对于处于民族生死存亡关头的中国人来说,必须忍辱负重,联合一切力量,因此,对德国尽可能的不用尖锐语气进行谴责,尽可能的维持中德友谊、拉拢德国。本文期望通过这一研究,能够从新闻界的认知视角重新审视中德关系在二十世纪二、三十年代的发展历程,为民国时期对外关系史研究做出有益的贡献与补充。

【Abstract】 In the 1920s and 1930s, the Sino-Germany relationship plays an important and unique part in the history of modern Chinese foreign relations. In terms of depth, the cooperation between China and Germany is comparable to that of the Sino-US relationship in later time. However, the study on Sino-Germany relationship for that period of time has not been given as much attention as that of Sino-US, Sino- Soviet Union and Sino- Japan relations, let alone the lack of systematical study on the Chinese’s recognition toward Germany. From the perspective of mass media, this thesis discusses development of Sino-Germany relationship and the change of Chinese’s recognition towards Germany in the 1920s and 1930s by systematically studying the Takunpao and Oriental Magazine, which had a comparably large reader base and commentary style, and became a good representation of the public opinion at the time.The thesis comprises of four parts except for the introduction and conclusion: Part one focuses on the Chinese’s recognition toward Germany as admirers, including the post-war renaissance of Germany, the inspiration of German- style to Chinese as well as the boost of Sino- Germany relationship with the visit of Germany military advisory panel. Part two discusses the Chinese’s recognition toward Germany with the background of the tension between China and Japan at the time, which includes Chinese’s attitude toward Hitler, Nazi, fascism and its followers. This part also includes Chinese’s recognition in respect of Germany’s expansion and the Germany-Japan relationship at the time. Part three covers Chinese’s learning from Germany’s pragmatism, which includes that the Chinese was attracted and inspired by the high efficiency of Germany and its fascism as well as Chiang kai-shek imitation of the fascism, with the background that the nation’s future was in danger. Part four discusses Chinese’s understanding toward the Sino-Germany and Germany- Japan relationship after the break out of China- Japan War and the performance of Germany in World WarⅡ.In the 1920s and 1930s, the Sino-Germany relationship went through three stages:the honeymoon between China and Germany; the cold-shoulder period of the Sino- Germany relationship; and finally the break-up of the two countries. However, no matter in which period of the relationships, both China and Germany guided its foreign policies based on the national interests. Overall, the changes of Chinese’s perception toward Germany are concluded as follows:first, Chinese was attracted most by Germany’s post-war renaissance and Germany’s success inspired them as they would like to recover Chinese economy promptly, break the unfair treaties and eventually gain respect from the international community as did by the German. Second, to the Chinese, the image of Germany had become a deceitful, arrogant country that cares only for its national interests from a friendly, selfless role-model. Third, because of the close relationship between Germany and Japan, the Chinese, no matter how unsatisfied they are, managed not to cross the line when dealing with the Sino-Germany relationship. Chinese tried to avoid infuriate or condemn Germany and therefore maintained the Sino-Germany relationship and gained its support. It is expected that, from the perspective of mass media, the thesis could contribute to the understanding of the development of Sino-Germany relationship in the 1920s and 1930s and provide a supplement to the study on the foreign relations in the modern Chinese history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】K263
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】915

