

The Concept of Entertainment Literature at Wei, Jin and South Dynasties

【作者】 贺琼

【导师】 孙蓉蓉;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国古代历来重视文学的教化功能,对情志的研究论者众多,而少有对文学的娱情功能的探讨。本文选择魏晋南朝的文学娱情观作为研究对象,结合魏晋南朝时期的文学消遣娱情现象,着重考察娱情观念,将其作为文学教化功能的补充,以此说明消遣娱乐也是文学的功能之一。魏晋时期,由于文人和文学在社会生活中所承担的角色的转变。无论宫廷宴饮,或是个人消遣,还是文人集会,都将文学作为一项娱乐活动,文人作者们参与其中,写意抒怀,竞技取乐。文学娱情成为魏晋南朝社会的普遍现象。文学娱情创作带来文学内容和形式的新变,也带来娱情文学观念的产生。娱情文学观念为消遣游戏性质的文学创作立论,分为两个方面:一为“闲情”立论的娱己闲情理论;二为“艳情”、“虚情”立论的形式游戏理论。前者零散出现在文人的篇章著述中,表现为文人对自身创作娱情目的的自觉,与传统的“缘情观”联系紧密。而后者与南朝文学形式的发展、宫体文学的出现紧密相关,以系统的理论正面肯定文学的娱情功能,表现出与传统情志理论截然不同的文学游戏娱乐性。因娱情文学观不同于传统诗教理论,肯定文学的消遣娱乐作用而忽略文学劝善惩恶,持人情性的教化作用,娱情文学遭到了来自儒家文人的种种批评。而刘勰却在批判娱情文学“为文而造情”,内容空洞、辞句繁冗的缺点的同时,肯定文学娱情所带来的文学形式上的发展,汲取了文学娱情对文学发展的有利因素。文学娱情观虽然不同于诗教理论,然而其对个人的强调,对情感的重视,对形式的探讨,也对后世文学有所启发,促进了形式理论的发展,也开拓了后世通俗文学的发展空间。

【Abstract】 The ancient Chinese paid much attention to the education functions of literature, there are many research on education function, few of entertainment features. This thesis studied on The concept of entertainment literature, basic on the Wei,Jin and Southern Dynasties phenomenon of the literary entertainment, focusing on investigating the concept of delight literature, as the a complement to the education functions of literature, and point out that entertainment is also one of the literature functions.At Wei and Jin Dynasties, the literati and literature changed the role in the social life. Both the Palace Banquet, or personal entertainment, or literary gatherings, put the literary as a entertainment. Literary authors participate in these activities, decent to have sentiment, competitive to have fun. Literary entertainment situation has been a common phenomenon in the society. Literary entertainment creation brought the new change of literature content and form, also brought the emergence of literature entertainment concept.The concept of entertainment literary was set up for the literature entertainment. It can be divided into two areas:one is for " Leisure ", which is for oneself entertainment; the other was for " Erotic " and " Hypocrites ",which is a theory for form game. The former fragmented appeared in the authors’ writings, performance as the literati’s conscious of their entertainment purposes in literature creating, and it’s closely related with the traditional "Emotion view". And the latter was closely related to the development of Southern form literary and the emergence of "Gong Ti" literature,which positive affirmed the literature’s entertainment function, showing a completely different with the traditional theory of the literary. The concept of entertainment literary is different from the traditional literature theory,it affirm with the entertainment function of literature, and ignore the education function,there for, the concept of entertainment literary is be criticized by the traditional literary criticism. But Liu Xie found different situation in criticism entertainment literary "Wei Wen Er Zao Qing",he found there were many shortcomings of entertainment literary, such as inanition of content, burdensome modify, but the entertainment literary brought the development of literature form, and learn the Favorable factors for the development of literature from literary entertainment.Although the concept of literary entertainment is different from the traditional Poetry theory, its emphasis on individual, attaching importance to the emotion, discussion of form, also inspire the literature of future,it develop the form of theory, and start up the popular literature of the later Development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】176

