

Arid Spring and Flooded Autumn: the Yellow River and Local Society in Eastern Henan (1644-1795)

【作者】 丁祥利

【导师】 胡成;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河自孟津以上,群山束水,得以安澜,但自豫省荥阳以下,地势平衍,土性疏松,每逢水势骤涨之时,极易漫溢溃决。历史上,黄河以“善淤、善决、善徙”而著称于世,给沿河地区带来了诸多危害。清代豫东之开封、归德及陈州(?)府,地处黄、淮二水之间,有贾鲁、惠济等河贯穿其中,每逢黄河南决,则首当其冲,备受其害。豫东气候受季风影响,春旱秋潦,雨水季节分布极不均衡,受黄河南泛影响,贾鲁、惠济等河道多因沙淤垫,每逢大雨,往往淹及沿河州县田庐。水患之外,由于水利不兴,旱灾也常困扰着豫东农民的生存。有清一代,河务关乎漕运,朝廷视为要政,特设东河总督管理河南、山东河务。清人治河,尤其在豫省境内,只知增培堤工而无其它良法,遂导致河身日高,溢决愈烈;不仅如此,“仅言河防,不讲水利”的治理思路也限制了豫东地区农田水利的开发。由于豫省地势平坦,水流迂缓,因此河道易于淤浅,疏浚旧有河道是减轻潦灾的重要方法;另一方面,豫东平原农田多为旱地,地表水源有限,为避免“晴则易旱,雨则易潦”的威胁,开通沟渠无疑是改善农田水利的另一重要途径。尽管清人已认识到问题所在,但由于官府用力不深,缺乏长久的治理机制,加之豫省地方士绅力量薄弱,难以承担起兴利除弊之责,且地方民众可与乐成,难与图始。虽一时有开河挖沟之举,但难以持续,已有之沟渠数年后皆被湮没,遂使豫省农业生产陷入广种薄收之困境。田文镜作为雍正时三大督抚之一,深得雍正帝欢心。在其抚豫期间,选任河防官员,整肃河兵堡夫,对地方河务治理多有作为。在得到朝延赏识的同时,其所为对豫省民生影响则不同,一方面,民众为河防徭役所累,另一方而,在政府重农政策影响下,豫省民众惟知刨土为食,鲜有其它谋生之计,遂陷入“均衡陷阱”。在江南商品经济繁盛之外,为后人从另一地区理解康乾盛世提供了不同的历史侧而。进而论之,春旱秋潦,豫省农业生产屡遭荒歉,直至二十世纪初,政权式微,盗匪蜂起,遂沦为“中原之蛮族”,为理解二十世纪华北内地困顿局而提供了更长时段的历史根源。

【Abstract】 Upstream from Mengjin, Yellow River is surrounded by mountains, while downstream from Xingyang, Henan province, the river runs into the North China plain, which composed by flat topography and loose soil. Therefore, the river is inclined to overflow or break when it suffers sudden rise. During the Qing period, prefecture of Kaifeng, Guide and Chenzhou lie between Yellow River and Huai River, Jialu, Huiji and other rivers run along the eastern Ilenan as well. The climate of eastern Henan is affected by the monsoon, so the seasonal precipitation distributes unevenly, result in arid spring and flooded autumn. Suffer from Yellow River floods, Jialu and Huiji river frequently silt and bring floods to farmland and residence alongside them. Besides, daily lives of peasants in eastern Henan are troubled by arid as well as floods.During the Qing dynasty, river works related to water transport closely, which the central government considered as significant affair. The Qing government set Donghe governor to manage river works of Henan and Shandong province. However, people emphasized on increasing the height of dike while neglecting other ways to manage Yellow River, following the rise of riverbed and more serious overflow and break. Meanwhile, the policy of river defense limited the development of farmland irrigation as well. With flat topography, rivers flew down slowly and silted easily. Dredging the riverbed is an effective way to deal with these problems. On the other hand, croplands of eastern Henan are almost dry fields with little surface water. To avoid menace of arid spring and flooded autumn, there is no doubt that ditches are valuable for the improvement of farmland irrigation. Although people of the Qing period have pointed out this problem, the impuissant government could not set persistent institution, and local elites of Henan were so powerless that they could not afford to deal with river affairs, what worse was that local peasants won’t pay at the hard beginning but enjoy success only. Occasionally, some irrigation ditches were done; however, most of them were silted several years later. Over times, the agriculture of Henan province was trapped by the dilemma.As one of the three significant governors during the Yong Zheng period, Tian Wenjing won the favorite of Yong Zheng Emperor. During his governance of Henan, nominating river works official, remediating river soldiers and workers, Tian had contributed a lot to the local river management. While wining the appreciation of central government, he also brought negative affect on local peasants. On the one hand, peasants were involved in the tired works of river defense, on the other hand, under the emphasizing agriculture policy, peasants of Henan knew little about other ways to earn their livings but agriculture, resulting in "equilibrium trap". Besides the flourish of commodity economy of Jiangnan area, it provides another view to rethink about the prosperity during Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong. Finally, the agriculture of Henan suffered arid springs and flooded autumns constantly, until the 20th century, with the decadence of regime and the rise of bandits, peasants of Henan unfortunately degenerated into "the barbarian of central China"

【关键词】 黄河河防水利豫东地区
【Key words】 Yellow Riverriver defenseirrigationEastern Henan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【下载频次】221

